Chapter 11

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Chennai, 2003

Shivan and Ratneshwari came to Chennai.

Ratneshwari was overwhelmed to see her husband's beautiful house. The house was not a very large mansion. But it was beautiful.

Who said that happiness can be found only in palaces?

She stepped out of the car and started looking around. She was very excited about her new house. 'The house', where she would create a beautiful world with her husband.

On the other hand, Shivan was very tensed. He was not happy. He thought, "She is looking so happy. How can I tell her that she cannot be loved by me? How can I tell her that I want to part ways with her? Her beautiful eyes speak of her innocence. How can I break her heart? Oh God! Why did you do this to me? Why did you put me in such a situation?"

"Shiv! Shiv! Shiv? What are you thinking?", a voice brought him back to consciousness. He realised that he had been standing like a statue for a while.

" Nothing.... There's nothing... Come, let's go inside."

Shivan took the keys and opened the door. Ratneshwari stepped inside. She liked the house. She started to explore the house. Shivan started calling her, "Ratnaaa Ratnaaa" She went back to him.

"Our room is upstairs. I will keep your things there."

"Let me help you."


After freshening up, Ratneshwari went to the kitchen. At first, she could find neither a match box nor a lighter. After sometime, she managed to find a match box. Then, she could not find rice. She started calling Shivan.

Shivan came to the kitchen.

"What happened? What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"I was about to cook something for both of us."

"It's okay. You can take rest for sometime. You can cook later."

"No no no. Let me cook now. I am quite hungry and I know that you are hungry too. Just tell me where the things are kept. I can't find anything."

"The rice is in that container. There are some sacks of rice in the store room. You will find flour and other things in that cupboard. If you need anything, you can tell me."


Shivan helped Ratneshwari to open a few containers. When she started preparing food, he left the kitchen.

Ratneshwari was quite fond of cooking. She was humming a tune while cooking. She thought, "He is so cute. I will cook something very delicious for him. He will definitely like it."

Shivan was sitting on a chair in his room. His phone started ringing. He picked the phone. It was Sheetal who called.


"Hello, where are you now?"

"I have returned to Chennai. I am at home now."

"When will you tell her everything? "

"I don't know."

"Shivan, I know it is difficult for you. But you have to do this. You have to tell her everything. You have to tell her about our relationship."

"I should not have married her."

Shivan heard some approaching footsteps. He said to Sheetal, "Okay, I will call you back later" and ended the phone call.

Ratneshwari entered the bedroom and said, "Food is ready. Come and eat." Shivan nodded his head. He walked with her to the dining table.

He took his seat. Ratneshwari sat on a chair beside him. She served him food. He started eating. Ratneshwari kept speaking to him throughout the time. He kept listening to her quietly and occasionally nodded his head and spoke a word or two.

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