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This is just a filler chapter because idk what to write. I'm planning something tho. Anyway, enjoy this mess. 

Also because Tubbo seems very happy with their partner, I have decided to just not have any more beeduo shipping things in this book. From now on, all interactions between Ranboo and Tubbo are platonic in respect of Tubbo and his partner. 

TW - flashback in the form of a dream. 

When we finally reached Tubbo's house after the long day with the others, I collapsed on Tubbo's couch, closing my eyes and immediately falling asleep, extremely glad for how quick sleep took me after the day.

It was a dance. 

I was in a dark room, a revealing pink dress tightly holding me together. My hair had been curled and there was a horrid amount of makeup on my face. I hated that I had been forced to go to this dance, and hated even more that the school had decided to plan a dance during the months when I was with my grandmother. 

If my parents hadn't gone on vacation, I wouldn't have ever gone to my grandmother's house, and on top of that, I would have been able to stay home with them and not go to this stupid dance where I have absolutely no friends. 

The music suddenly stopped, and the DJ yelled something about slow dances. Which was stupid. We were all 14 and younger. Most of us aren't in a relationship or are too embarrassed to slow dance with someone. 

As I slowly walked to the edge of the gym, I noticed that all the chaperones were in the gym. Meaning the hallways were left unguarded. 

With a smile, I rush out the door of the gym, passing past people and pulling open doors until I'm in the hallway with my locker. I unlocked the locker quicker than I ever had before, and grabbed a hoodie from the shelf in my locker, pulling it over my head and sighing in relief when my cold arms warmed up. 

Having no reason to head back to the dance, I grabbed a cloth that I kept in my locker and then re-locked the locker door. With the cloth, I went to the bathroom closest to me, pushing through the door, turning on the lights and then running the cloth under water, rubbing it on my face and rubbing off the makeup. When the makeup was gone, I threw the cloth out and pulled my hair back. I didn't at all look masculine, but I looked much better than I had before. 

With a smile on my face, I left the bathroom. The dance didn't end for another 2 hours, and since I had passed the chaperones, I was free to explore the school as I wanted as long as I didn't go near where they were. 

The school seemed weird when it was empty, but it was calming in a way. 

Eventually I made it to the concrete wall. It was a small separation between the part of the school we were allowed to go to without any consequences and the part of the school we weren't allowed to go to without getting suspended. Not that it stopped anyone since the concrete wall only went halfway to the roof. 

Realising that there was nobody to stop me, I climbed over the wall, landing on the other side, which was cluttered with garbage that people had thrown over the wall while walking past. 

As I walked farther away from the wall to adventure this part of the school, the sound of a voice stopped me. I paused for a minute, trying to find where they were coming from. Then they got louder, as if the person was getting closer, so I forced a classroom door open, hiding behind it as I finally heard the footsteps of the people in the hallway. 

"Are you sure you heard someone over here?" The voice asked, sounding like they were asking someone, though nobody responds. 

All of a sudden, the door of the classroom burst open, revealing a purple haired emo teen and a tall blond kid behind him. There was nothing I could do to hide, so I just grabbed a metal pipe from the floor to use as a weapon.

"Oh there is a person here" The purple haired person said, noticing the metal pipe and backing up slightly, bumping into the blond kid "Hey dude, I promise I'm not going to hurt you" 

"And why should I believe you? You're the kid who gets into fights every week" I say, recognising these two. They were twins, and the purple haired kid was known for fighting almost everyone in this school. 

"It's not my fault people are homophobic" This stopped me. Before I had thought that this person was homophobic, so why would they say that?

"What?" I lowered the pipe slightly, allowing the purple haired kid, Eclipse I believe, to talk without problem. 

"The reason I get into so many fights is because everyone I fight is homophobic. I'm protecting myself and my pronouns" They said, looking ready to fight any minute if  I went against them. Thankfully I wasn't. 

"Oh" I mumbled in closeted trans male "What exactly are your pronouns?"

"They/them, thanks" They said dramatically, a smile on their face. 

Before I could say anything, the other person smacked the back of Eclipse's head. 

"Oh, and this is Solar. He uses he/him pronouns"

"I'm...." What do I say? "..Ranboo. I use he/him pronouns"

It wasn't the best way to meet them, but it was probably the best way for us. Because 4 years later, they both were still by my side, helping me through this shit. 

I was woken up by this flashback dream thing by a ringing of my phone on the couch next to me. 

Picking it up, I answered the call, muttering a tired hello as I looked around the dark room, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the bright light shining from my phone. 


Why am I here? (Sequel to the meet-up!)Where stories live. Discover now