A strange memory dawned on me as he began the song. As my energy drained, I was taken back to the dream of when I was a child.
The very same dream I had in the car while escaping from Christ Orphanage, just after I had found out that Kenny and Luke were Sirens.
I remember wishing Luke didn’t kill Kenny later on, and slipped into the dream.
My strength was being sucked out of me. The song, especially in his voice, hypnotized me. It made me feel light-headed…out of myself.
Was that what death felt like? Or did it only feel so when the Death song was sung?
I realized that another reason for being so up high was mostly so nobody else heard the song.
My conscience slipped away. I felt heavy and yet empty.
The last thing I heard was Kenny’s voice, telling me:
“Come back to me, my nightingale”
And the last thing I felt were his lips on my eyelids, as he completed the song and everything was black.
A bright light, the same dream, with the holes filled in. Memories of my real parents were returning to me. Dad’s name was Nova, and mom’s Vanessa. Our last name wasn’t Nightingale…it was something with an ‘A’.
Somehow, Kenny too was there after I cried to my father. He kissed my cheek and told me we would meet again.
Wait, no. That wasn't me...
My mother's name was something with a 'G'. As for a father; I didn't have one.
So, who's parents were Venessa and Nova?
And who was that girl that Kenny was with...? That wasn't me.
Somewhere, in the distance, I heard a new song. I heard Kenny’s voice.
He continued the song.
I felt a hand on my back, and memories of my life flooded in. Our family had been used by the Sirens. The other girl...she was Sharon Andrews, and I— we were...
Everything was fogged up, but it was getting sorted.
When I opened my eyes, Kenny spoke again
“Do you recall everything now?”
I nodded, finding the world clearer than I had ever before.
I remembered it all. My mother’s words were making sense in my head, and there was only one reason behind it.
“The process isn’t complete though” I reminded him “I’m still Sarah”
Kenny let go, confused, and took a few steps away from me “That’s…not possible”
I scowled “You cheated us, and my mother isn’t going to forgive the Sirens!”
“Geothe can’t harm me” he scoffed.
“Don’t be too arrogant, Ken Glesson” I warned “I remember everything now!”
He gritted his teeth “Leave Sharon’s body, Sarah!”
“No!” I narrowed my eyes into slits.
“It isn’t hard for Sharon take over” Kenny folded his arms “I just have to kill you; a second time.”
That was when I spotted a boy, on the roof, just above the beam on which we stood. His tussled hair thrashed in the wind, and the nozzle of his long gun, Vorare, was aimed at Kenny’s back.
The Switch
Romance(2012-14) (Pre-2018) Black is Black, and White is White, Just like how Kenny is Kenny and Luke is Luke. but, they are both Grey. And, somewhere between all this, lies a Nightingale. _________________________________________________ This book contain...