Chapter 4

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Vellore, 2003

Ratneshwari and Shivan reached Shivan's home in Vellore along with Shivan's family. It was a big house. The house was well decorated.

Ratneshwari's mind was flooded with thoughts. She thought, "So this is Shivan's house. From today, it's my house too." She smiled at Shivan. He smiled back at her.

They got down from the car. Ratneshwari received a warm welcome. Everyone was happy to see her.

Isn't the arrival of the Goddess considered auspicious? In that case, who would not be delighted to see the Goddess at the door of his house? She is given a warm welcome. She is worshipped during her stay. Do people forget her, after her departure? Certainly not. She resides in the hearts of all the pure beings.

Ratneshwari was sitting on the sofa. A little girl came to her. She was about 5 years old. Ratneshwari said to her, "Hey little one! What's your name?" She said, "My name is Amrutha. My mother told me that you are my new 'Aunty'. " Her cute gestures amused Ratneshwari. She smiled at her and said, "Yes Amrutha darling, I'm your new aunty. " Ratneshwari saw a woman in her early thirties, coming towards her.

"Ratneshwari, you are looking very beautiful. By the way, I am Samyukta. Shivan is my cousin. Was Amrutha bothering you?"

"No not at all, Akka. She is very cute. She was talking to me."

Samyukta said to her daughter, "Come Amrutha, it's time to sleep." Amrutha refused to listen to her mother. She let out a loud cry, "No, I will not listen to you. I will not come with you. I will sleep with my new aunty." Her mother said, " Amrutha, don't be stubborn. Come with me." Amrutha started crying. Ratneshwari tried to calm her. She said, "Your mother is such a nice lady. Why don't you sleep with her? If you don't sleep with her, I will sleep with her. I won't let you sleep with her. So be a good girl and sleep with your mother. I have to meet some guests. After that, I will come to sleep with you." Amrutha was convinced. She ran to sleep in her mother's room. Her concerned mother shouted, "Amruthaaaaaaa, go slowly. Don't run?" But do these little children listen to their parents? They don't listen to anyone. Handling them is as hard as handling a herd of elephants.

Samyukta sat down beside Ratneshwari. She was grinning. She started whispering to her.

"You are too excited for your first night, aren't you? You don't want to wait, do you?"

"No Akka, actually...... " (She said smiling)

"You can't lie to me. I know everything."

"No Akka, I'm not lying." ( She said again with a smile)

"Okay answer my question. Be honest. My cousin is very handsome. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are right."

"This statement of yours explains why you are so excited for your first night with him."

Ratneshwari's face turned red with shyness. Samyukta started laughing.

Shivan's mother interrupted them. She said, "Samyukta, what are you doing here? Take her to Shivan's room. And Ratneshwari, go with her to your room. Take some rest." After saying this, she left. Samyukta whispered to Ratneshwari, "Yes, aunty is right. Take some rest till my cousin enters the room. Because after that you won't be able to take any rest." Ratneshwari could only blush.

Samyukta took Ratneshwari to Shivan's room. It was decorated beautifully for her, as if it were a tree which spread out its branches to welcome the spring after a winter full of dryness.

She sat at the edge of the bed. Samyukta grinned at her and left. She closed the door behind her.

Ratneshwari was very excited. Her eyes didn't betray her emotions. She heard a knock on the door. It was Shivan. He entered the room. She became pale on seeing him. She didn't know what to do. He sat at the other edge of the bed. After a minute of awkward silence, Shivan said, "Hi! " Ratneshwari said, "Hello! " They didn't say anything for a while. Shivan heard a faint sound. He was confused. The sound came from Ratneshwari's stomach. She said, "Actually, I am hungry. I haven't eaten anything. " Shivan didn't say anything. He went out of the room and came back a little later. He had a plate full of food in his hands. He gave it to Ratneshwari and said, "Eat this." She smiled broadly and said, "Thank you! " She started eating the food. It was very delicious.

Shivan said, "Ratna, you finish eating this. I am feeling sleepy. It's already too late. We will have to wake up early tomorrow. I am going to sleep." Then, he dozed off. It seemed that he was very tired.

Ratneshwari said to herself, "He is so sweet. " She finished eating and proceeded to sleep. Both of them shared the same bed. It was a strange feeling for her. She was staring at Shivan. She couldn't understand why she wasn't able to stop thinking about him. A thought struck her mind, "Am I foolish? Why am I feeling guilty? He is my husband. It is okay to think about him for the whole day." She was also very tired. She fell asleep.

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