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No I won't explain the photo, fuck off

Also I had to bribe one of my friends to make them read TUMOASD, so please ignore any of the strange things that might happen in this chapter. And yes, El is being added a lot lately, don't worry, as we progress in the book, they might be mentioned like one time. 

TW - slight overthinking and foreshadowing :)

I woke up early the next morning and dragged my luggage down the stairs, flinching with every loud thunk. 

As I was too lazy to walk today, and the airport was far away, I got a cab and had them drive me to the airport, where it took an hour and a bit before I made it through security. And even though the gods had somewhat favored me yesterday, they did not seem to like me today, as there was a 2 hour delay for the flight, and my seat had been moved because of some complaints of a lady being scared of the 'tall ass giant pervert in the seat in front of her'. So yeah, she was 'nice' and I was now being moved closer to the front, while the lady was moved farther in the back. 

When we were finally ready to board, I was forced to go near the front of the line, which just so happened to be right in between the group of teenagers. 

When I was stuffed into the line right behind El, they just glanced up from their phone and muttered a swear when they noticed how their friend in front of them was looking at me. 

"No" They said and the friend pretended to pout. 

"But I want to know about his boyfriend!" They said loudly, and El just sighed while I felt myself blush. 

"What do you mean?" I asked them, acting confused and being very glad that I chose to wear a mask today. 

"Oh come on, I saw you and Tubbo at the arcade, you can't hide things from me" The friend held their finger out accusingly and before I could respond, El smacked their friend roughly on the back of the head, before saying something in french, to which their friend replied, just a lot slower. I didn't actually know french, so I wasn't sure what they were talking about, but they seemed to be arguing, and continued arguing as we boarded the plane and sat down. 

I had another window seat, and ended up sitting next to El, with their friend on the other side of them, still arguing, just slightly less aggressive and laughing every once in a while. 

As the security presentation thing started, they were still talking, but were shut up when someone from the seats behind us stood up and smacked them both on the back of the head, whisper-shouting at them to shut up and listen. 

And so they did, and they stayed quiet after the presentation, deciding that instead of arguing out loud they were going to play uno. I was honestly surprised how quiet they were being while playing Uno, but I didn't bother seeing who won, and instead put in my headphones and grabbed my pillow, hoping to sleep for this entire 11 hour flight. 

I only ended up making it through 7 hours before I was woken up by a semi-quiet screech next to me. My head snapped up suddenly and I watched through half lidded eyelids as El held their friend down, scribbling on their face with washable marker. I could assume that their friend did the same thing to them but El seemed to be a light sleeper, as the most marker on their face was a butterfly on their cheek. 

El clapped their friend's pillow over their friends mouth as they continued to draw, but they paused when they noticed I was awake and whispered a quick apology for waking me up before going back to drawing. 

Deciding that it would be best for me to go back to sleep and ignore that, I adjust my sleeping position and bring my legs up, hiding my face in my pillow as I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again. 

I was thankfully successful, and the next time I woke up, it was when El shook me awake and the people over the intercom were telling us to buckle up again. I thanked them as I did up my seatbelt and then I stuffed my things away and looked out the window, from where I could see the airport slowly coming into view. 

My friends were somewhere in there. Phil would be coming to pick me up, and Tubbo was coming too, as I was staying with him.  

I felt my stomach flip and turn as we got closer to the ground. What were the next few weeks going to look like? What would happen? As I tried to push away the worries, more seemed to appear. 

I needed to calm down. Everything would be ok. I had nothing to worry about... 


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