Chapter 8

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Authors p.o.v

And the boss is Aryan Rathod...

Aryan saw his men then his gaze landed on Gia who was trembling standing there.He can say from there only that she is shivering from fear.He walked towards her until he was standing two feet distance from her.Looking straight to her he asked his men

"What is happening here"

Then one of his men came forward and said

"sir that man bumped into her sir so we were asking her where is he"

Then Aryan looked at her intently and on the other side she was dying out of fear and moreover his cold gaze is adding more to her fear .After few minutes he asked her in a low voice

"Do you know that man?"

"Si..sir i really don't know him he...he suddenly came and bumped into me sir.... that's it, i really don't know who... he is and.... where he went sir.... please sir believe me "

Nodding to her he turned to his men and said
"Why the hell are you guys asking her instead of searching him uhh If u guys had went after him other than wasting ur time here then you guys would have found him and finsihed him also Bastards ,Now go what are you waiting for........Sighing he turned towards her and his men dispersed.

But when turned towards her she silently gasped because his eyes were red with anger and slowly she took back steps to run but even before she took the third stop he stopped her .

Seeing her taking back steps he understood that she is afraid of him and this is not the first time anyone fearing him, everyone fears him afterall he is a mafia.He briefly closed his eyes to calm his anger because he don't want to scare her more than already she is.

"Your name?"though his gaze softened somewhat still his voice was cold.

"Uhh" she looked at him confused. Why is he asking my name.Will he kill me also.Oh god but i didn't do anything.

"I asked for ur name"


"Hm what are you doing here at this time"

Listening she turned towards her bike and again to him "hmm my bike gave trouble"

He saw her bike then her.After few seconds
" Did you called your family?"

Bending her head she said
"I was going to call my dad but that person bumped into me and my phone broked"

Though she is answering all his questions like a obedient student she is still afraid of him.

He looked at her for some time, analysing her.Then he took out his phone from his blazer and forwarded it to her.

"Here take it and call ur family to pick u up"

Seeing his phone infront of her she slowly looked up at him.Nodding at him she took his phone and dialled to her father.After her two rings her father lifted her called.After talking to him she returned his phone saying a small thank you.

All this while he was looking at her.

Then he looked at his surroundings and found a bench under a tree.
Showing his hand towards the bench "Go and sit there until ur father comes to pick u up"She nodded but still she was hesitating to there.Seeing that he said
" Don't worry no one is there and moreover I will be here only until ur father comes so now go"

Saying a thank you she went away.

Seeing her taking her seat he went towards his car which he parked 15 feets from him and sat on the bonnet of the car.

Gia p.o.v

After sitting i looked straight to see him missing from there so i looked around and found sitting on bonnet of his car and he is looking at me only so i nervously turned my head and started looking around.Still i can feel his gaze on me.Suddenly my mind wondered about that man .Did they caught him? I just wish he escaped from them.That man looks innocent then why the hell are these men after him.I looked at him to see him doing something with his phone.What profession does he do, that he is killing innocent men.Morever he doesn't look like a gangster but i must say his eyes hold coldness in them.But his dressing sense looks like a business man.Does businessman also kill people?hmm but i don't think they will come and openly kill them like this.As per my knowledge from reading novels they don't do like that instead they will send men ..........Anyway why the hell i am concerned with what he does . I just hope that man is safe.How can they kill someone that easily and by seeing him i don't think he have a tiny bit of remorse also.How cruel!!Does his family know what he is doing out here.Now when I think all about this i just want to run away from here.What if his mood suddenly changes and he thinks it's best to kill me.ughh why i am that unfortunate to meet this criminal and to see all this.

When I was busy thinking all this i didn't noticed my dad coming. Seeing my dad's car i instantly got up and ran towards the car.My dad got down and came towards me and i immediately hugged my dad. I don't know why but i suddenly doesn't want to leave my dad and want to be in his arms only.After sometime my dad asked me what happened and I told my dad that my bike gave trouble .He said ok and told that he will take care of the bike tomorrow and started walking towards car with me. I turned towards him whether to see he is still there or not and OMG he was directly looking at me only so I immediately turned front and sat in the car.My dad started the car and we left from there and i didn't dare to look at him again.I prayed to God that this must be our first and last meeting.

Hey guys

How is the chapter?And your guess about the boss was correct or wrong?Do tell me☺️


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