Chapter 1

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Ohas Ahuja p.o.v

Damn this meetings!!!

Being a Mafia king is not easy.We have to always be on alert and mainly we should not trust anyone easily.

Now my head is aching like it will burst any time because of all this thinking and hectic schedule.

I terribly need a break.But being a Mafia king it is not good to take a break from all this otherwise my rivals will get a chance to destroy me.

But it will not hurt to take a small coffee break away from all this.Yeah,it is a good idea.

Then I stand and fix my coat and leave my cabin.Entering elevator I call my driver cum bodyguard to be ready at gate.

When elevator door opens i step out of it and my employees greet me and me being me I just gave a nod.Then I enter my car and tell my destination to my driver.

I lean my head on my seat and take a small nap.After 10 min the car came to a halt.

I open my eyes and look out of the window to see a small and simple cafe.I came out of my car and go to entrance then when I am about to push the door ,the door opened itself.I think someone from other side opened it.When I look who it is my eyes got struck to her and I stood rooted to my place.But in all this I hear my heart beats loudly and is beating very fastly.

I keep looking at her for don't know how long.I came to my senses when I hear a soft voice calling me.I shake my head to come into my senses then I look back at her to see her looking at me confusingly.Again I hear her voice calling me "sir" I keep looking at her.This time she called me little loudly"sir" and I look at her raising my eyebrows.Then she said "can you move?"

Then I realised that I am standing in her way so I moved aside and she passes me and I turned around and watched her taking her scooter and moving away.I still keep looking her untill she disappears from my sight.

I enter the cafe and take a seat and order a black coffee.When I'm waiting for my coffee my thoughts drift to her.Now when I am thinking about her I realised that I noticed everything about her.Her eyes,her lips,her eyebrows,her small cute nose,her face and her expression when she was looking at me, I noticed every damn thing about her.Though her skin color is slightly I mean very slightly dark she looked damn cute.

I don't know why but I feel like my heart is saying she is the one for me.I don't know whether my heart is saying that or I'm assuming things.But to be honest it is the first time my heart reacting like this to a girl.But damn she didn't even looked into my eyes more than 2 minutes .Then me, all time was staring at her like she is a precious gem to which I have to protect.

Ahhh!!! all this thoughts are confusing me why my heart is telling continuously that she is the one and why it is craving to see her all the time.

For god's sake I don't even know her.But here I am feeling all this kind of feelings.If I think in other way this is the first time my heart is responding to a girl.Maybe........maybe she is the one for me.I think my heart is right.she is the one for me.
She is mine.

When I said that she is mine my lips are curving into a smile.She is my girl.When I  decided that she is mine my heart felt at peace.From the moment I saw her my heart was restless now I feel peace.I think she is the missing piece of my heart.

But the major problem is I don't know anything about her.So now my first priority is to know her and then find her and make her mine.

Suddenly waiter come and place my coffee and leaves.Now when I look at coffee i chuckle.Just within time of 4 or 5 minutes I decided that she is mine and only mine.
What a life!!!!!

So guys here is the first chapter so do tell me,how is it?

Did I do well in expressing their feelings if not please feel free to tell me.I am waiting for your comments though.

Thank you 🙂

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