Ken- The Call

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I was alone in my dorm the next Monday. It had been a week since the meeting with the principal and Chrysler was in a healthy enough condition to talk according to what Amelia had reported.

I dialed his number while looking out the window. It took a while, but someone finally spoke.

“Hello?” he asked “Kenny, why’d you call?”

“You asked me to, Chairman. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about last week?”

“Oh…that. Give me a moment.”

A muffled voice came in saying ‘please leave the room everyone, sorry for the inconvenience. I have an important call’

The sound of a few pairs of shuffling feet, the closing of a door and he returned to the call

“Kenny. As much as I don’t want to, but I think its time.” His words sliced me like a blunt sword, rough on the flesh, causing more pain than a sharp one would. “If she remains the way she is, The Just will be at an advantage. We need as many First Ones as we can muster up. We have to be strong, and apparently, she is the strongest, isn’t she?”

“Apparently, yes. But it’ll take time for her to wake up completely” I whispered “and she seems happier in this sleep”

“Kenny.” He sighed “It hurts me too, but it is for the greater good. And besides, that’ll indirectly help you too, what with your engagement coming near”

“It’s planned in February. It’s only the Fifth of October today.” I replied, feeling a bit shy.

“Of course, but she needs to be proposed to right? You can’t get engaged without a proposal, even though it was decided a long time ago” he said, a bit mischievous.

“Chairman, this is off topic” I reminded him “but are you sure? He isn’t aware of it either”

“Trust me” the chairman took a deep breath “it’s best if he remains unaware.”

“All right” I replied “This Halloween. I promise.”

“Good” he said, a little heart broken “She will remember, right?”

I smiled “She can never forget”

“Good. Well, you carry on with the Masquerade ball coming near. Speaking of which, do you need help with your costume?”

 “No thanks. I have one.” I understood his intentions, but I didn’t want to share my idea.

“And what about Sarah’s?” I asked, a little curious

“I can’t tell you.” He laughed gingerly “She’s excited about this one”

I laughed “Ok.”

“Be prepared, Kenny. I might just make a guest appearance” I heard a wink in his voice.

“I’m looking forward to it, Chairman” I smiled

“Of course, my boy. See you then.”

“Bye” I replied and cut the call. There was a knock on my door.

“Come in!” I called.

Dina and James entered.

“Master Kenny.” James said “You are being called to watch over the preparations for this Sunday’s Masquerade ball”

“Oh, and I’m just here to prepare your morning meal, darling” Dina entered “Leave it to me”

“Thank you, Dina” I said to her. I would be lost if she didn’t cook for me every day “Let’s go, James”

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