Chapter 9

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Ohas pov

It's been three days, without seeing my baby girl and i even didn't kept a watch on her. I thought it will be dangerous if i keep a watch or meet her on the time of a mission.Yes a mission to clear that Mr.Yadav forever . Actually in other cases it wouldn't take three days but this bastard already estimated me coming after him so he hid well. But me being me didn't let him go that easily and i took over there weapons , so it took me some time. So today dumping my office work i am going to meet my baby girl but with what excuse should i meet her. Everytime if i made it coincidentally then she will also get doubt ufff 🤔 should i just express my feelings to her orrr should i think of any good excuse ......wait wait wait why in the hell should i give excuse uhh if i give excuses now then when will I express my love and when in the world will i make her fall for me aahh this process will definitely take soooo much time and here i can't live without seeing her for three days then how will I survive for that much time .Noo i am not going to take that long process i will go to direct process.Mm yeah that is good☺️

Yeah baby girl today i will just let out all my feelings soo be ready.With a broad smile i left to meet her.

I decided to go to her college as it is college time.I was passing the cafe where i met my girl for the first time when I saw her bike outside the cafe.I think she is inside so i parked my car there and After a minute i saw my bodyguards coming out of the cars ,i signalled them to be outside as i don't want her to know about me now only.When i am thinking all this i suddenly got a doubt whether atleast does she know me as a businessman or not ohh now I got another big doubt does she even know my name as far as i remember she always addressed me as sir only.

Thinking all this i entered the cafe and spotted her at the corner seat.She was looking at me with shocked face maybe she thought that we would not meet again , by looking at her directly i started to walk towards her.She is nervous i can say that by seeing her gulping continuous and trying to avoid eye contact.I reached her table and sat opposite to her and continued staring at her.I don't want to scare her but I can't stop staring at her,afterall i am meeting her after 3 days.

After a minute i opened my mouth to say
She looked at me and said "hii"

"Hm last time I forgot to introduce myself "and i forwarded my hand
" Ohas Ahuja and you can call me ohas"
She took my hand and said
"Gia Agarwal "

Then suddenly i heard...............

Hey guys
It's been so long right so sorry for that, though I have less viewers still i don't want to disappoint them .
Soo how is the chapter guys
Please do tell me.

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