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Is Ranboo only going to Canada because I live here and it will be easy to describe? PFFFT.... (who told you that?) Also no, I don't live in Toronto, but I'm just sending them there because I wasn't sure where to send them. 

No warnings in this chapter. I'm feeling nice (actually TW - ed)

It turns out that unlike my trip to the first meet-up, this time I would be going alone. The twins would have gotten Techno to go with me, but he was already in the UK, staying with Wilbur for a while so he could participate in vlogs with Tommy. 

So here I was, alone, waiting for the plane to board. It had been surprisingly easy to get through security, but I'm assuming that it was because last time I had binders and testosterone, while this time I had none of that. Which really annoyed me. Even though my chest was flat and I no longer needed binders, Eclipse had also forced me to stop taking testosterone for at least another month, even though the doctors I had asked had told me it was ok. This was the same for taking birth control, so let's just say that the last few months had been 'fun'. 

I sigh as I look down at my phone. The flight had been delayed and I had been here for an extra hour, so my racing mind had finally calmed down, but now I was somewhat hungry and airport food was expensive and filled with calories.

To distract my brain from the hunger, I looked around at the other people who were catching the same flight. This was a flight that went from here to Canada to the UK, meaning I would be stuck with these guys for a very long time. I don't even know why this was a flight option, but of course Eclipse found it and chose it. 

There were mostly old people, then some middle-age people with children (ugh) and finally a small group of teenagers who were all mostly crowded around a person typing on their lapto- wait a second. 

I stood from where I was sitting and dragged my carry-on towards the group of teenagers. One of them noticed me and said something to the others, who all immediately looked up before moving around so everyone could sit properly. The one on the laptop didn't look up, just continued typing until I was right in front of them. 

"Quite strange to find you here. I thought you were in Florida" I said to El, and they smiled, finally looking up from their laptop. 

"I blame these things" They gestured to the small group of people around them. 

"Oh fuck off" One of them, with curly brown hair that faded into orange, said, only to be shoved by a short one, who shouted in a whisper tone "Language!"

"Still didn't think I'd see you again" I said to them, ignoring the other two teenagers. El just shrugged and looked down at their laptop for a second before starting to type, only they faced upwards, focusing on me. 

"To be fair, I didn't expect to be here. But apparently we're staying in the UK for a bit, and this was the cheapest flight" Oh. So Eclipse wasn't trying to waste my money by making the flight stupid I shrugged at them, and they just smiled back, before clicking a few things on their laptop and closing it up, just in time for the intercom to announce that our flight was finally boarding. 

"YES! Finally!" One of El's friends said, shooting their arms up in a small celebration as the rest of their friends gathered up their carry-on bags. 

We had to go wait in a line to board that went according to our seat numbers, and they were sitting on the middle of the plane while I was sitting in the back, so El waved at me and mumbled a quick "See you in Canada" before they were dragged farther up the line by their friends. 

Just seeing them with their friends made me wonder if me and my friends acted that way. Just joking around about serious stuff and making fun of each other, but still being great friends who would probably kill for each other. I think me and my friends were like that. I mean, I would probably kill someone for any of them, but would they do that for me?

When I finally manage to board my flight, I sigh in relief when I realise that the people sitting next to me seem like they're going to sleep the whole flight. Plus I got a window seat. Before we took off, I decided to tease those who follow my twitter by using the remaining internet I had, taking a photo of outside the plane and then posting it before turning my phone to airplane mode just like how the flight attendant was just asking us to do.

I wonder how chaotic Twitter would get during this almost 5-hour flight. I was excited to see. 

.                                                .                                                  .

After an almost 5 hour flight and then another hour or so to get through security, I was in Canada, with the rest of the day free and a list of things the twins  wanted me to do. 

The first thing I did was get my luggage safely put in a luggage storage place so I wouldn't have to bother with it, and then stuffed my carry-on bag with anything I would need for the day (water bottle, phone, phone charger, laptop in case I got bored, camera so I could get clips of Canada and maybe put it in a vlog, my wallet and an extra hoodie, as even though it was April, it was still quite cold here. 

When I finished doing all of that and was waiting in line to change $1000 to canadian money, I texted Eclipse to let them know that I had landed, and they had sent me a small list of things they wanted me to do today. 

The list went like this:

- anger geese
-get tim hortons (i mean, what's the big deal about it?)
-try their smarties
-EAT FOOD (send us before and after pics of each meal so we can make sure you're eating)

I planned on doing all of that, as most of it seemed quite easy, but the last one somewhat made me upset, as I now had to show proof that I was taking care of myself. 

I sighed about it as I finally converted my money and took the small stack of bills and... coins? What the heck were these silver and gold coins about? It appeared that the gold and silver one was a two dollar coin, and the just gold coin was a one dollar coin. This seemed confusing. Why didn't they just use bills for them instead? 

(I'll continue his canadian journey in the next chapter, I just want to get this chapter out)

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