Chapter 22

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Days passed, then slowly months passed too. In this way, the wheel of time kept turning and one year passed.

New leaves replaced the old leaves of the trees. Spring arrived and brought with her, colours of joy. The branches of Palash were covered by the red blanket once again.

But spring was yet to come in the life of Shivan and Ratneshwari. One year had passed. Did they come closer? Or had the distance between them increased? They could not understand. Their lives were covered by clouds of uncertainty and both of them wanted to feel the warmth of the sun of happiness.

Ratneshwari was lying on the bed beside Shivan. She was trying to sleep but she was not able to do so. Shivan was also awake. He said,"Why are you still awake?" Ratneshwari started at the ceiling and said,"Why are you awake?" Shivan looked at her and said,"Close your eyes and try to sleep." Ratneshwari sighed. She looked into his eyes and said nothing. After a while, she decided to break the silence. With great effort, she controlled her tears and with a voice filled with sadness, she said,"You hate me so much. You are in such a hurry to get rid of me. You want to forget me and think that I had never existed. " Shivan said nothing. He turned to the other side and wiped his tears.

(Next morning)

Ratneshwari was cooking breakfast when her phone rang. It was her mother who had called.

"Hello Amma! How are you?"

"I am fine. How are you?"

"I am fine too."

"I am in a hurry. I called you to inform you about something. Actually, today we are going to Tambaram to attend the wedding of one of your Appa's colleagues. We have not met you and Shivan for a long time. So, we will come to visit you while returning from the wedding reception."

"Okay Amma. That will be very good. You can have the dinner with us."

"Ok then, take care of yourself and your husband."


Ratneshwari approached Shivan and said, "Amma, Appa and Anna will visit us today. So, can you bring some groceries for the dinner." Shivan said,"Give me the list. I will bring them while returning from work."

(Later that afternoon)

Ratneshwari was cleaning the house. She thought,"Let me clean everything. If Amma sees even a single particle of dust, she will start scolding me."

The bell rang. Ratneshwari opened the door. A young girl in her twenties was standing at the door. She was a hazel eyed girl who was as fair as the moon. She had a finely chiseled nose and rosy lips. Her long black hair touched her waist. Ratneshwari recognised her at an instant. She was Sheetal. Ratneshwari had always hated and envied her. She said to Sheetal,"Why did you come here? What do you want?" Sheetal smiled at her and said,"Ratneshwari, I want to talk to you. Can we talk inside the house?"

Sheetal entered the house. They sat in the drawing room. Ratneshwari did not say anything to her. She did not even want to see her face. Sheetal said,"Shivan has already disclosed everything to you. I do not need to elaborate further. See, try to understand. We love each other. We cannot live without each other. He married you because he had no choice."

Ratneshwari was staring at the floor. She did not say anything. Sheetal placed her hand on her shoulder and said,"One year has passed. Now, both of you can officially file for divorce. Please sign the divorce papers and leave Shivan. I believe that you will find a good life partner. You will surely find someone who will love you. And......"

"ENOUGH!!!!!", said Ratneshwari. She continued,"You have spoken enough. Now, you may leave. Shivan is my husband. I will never leave him. I will always stay with him." Ratneshwari's eyes were red with anger. Sheetal was about to say something when Ratneshwari said,"Didn't I ask you to leave?" Sheetal said nothing and left. Ratneshwari closed the door and uttered a few words which expressed pure disgust. She started cleaning the floor. She said to herself,"This ominous woman wants to separate me from my husband. And my husband!! He loves her and has no love for me." She sat on the floor and started sobbing.

(The same evening)

The doorbell rang. Ratneshwari opened the door. Shivan had returned home. He handed over the bag full of groceries to Ratneshwari. He said,"I have bought chicken also. It is inside this bag." Ratneshwari nodded her head and hurried towards the kitchen.

Ratneshwari started cooking. She cooked several dishes. When she had finished cooking, she called Shivan. Shivan came to the kitchen. Ratneshwari said,"Taste the dishes and see if they are properly cooked." Shivan took a spoon and tasted all the dishes. He said,"You need to add a little more salt in the chicken curry. The other dishes taste good." Ratneshwari took some salt and added in the curry. Shivan tasted it again and said,"Now, it's fine."

Ratneshwari said,"It is already 8 o'clock. They might arrive at any moment." Three hours had passed but the expected guests did not arrive. Ratneshwari was quite irritated. She said,"It's getting late. Why did they not arrive till now? The food is getting cold. And I am hungry too." Shivan said,"They have gone to attend a wedding. They might be busy with something. Don't worry. They will arrive soon."

Shivan's phone rang. He looked at his phone and said,"It's Anna's call." He attended the call and started talking. When he had disconnected the call, Ratneshwari went to him and showered questions at him,"What did Anna say? When will they arrive?" Shivan placed his hands on her shoulders and said,"Ratna, calm down. Listen to me....... They.... met with an.......accident."

Ratneshwari was shocked. Shivan said,"Ratna..... Ratna....get ready. We are going to the hospital to see them."

They reached the hospital.

Shivan held her hand and said,"Come with me." They walked past many rooms. Ratneshwari said,"Shiv, this is not the place where they keep the patients. Don't you know that? They keep the dead bodies here." Shivan did not say anything. He pointed towards something.

Ratneshwari was saw three dead bodies in front of her. One was of her father, one was of her mother and the last one was of her dear brother.

She felt as if someone had stabbed her chest with a dagger. She led out a loud scream and fainted.

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