Chapter 7

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It was the day of Ratneshwari and Shivan's wedding reception.

Shivan's family booked a hall. The hall was decorated beautifully. Many guests arrived at the venue.

Ratneshwari was wearing a violet sari. She adorned herself with gold ornaments and flowers. The smile on her cherry-red lips were determined to add sweetness to the lives of everyone who was present there.

A fragrant flower spreads its fragrance wherever it goes, doesn't it?

Ratneshwari was greeting the guests when she saw her parents and her brother. She was overjoyed. Her parents hugged her. Her father asked her with teary eyes, "How are you?" Ratneshwari said, "I am fine, Appa." Her mother was not a mother who didn't miss her child. But she did not shed tears on that day. She felt that her daughter had grown up and was now someone's wife. She was an independent woman with her own thoughts. She was no longer the young child who needed her mother in every step.

The painter painted a beautiful picture. It was the picture of a huge mountain touching the endless sky. He stood back and admired his work. If you don't appreciate your own work, how can you expect others to do the same? The people came and said to him, "Show us your painting and tell us something about it." The painter showed his painting to them and said, "I spoke to my canvas using my brush and taught him several things. I believe that I am a good teacher. Excuse me, and let the canvas speak."

Ratneshwari's mother hugged her. She said, "How is your new Amma?" Ratneshwari said, "She is very pretty and lovable. She loves me a lot just like you." Her mother smiled satisfactorily.

Then, her parents went to meet her mother-in-law. Krishna approached her. He said, "Without you, the house feels like an empty well. It is lifeless. You cannot talk to anyone. The only voice you can hear is your own." Ratneshwari could not reply but stare at him with tears in her eyes. Krishna said to her, "Are you happy?" With a lot of effort, Ratneshwari controlled her tears and said," I am happy. But I miss you a lot Anna." They hugged each other. Krishna placed his hand on her head and blessed her before leaving her.

A man who was once a gardener saw a flower 🌹 being used to decorate 🎀 a rich man's house. He felt that he was somehow connected to the flower. The flower seemed to be a stranger. But still, he walked up to the flower. He immediately recognised it. How can he not recognize the flower which he grew with great care? He said, "How are you dear flower?" The flower said, "I grew in your garden. You nurtured me while God was busy writing about my future in this rich man's palace. What am I doing now? Spreading fragrance and telling the world about you."

Shivan was also present there. He was witnessing everything. He decided to look at Ratneshwari only to find her staring at him lovingly. He wore a white shirt and a black suit. He didn't feel that he was wearing something very special. So, he couldn't understand why Ratneshwari was staring at him. She was so lovely. She looked at him with love. He thought,"Why is she staring at me like this? Am I looking too handsome? She is a good girl. She has a good heart. She is also very lovely. What is happening to me? Leave it Shivan! Don't think about it so much! Just relax!"

The reception was over. Everything went smoothly.

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