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TW - self harm scars

7 years later...

I was streaming again. Thankfully it was almost over as I had things to do, but chat was threatening arson if I didn't continue my stream. They had done this before though, so I wasn't too concerned as I said my goodbyes and ended the stream.

"You done now?" Eclipse asked as they poked their head into my room, their hair back to its original length and braided nicely down their back.

"Yeah. When do we have to be there?" I ask, turning off my computer and standing from my chair, nearly falling as my legs hold up my weight again after 3 hours of sitting still.

"In an hour or so, but Tubs is already there and bored"

"Just let me change and have a snack before we go" I pushed past them and they stuck out their tongue at me, punching my arm lightly. Or at least I think it was supposed to be lightly. With the wedding ring on their finger, I'm sure it would leave a bruise.

I entered my room, greeting the cat that was laying on my bed, rubbing my hand through their thick white fur.

I changed into a philza hoodie and jeans, but stopped when I saw the scars on my legs. They had mostly healed over now, but I still remembered the feeling of them like they were fresh.

I sighed and grabbed Snowy in my arms, holding her tightly as I walked out of my room, running down the stairs before putting her on the cat tree.

I greeted Solar who was waiting for me, and they smiled, their eyes glinting with excitement. It wasn't just my friends we were meeting tonight. Their teaching buddies at the school for the deaf and mute that they worked at would also be there.

Eclipse and Percy were waiting at the door, and they broke apart from their kiss as we walked in, blushing embarrassed that we had caught them. They had only been married for 4 years now, but whatever.

"Are you guys ready?" Percy asks as we leave the house, climbing into the car that Percy had only just gotten after years of saving up for it.

"Yep! Are you?" I ask him and he smiled, starting the car.

It wasn't a long drive, just to a nearby park. There was a huge barbecue happening for the summer, and lots of people were there already even though there was still quite some time before the food started cooking.

It took me a minute to spot them in the crowd, but when I did I said a quick goodbye and rushed over to where Phil was waving at me, Kristin by his side. Behind him, Aimsey, Tubbo and Tommy had brought nerf guns, competing with each other in a battle of nerf. Seems like some thing don't change.

I sat down at the picnic table with Phil and Kristin, waving hi to Techno and Wilbur who I hadn't seen before.

"There's so many people here Wil" Techno said, probably trying to guilt-trip Wil in bringing him home.

"Techno you have streamed in front of millions of people before. This isn't that bad. On top of that, none of them are paying attention to you"

"You are" techno muttered, resting his head in his arms on the table in front of him.

"Whatever you big baby" Wil stuck his tongue out at Techno before turning to me "So Ranboo, how you liking the UK so far?"

"I've been here for 7 years already Wil" I rolled my eyes at him "but I guess I could say it's ok"

Why am I here? (Sequel to the meet-up!)Where stories live. Discover now