Chapter 12

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Gia pov

Suddenly she looked like she realised something and looked at me like she wants to ask something

"Can you do me a favour please?"

"Yeah sure tell me what do you want me to do"

"Nothing much you just have to call someone and inform all this ,can you do that"

"Yeah I'll , just give me a number " saying that I was getting my phone

"Hey hey he is looking at us only so just act like you are talking with me about this tie and do you have bluetooth with you ,with that he will not get that you are talking in phone "

"Hm but if I talk alone then he will definitely understand that I'm talking in phone only right! ..,.....ok let's do this you go and purchase this until then I will get my phone connected with bluetooth and when you come back we two go the food court and act like we are talking with each other but in real I will be talking with that person...okay!¡! In that way he will not get doubt also"I am looking at her with hope that she will say yes to do this plan.

After a second she said okay, so as per plan she went to pay the bill and here I'm connecting my phone.

At Food court

Now I'm calling that person , in front she is acting but I can see that she is scared and moreover her hands are slightly shaking too,infact my situation is also same here.Why in the hell that person is not picking up the phone..omg it is becoming difficult to act when he is looking at us like owl


Omg ...omg..lastly they lifted the call.."hello .....hello"

"Hello who is this"

"Hello sir I'm calling you for help she told me to "wait

Shut i didn't even know her name

" Sir just a minute and please don't cut the call "

" Hey what is your name?I have to say to him right "


Oh ok"hello sir actually yukti told me to call you"

"What!! Yukti...Who are you ,How the hell do you know her"

What the hell why is he shouting at me.

Seeing my reactions yukti is getting more scared, so I just hold her hand and signalled as not to worry.

"Hello sir please first listen to me I'm now with yukti only actually someone is following her with a gun so I helping he.,..

"What !! Where is she ,Is she safe?Who is following her?Where are you guys ?No first Send me the location I will be there soon and give the phone to her I want to talk to her"

"Sir she is safe for now and sir she can't talk now .....

"Why can't she, just give the phone to her"

"Sir....sir can you please first listen to me..please as I said she is safe for now and I can't give her the phone because that man is looking at us like owl and now if I act according to you he will get suspicious and moreover we are acting like we are talking to each other so that he can't get doubt on us so I will just send the location you just come fast here"

"Okay send now only I'll get there soon...and wait don't cut the call just be in line"

"Okay sir "

"Don't leave her for a second also okay, otherwise It will be not good for you"

"Sir.... How can you threaten me like that "

"Sorry .. I'm really sorry it's just that I don't want her to get hurt so..

"Hm whatever.. just come fast sir"

How can he talk to me like that just because I was talking to him respectively doesn't mean he can talk however he want, right!! Sh now I really don't want to see his face also .The second he will come I'll just leave otherwise I'll just get more upset by seeing him.

While I was thinking all this yukti was shaking my hands

" Hey what did he say"

"He said he'll be here soon and he is on line only"

"Oh okay and thank you so much for doing all this for me"

"It's okay , first let just focus on getting out of here"
Suddenly a man came running to us and hugged yukti and behind him there were so many men .

When I looked for that Stalker he was held by three men at the door ,Wow that was pretty fast . Every one here are just going out seeing all the commotion .I didn't even saw how he got caught all this commotion happened within a blink of eye.uff

Now I should just go and sleep .This all really scared me , I was scared every second that he will kill us.I don't why but from somedays my life is becoming adventures.I don't know whether I should be happy or sad for experiencing all this in my boring life.

How are u all?
Hoping you are all doing good😇

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