Chapter 15

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Gia p.o.v

After they left i slowly started to walk, thinking how lucky they are to have each other . It's kind of difficult in this era to find someone who loves you genuinely for what you are. I'm somewhat happy and also jealous of them . Whenever I see that kind of couples i feel, will I ever have a chance to be happy like them with my partner? And this question always makes me sad because I'm sure that there will be very less chances for me to find a partner who loves me for what I am.

But with time I started to accept my reality.
Anyway now again I don't want to ruin my mood so I took a auto and went for shopping .

After 2 hours

I reached home just few minutes back and now I'm laying on my bed . Sometimes shopping makes so tired that u feel like u have done all the house chores.

After laying around sometime I was slowly drifting to sleep until a notification sound distrubed my sleep. When I checked it was a message from Aditi that " Nishanth is throwing her birthday party in pub because his colleagues wanted to meet her and demanded to throw a party in pub only"

I heaved a sigh and sent a reply "okay"
She is explaining this much because she knows that I hate pubs.

Anyway this her party and moreover her darling is hosting that party to introduce her so I don't have much problem .

Aditi called me now and again tried to explain everything and I clearly told her that I don't have a problem but she didn't believed me so I have to convince her that I'm really okay with this and it took more than half an hour to convince her . I think we changed our roles here because everytime she would be convincing me for parties .

Next day

I got ready in top and jeans👇

 I booked a cab and left for pub and we don't have to wait in line because Nishanth booked a table which is some kind of expensive

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I booked a cab and left for pub and we don't have to wait in line because Nishanth booked a table which is some kind of expensive.


reached to them and we all started to get to know each other as we are meeting Nishanth colleagues first time .

I first time tried something new in this like inserting a picture .
So what do you think guys?

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