Chapter 39

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Ratneshwari was sitting on a chair in her bedroom. Shivan opened the door. He noticed her sitting quietly in a corner. He went to her and caressed her head. She said to him,"I have always been a nuisance in your life. At first, I came to your life when you did not want me. Years later, when I entered your life again, I brought a disease with me." Shivan hugged her and said,"No Ratna! There is nothing like that. You are not a nuisance in my life. You are a gem, my most precious treasure." Ratneshwari started to cry. Shivan kissed her forehead and said,"You are not a burden for me. You are my love, my life and my breath. Promise me that you will never speak of such things in the future." Shivan saw a painful smile on her face. She said,"Shiv, don't you realise that I have no future. The doctor said that the chances of complete recovery are very less. It is the beginning of the end."

Shivan cupped her face and said,"Don't say this, Ratna. There are many people who have defeated cancer. You will also defeat it. We will live together happily."

Ratneshwari's treatment had started. It was a difficult time for both Shivan and her. Ratneshwari had already given up hope. She felt that, she was not going to live.

One day, Ratneshwari said to him,"Shiv, let us visit the temple." Shivan looked at her and said,"Temple? Are you not feeling weak?" Ratneshwari said,"People say that God can solve all our problems. Let's visit the temple. I am sure that God will help us." Shivan did not want to say 'no' to her. He decided to take her to the temple.

Shivan was driving the car when Ratneshwari started behaving strangely. She was becoming restless. Shivan stopped the car and said to her,"What happened, Ratna? We are going to the temple. We will reach there soon. Don't cry. Wait for just a few minutes. We will go there and pray to God for your recovery." Ratneshwari did not stop crying. She said,"I do not feel good. I feel like vomiting but I am not able to vomit. I wanted to visit the temple but now, I just want to go home." Shivan kissed her head and said,"It's okay, Ratna. We will go home."

The next day, Ratneshwari was admitted to the hospital. Ratneshwari required repeated blood transfusion. She had B+ blood. Shivan requested his friends and family members to donate blood. With their help, he found some donors.

(3 months later)

Shivan was talking to Prakash on the phone.

"What did the doctor say?"

"Treatment is going on. Some improvement is seen but the doctors are not sure about it."

"Okay, then. Always remember one thing! You have to be strong for Ratneshwari. If you become weak, then Ratneshwari will also give up. Trust me, it becomes very difficult to save a patient if he has no will to live."

"You are right. And Prakash...."

"Yes, I am listening."

"I need some money. Can you lend me ₹50,000? I will return the money when I get my salary next month."

"I don't need your promises, brother. I will lend you the money. I will transfer the amount to your account. Send me your account number."

"Thanks a lot, Prakash. These treatments are very expensive. Almost entire amount of my salary goes on the treatment. I need some money to run the house also. I was managing somehow with my savings. But the savings are going to end. I don't want my wife to die because I could not afford her treatment."

"I will lend you ₹ 50,000 for now. But what are you going to do after that?"

"I have sold my plot in Vellore and some other plots in the village. I will transfer the property to the buyers' names next week and receive the full amount."

"Wasn't that your ancestral property?"

"What will I do with my ancestral property if I do not have anyone to whom I can pass it? I know that several emotions are related to that house. I grew up there. My grandfather worked hard and bought those plots in the village. But what are they? I can't let my wife die because of these so-called emotions. My ancestors are all dead. It doesn't matter to them whether those plots of land belong to me or to someone else. But my wife is breathing now. I cannot lose her."

"You are right. You are absolutely right. May God bless both of you."



Shivan went to the hospital. He went to Ratneshwari's cabin and saw her sleeping. He sat on a chair beside her. She looked miserable. There was no glow on her face. There were dark circles under her eyes. She had lost a lot of weight. The chemotherapy had taken away her beautiful lock of hair. He fell asleep while sitting beside her. Ratneshwari started to stir in her sleep. She was dreaming.

Ratneshwari was sitting inside Shivan's house in Chennai. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was looking just like how she used to look nineteen years ago. She could not understand what was happening. She was looking completely fine. She had long hair. She tied her hair in a bun and went to the kitchen. She saw Shivan sipping coffee from his favourite coffee mug. She said to him,"Shivan what is happening? Is everything fine? Did I recover completely?" Shivan smiled at her but did not say anything. He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. He said,"Everything is fine now." He went to his room with the mug in his hand. Ratneshwari turned around to see her brother. She was extremely happy to see him. They hugged each other.

Ratneshwari said to him,"Anna, when did you come? Did Amma and Appa come with you?" Krishna said,"I came here just now. Amma and Appa are at home. They are waiting for you." Krishna's words surprised Ratneshwari. She said to him,"What do you mean by that? Why are they waiting for me?" Krishna placed his hands on her shoulder. He said,"I have come to take you with me. You have to come with me. You cannot live with Shivan anymore."

Ratneshwari was shocked. She said,"No, Anna. I cannot go with you. I will live with Shiv. I cannot live without him." Krishna sighed. He looked at her and said,"Everything has a time. The time has come for you to leave Shivan. You have to come with me."

Krishna held her hand and started pulling her. Ratneshwari tried to resist. She started shouting.

Shivan woke up with a jolt when he heard the screams of Ratneshwari. Ratneshwari was moving her hands and legs and was continuously saying,"No, I won't go anywhere. Leave me!"

Shivan shook her. Ratneshwari opened her eyes and looked around herself. Shivan said to her,"Ratna, don't worry. It was just a dream. I am here. I am with you. Don't worry." He hugged her. Ratneshwari hugged him back.

Ratneshwari looked at him and said,"I will recover, right? Shiv, tell me. I will recover, right?" Shivan nodded his head. Ratneshwari said to him,"Shiv, I have always dreamt of a life with you. I want to live with you. I want to love you as my husband. I spent so many years crying for you. I don't want to lose you now. If I die, then I will not be able to live with you. I don't want to die now, Shiv. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I want to live with you."

Ratneshwari was crying. Shivan was crying too. But, he did not want to show his tears to her. He hugged her and said,"Don't cry. Everything will be fine."

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