Chapter 7

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Ohas p.o.v

I am currently doing my paperwork of underworld business.I always feel like that i don't give my time to this business.Nowdays i visit this office only once a week as my company only take my most of the time.Though i am in underworld i don't do all bad things especially human trafficking or drugs. I always protest them.But recently I got information that some of the gangsters are using my name to transport drugs so now I am currently chasing them .All my men are busy in eliminating that bastards.

After some minutes I got a call from my right hand man.



"Hm what is it"

"Sir I think someone is trying to distract us by using ur name in drug dealings sir "


"Sir today while i was chasing one of them i passed a building where i saw Mr.Yadav entering that building sir, so i got doubt and entered the building to hear that they are planning import a huge load of Guns from Australia sir."

"Hmm i got it and kill that bastard whom u were chasing and come over"

"Okay sir"

I fisted my hands and banged the desk making all objects to shatter.How dare he!!! So now he became oversmart and trying to cross me huhh.But i think he forget with whom he is dealing with , this time i should show him what a sin he committed and i will make sure that he will never forget his lesson. Gritting my teeth i pushed all the remaining things from the desk.

Gia p.o.v

As he said his PA handovered my bike to me.Though i don't know his boss much i think he is a good person otherwise who will help a stranger in this times.I only wish to not meet him again bcoz i don't know why I feel different kinds of feelings with him so it's better to not meet him.

Next day

What the hell!!why it gave up on me now!!urgh.... What should I do now.I shouldn't have attended the birthday party.....(sigh)but she is my school bestie I can't say no also. She is the only one after Aditi who i consider as bestiee.I should have taken up the offer of uncle to drop me now see where i am! In the middle of the road where no single human being is visible.I don't why my bike has to trouble me now ughhhh!!!
I should call my dad now.

Authors p.o.v

Gia took her phone to call her dad then suddenly someone bumped into her with force which made her to drop her phone. she immediately bend to take her phone while cursing silently. When she saw the state of the phone she quickly turned back to scold that person because her was damaged but she saw him running like his life was on fire.Cursing him loudly she turned to front and saw few men standing infront of her.When she first saw them she was startled but then she was terrified because some men were holding guns and other were holding daggers.She stood there stunned and her fear got more by watching them to see her with cold eyes.She taught to escape so she silently and carefully was taking a step back when one of the man yelled at her about something.She was shocked.

"Hey girl, where is the man who bumped into you"

"Uhh"After a second she came to her senses and said while trembling

"I ....I do..n't know"

"See girl tell us the truth otherwise u will be also running like him"

Listening him she shivered with fear more"I..I really don't know"

"See girl i am asking last time because I don't want to kill u also so tell me the truth where did he go"

Taking a cautions step backward she said
" Please a..s i said i don't know pleasee believe me "

"Youuu"yelling he was going to take a step forward when a new voice came

" What is the hell is going on here"

She shivered hearing that voice and every men turned back to see their boss.

And the boss is ...........

Hello guys
How are u all

Umm in any case do u know who that boss is?

If yes please share ur answers in comments and u guys can guess also. Maybe ur answer can be correct .Who knows!😀

Bye 👋

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