Chapter 6

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Shivan woke up. He looked around but couldn't find anyone. He thought, "Where is she? I guess she is with Amma. She looks so happy. I think she likes me."

He went to the bathroom to take a bath. He had a habit of bathing with cold water. He never used hot water. He filled the mug and poured water on his head. The water cooled his head. He liked the coldness. He poured water all over his body. Then he started to rub soap on his body.

He started to think something. He liked to think while bathing. There were many instances when he found the solutions to his problems while bathing.

He finished bathing and came out of the bathroom. He wiped his body using a towel and dressed himself. He wore a lungi and a blue check shirt. He had a liking for check shirts.

He heard someone's approaching steps. It was an unfamiliar sound. He concluded that it was Ratneshwari.

Ratneshwari was walking towards their bedroom. She went inside and saw Shivan. She said, "Shiv!"

Shivan looked at her. She was pretty. She was wearing the thaali he had tied. She had applied Sindoor on her partition. She was his wife and he was her husband.

He said, "Yes, what happened?" Ratneshwari said, " Food is ready. Amma is calling you. Come fast. I have cooked lemon rice."

Ratneshwari could smell Shivan's perfume. It was a nice smell. She liked it. She stared at him. She really loved his eyes. She wanted to stand close to him and stare at him like there was no tomorrow.

Shivan thought, "Why is she standing like a statue? Perhaps she is waiting for me." He said to Ratneshwari, "Ratna, let's go."
Ratneshwari didn't realize that she was staring at him while standing like a statue.

She walked with Shivan to the dining hall. They saw Shivan's aunt. Her name was Hemlatha. She saw Ratneshwari.
Ratneshwari went to her and took her blessings. They started to talk.

"You look so pretty, dear. Adhini, you have got a nice daughter-in-law. I couldn't come to your wedding. So, I came to see you today. I brought this pair of earrings for you."

"That's so nice of you, Attai."

They sat down to eat. Ratneshwari served Lemon rice to everyone.

Her mother-in-law said, " It is very tasty, isn't it?"

Hemlatha said, "Yes, it is very tasty. What happened Shivan? Why are you not saying anything? Didn't you like the dish prepared by your wife?"

Shivan smiled faintly. He said, "It's good." He made an eye contact with Ratneshwari. It gave him an akward feeling. The food was tasty. He continued to eat it silently while the women chatted .

Ratneshwari had always been an extrovert. She liked to talk to people. Her mother-in-law and her aunt-in-law liked her.

After finishing the food, Hemlatha left for the hospital. Her sister accompanied her.

Ratneshwari went to Shivan. He noticed her.

"Ratna, do you want something?"

"I want to ask you something."

"Yes, ask."

"Shiv, didn't you like the lemon rice? Why didn't you say anything? You were so quiet. Don't you like my cooking? You can tell me. I will try to make a better dish next time."

"There's nothing like that, Ratna. I liked the dish. You cook well."

"Then it's okay...... Your perfume is nice. It seems that you have a nice perfume collection. You smelled awesome on our wedding day."

"Thanks. I have a habit of using perfumes and deodorants."

Shivan's phone rang. He went inside his room to pick it up. He started to talk on the phone.

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