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You guys are spoiled. Two chapters in the same day

(TW - ED)

I decided to check out a Tim Hortons first, which was quite easy, as there was one on every other street. 

When I walked in, the first thing I noticed was how much plaid there was. Every other person was wearing something plaid. There was also a small line, so I looked over the options as I waited for my turn. 

When it finally was my turn, I had my order planned. A frozen lemonade, a sprinkle donut, and a 10-piece box of something called timbits. When they asked me if I wanted any specific kind of timbits, I just asked for random. Then I paid and was handed my food. As there wasn't anywhere I could really go now, I sat down at one of the tables, and opened the timbit box first. After a quick glance inside, I let out a sigh of relief upon noticing that they were just donut holes, not some weird canadian energy food. 

I took a quick picture of the food for Eclipse before I started to eat, ignoring the glowing board that showed how many calories each food contained. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten here. 

I managed to finish the full donut and a few of the donut holes, plus around half of the frozen lemonade, so I took an after picture for Eclipse before gathering up all my things. I could eat the remaining donut holes later as dinner, and the lemonade would be good to have, as in the maybe twenty minutes I was inside, the weather had changed to be much warmer. 

As I left the building, I pulled out the checklist and checked off the tim hortons item. Now I just had two left that I could do right now, and the last one I could do later on. 

Upon realising that I should probably record something, I attach a microphone to my shirt and pull out my camera, recording as I walk around, talking about random things that I see on my way. 

I couldn't see any areas where I might find the canadian smarties, but I did see a park from here, so I started to walk over. As I walked, I noticed how strange canadians were. For example, a few were wearing shorts and t-shirts in pants+t-shirt weather, and for some of the buildings around me, people were holding open doors for people 10 feet away from them! And everyone (minus the drivers) seemed to have great manners from what I could hear. 

When I finally reached the park, I noticed how empty it was. Or how empty it was of humans. 

Almost two Solar's away (around 13 feet) was a bird, with a long dark neck, white cheeks, a light brown body with edges that looked like it had been dragged around in mud, and beady black eyes that glared at me as I walked. I wasn't even that close to it, but it seemed to be angry. 

As I watched, it's wings flew back and it stood up straighter, before letting out a hiss and a mighty honk and running towards me at full speed. 

I shrieked as it got close and ran, nearly tripping a few times and almost losing my glasses. I thought it would chase after me, but once I left the park, it stopped running, let out another hiss and stomped back over to where I had found it. 

"Fucking goose. I feel bad for people who have to deal with you full time" I grumble and fix my hair and glasses, setting my lemonade down for a second. I wasn't even sure how I still had it. I thought I had dropped it, but I guess not. Thankfully though, I still had both my microphone and my camera, and I had somehow managed to get that on video. I decided that this was enough recording and took the microphone off before shoving both the camera and the microphone back into my bag. 

After fixing my hair and glasses, I pull off my hoodie, only to be hit by a frigid blast of air which made me hurriedly put it back on. What happened to the warm weather that we had like thirty seconds ago? Canadian weather sucked. 

Checking another thing off my list, I walk off in hopes of finding a grocery store that sold canadian smarties. Then my list would be done and I could go and hang out in a hotel for the rest of the day. 

As I walked, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. A black and white jacket, adorned with red and green. My merch jacket to be clear. The person wearing it was chatting with who I could assume ere their friends, totally unaware that the person who made the jacket was just across the street. Since I was conveniently at a crosswalk, I hurried across the road, quickly making sure I wasn't going to get run over. 

When I finally reached the other side, I walked up to the person and taped them on the shoulder. 

"Hey, do you know where I could find a walmart?" I asked them, choosing to say this as I also needed to know where to find a walmart. 

Upon hearing my voice, the person seemed too tense, and when they turned around, their eyes shot open. 

"Are you Ranboo?" It was the first thing out of their mouth and I smiled as I watched the people behind them somewhat freak out upon seeing me. 

"It appears so, unless I've gone crazy?" I shrug and they continue freaking out, before pulling out their phone. 

"Do you mind if we take a picture with you?" They asked and I nodded, smiling as they gathered around me, with one of their friends taking the role of camera-man without complaint. 

Once the person finished taking a photo, I was shown some fanart and gave out a hug to one of the friends before finally getting the directions to the walmart I wanted to go to. 

Finally, I made my way towards the walmart they had pointed out, and found a container of the canadian smarties near the front. I also grabbed a child's colouring book because I was bored and needed something to do when I managed to get a hotel. 

I paid with a few of the coins, and then went back towards where I had stored my luggage, paying to get it back and then searching up a hotel on my phone, managing to quickly find one with good reviews. It was quite expensive to stay at, but I had the money needed. My only problem was that I had to talk to the person at the desk when I got there.

As I slowly walked over there (I was tired by how much walking I had done today) I replayed situations in my head of how to act when I got there. 

But if there truly is a god out there, they decided to favor me today, as when I walked in, the person looked up and their eyes seemed to sparkle. 

"Are you Ranboo?" They asked, repeating the question that the person earlier asked. 

"Yeah. Do you mind if I get a room?" I blurted out the last sentence and they nodded, smiling as I pushed over a huge stack of bills to pay for a single night. They seemed surprised by how much cash I had, but they took it, quickly counting it before putting it away. 

"Before you head to your room, do you mind taking a photo with me?" They asked as they passed me the room key. 

"Sure! And if possible, post it to twitter and make sure they know we're in Canada" I smile as they take the photo, with me leaning over the counter and them holding the photo out to get both of us. 

After they reassure me that they would make sure that people knew we were in Canada and that they'd tag me in the twitter post, I went up to my room, which was of course on the top floor and of course, the elevator just happened to be broken, so I had to drag my luggage up 5 flights of stairs. It would be easier in the morning when I had to drag it down the stairs, but I still took me a whole hour to drag it up when I could have been colouring in my 2 dollar colouring book. 

Why am I here? (Sequel to the meet-up!)Where stories live. Discover now