Chapter 12

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Ratneshwari was very excited. Everything was new. Several thoughts were running in her mind.

" Why is he behaving so strangely? Why is he not talking to me normally? Why does it look like as if he wants to run away from me?

Perhaps he is shy. He is not accustomed to living with a woman and sharing a bed with her. That might be the reason.

Oh!!!! We haven't consummated our marriage yet! I had expected him to do so on our first night itself. I guess he needs some time to feel comfortable with me.

But still, why doesn't he talk to me normally? Okay! Leave it! Just leave it Ratneshwari!

Anyways, I like the way he calls me. 'Ratna' - that's a beautiful name. "

She looked outside the window and saw a couple in their neighbourhood.

"I guess they are newly married. Just like us! They look cute."

Shivan entered the room. He saw Ratneshwari and "Oh sorry! I didn't know that you were here." Ratneshwari said, "It's okay Shiv. It's your room too. I am your wife, not a stranger. You need not be sorry. By the way, do you need anything?"

Shivan grabbed the phone charger and said, "I just came here for this." Saying this he left.

(At night)

Ratneshwari started to prepare the dinner. She didn't know about the likes and dislikes of Shivan. However, she decided not to ask him and cook something which she liked.

She cooked with utmost care. She waited patiently for the water to boil and for the onions to get fried. She took time to cook everything.

Look at that beautiful maiden! Look at the way she is decorating the temple! She cleans the floor and makes it shine like a mirror. The Lord accepts all flowers. Then what is the reason behind choosing the most fragrant flowers? It is not known to me. You may ask her. She walks to the garden barefooted. Her feet have a joyous reunion with the mud from which it was made. She walks in the garden. She moves here and there, looking just like another flower. She chooses the most fragrant flowers. She brings them and makes beautiful garlands with love while singing hyms in praise of her Lord. Tell me, if this is not devotion, then what is?

The food was ready. She went upstairs. Shivan was looking at some case files and taking important notes. She thought, "Will he get angry if I disturb him?" She called him nervously, "Shiv".

Sivan looked up and saw his wife. The way he was looking at her, made her nervous. He was looking at her blankly. After a few moments, Shivan decided to break the awkward silence.

" What happened? You were saying something, right? "


"Are you sure?"

"Oh yes... I mean..... The food is ready. Come and have it."

"Ok. I am coming."

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