Chapter 14

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Authors p.o.v

"Let's go out for lunch then ,my treat" yukti said .

Gia smiled at that and said "yes"

Listening that yukti gave a big smile and linked her hands with Gia and said " let's go" with that three got into the car and went into a lavish restaurant.

Gia was awstruck seeing the interiors of the restaurant and three went into a private area.

Gia and Yukti were sitting one side while Aryan was sitting opposite to Yukti .

All the time Yukti was happily talking with Gia and Gia was just answering her questions .Gia was amused by seeing her talking non stop.

Though Gia was awkward at first then slowly started enjoying her talk with Yukti was so involved in that she forgot the presence of Aryan whom she used to fear.

After their lunch both parted their ways though Yukti and Aryan insisted on dropping her, Gia said that she have work and went away .Then she went to another mall to buy gift for Aditi which was the first purpose of her visiting the mall.

On the other side Aryan was thinking how to say all this to Ohas as he will be very worried that Gia got involved in all this and moreover he didn't call him then only so he will surely get angry .After thinking a lot he came to an idea .

And that idea is to bribe his friend by giving him any information about Gia.

He then called his man who was following Gia as she rejected his offer of his ride he sent a man for her safety.

" I want her every movement and also conversations "

"Yes sir"

"And don't stop following her until I say so "

"Ok sir"

At night

Aryan was getting information about her every move and just now he got to know that tomorrow Gia is going to pub for her friend birthday party.

This is enough for him so he dismissed his man from following her.

He called Ohas and asked him to come to his house to discuss an important thing.

After 25 min Ohas came to his house and asked him "what is the matter"

"First relax"

"Okay now tell me"

" Today I met Gia "

Hearing that Ohas raised his eyebrows like asking him why

Seeing that he said " It was coincidence actually she met Yukti first "

"Yukti ,how?"

Then he slowly said everything to him

Ohas was just silent for sometime then he said"I didn't know she is that brave " saying that he smiled like he is proud of her.

Then he asked" Why didn't you call me then only I would've come there "

" At that time I thought it was not necessary"

" Not necessary?" This time Ohas really got angry.

"I mean you will definitely kill him there only if u come and I don't want her to see that side of you now only and moreover this time Gia was also involved I am damn sure that you will react without thinking so I didn't,now clear"

"But still you would have atleast informed me"

"Inform you?you? Are you sure that you will sit still without coming there?"

"Whatever you should have still informed me ,if I did the same in your case then would you be okay "

" Aa okay okay i understand,I know you will get angry so I prepared a bribe for you "

"And what is that?"

" Tomorrow Gia is going to pub"


"Yeah , now how is my bribe?"

" Good ,but next time you should definitely involve me if not I will surely kill you even if u give me a big bribe.okay? "

"Ha ha yes boss"Aryan said while laughing and seeing that Ohas also smiled

Both hugged each other and Ohas was leaving and said " anyway thanks for your bribe "

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