Chapter 37

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Chennai, 2022

Shivan was sitting in the drawing room with a mug of hot coffee in his hand. In front of him, was Prakash. They were conversing with each other.

"So, you are leaving tomorrow."


"Coimbatore! Ratneshwari lives there, doesn't she?"


"I did not understand one thing. You said that, you loved her. Then why didn't you bring her back."

"Ravana, the one who defeated the king of Gods, Indra wanted to build a stairway to heaven. Was he successful?"

"Did you also procrastinate like him?"

"I am not talking about procrastination, my friend. I am taking about fate. He was such a powerful king but still, fate did not allow him to fulfil his dream. Similarly, it is fate which has shattered all my dreams. I could not bring her back. It is all because of my fate."

"Why did you not share your problems with me? You did not tell me anything about your marriage and this disaster happened. You also did not tell me anything about Sheetal's lie and had to lose Ratneshwari. Even after that, when you got a chance to mend your mistakes, you did not tell me anything. I am not God but atleast I could have supported you and tried to help you."

"I don't know myself why I did that. I could not understand anything."


"I tried everything, Prakash. I did everything that was possible. She appeared before me like a firefly and then, disappeared into the darkness. I searched for her in Coimbatore but I could not find her. Then, I came to Madurai because I had to join my duty. I went to her parents' house. I asked the neighbours about her. Nobody had seen her after our divorce. Someone told me the name of the school and college where she had studied. I met the teachers who had taught her. They did not know about her. I even met the professors who had taught her in the college. Even they did not know about her. I thought that, she might have some friends who knew where she was. But......her teachers told me that...... she never had any friend."

"Perhaps, that's why she was so attached to you. She never had any friend. She wanted you to fill the void in her life."

"I searched for her in social media but still, I could not find her. I did everything that was possible. It was my fate. My fate was not loyal to me."

"Perhaps you could not search properly. Have you thought about that?"

"There is more. I had given up hope. I became busy with my life. I was transferred to Chennai after four years. A few months ago, I suddenly remembered the lawyer."

"Which lawyer?"

"The lawyer who had come to give the property papers to Ratna. He was her father's friend. I took a leave from work and went to Madurai and searched for him. He was a well known lawyer. I went to his house to meet him but...."

"But what???"

"He had died due to Covid."

"But your father-in-law was his friend. Did you ask his wife and children about Ratneshwari?"

"Oh, wait...."

"You did not ask them."

"I realised it just now. You see...."

Prakash sighed. He kept the empty cup on the table and looked at Shivan. He said,"What are you going to do now?" Shivan said to him,"After going to Coimbatore, I will search for her again." Prakash got up from his place. He placed his hand on Shivan's shoulder and said,"I need to go now. And yes, use your mobile phone and inform me about everything." Shivan nodded his head. They hugged each other and then, Prakash left the house.

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