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TW - Abuse, police, assault, yelling, going to court, jail, panic attack, murder, hiring someone to kill for you

Turns out the police weren't taking us due to Bethany calling them to break me out. She did actually call them, only when they got there, she punched Eclipse in the face, not even noticing the police behind her. They tried to get her to stop yelling at both them and Eclipse, but eventually they ended up arresting her. 

Eclipse was fine, and when we got outside, I checked their face where they had apparently been hit. It looked like there would be a bit of a bruise, but Eclipse was fine, pushing me off while assuring me multiple times that they were fine. 

We ended up getting driven to the police station, where Eclipse was quickly checked to make sure they were ok before they took us for questioning why we all seemed wary of Bethany. 

I ended up telling them the story, my eyes tearing up as I spoke, shaking as I got into the worst parts. The police officer I was with was nice, letting me take breaks when needed. When I was done, I was taken out where Tubbo was waiting. He didn't know what was happening really, and he told them this during his questioning session, so they had brought him outside to wait for us. 

When we were sure that they didn't need me anymore, Eclipse got Tubbo to take me home, telling me that they could take care of everything. And I didn't doubt it. 

They got home later that evening, with news. Bethany was going to court. If found guilty, she could be in prison for what we assume was the rest of her life (hopefully). If found not-guilty, she could sue us for lots of money. 

I tried to help with things, but Eclipse pushed me away, telling me that they would do everything for me, and the most I would have to do would be to help with evidence and be a witness. 

So I let them do all of that, instead helping Solar and Percy move in when they flew in with all of our things. 

By the time the court date arrived, we were all moved into the house, letting me have a panic attack in my room at 2 am without bothering anyone. Eclipse had a lawyer, evidence (some of which they wouldn't tell me about), everything we needed. I just needed to tell the jury my story, and then I would mostly be ok given Eclipse is the one running this thing. 

But what happened if she was proven not guilty? Maybe she could convince them to make me come with her. Maybe she would hurt me. Maybe she would kill Eclipse. Maybe she would kill me. 

My breathing was fast as I sat with my head between my knees, tears tracing trails down my cheeks and silently falling to the carpet, leaving small wet spots behind. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be home, actually home. I wanted to be with my parents, watching a stupid movie. I wanted my life before I started streaming, before I realised I was trans, before I  met the twins, before I ever went to my grandparents. Or at least I want my parents again. I want to cuddle with them while we watch movies, or have them hold me while I cry after a long and horrible day at school. 

I took a shaky breath, standing up from the floor. I still didn't feel good but I had to do this. I couldn't sit there crying anymore. I grabbed a towel from on a shelf I had, walking into my bathroom and ignoring my covered mirror, walking towards the shower and turning on the cold water, quickly stripping before stepping into the cold shower, feeling much more awake as I shivered in the water, the water taking washing away my tears and tracing new trails down my cheeks to replace the old ones. 

I stood in that shower for so long, and when I finally stepped out, I shivered in the air, wrapping the towel around me to warm me back up. I knew I would have to change later, but for now I pulled on a hoodie and sweatpants, somewhat drying my hair before quietly walking to my office. 

I started up my computer, connecting my headphones before putting them on, starting up whatever playlist I got to first. As music blasted through my headphones, I pulled my legs up on my chair, leaning on my knees as I started minecraft up, opening up a random building world I had. 

I wasn't sure how long I played. The most I knew was that I got barely anything done and finished my playlist. As I went to select a new playlist, there was a knock on my door. I rolled over to the door with my chair, opening the door up to reveal Eclipse, wearing a blue dress with a black blazer, waiting for me with an anxious smile. 

"You realise the thing isn't until 2 right?" I ask them and they nod. 

"I'm nervous" They admit, tugging at their skirt, trying to pull it down even though it was already at their knees. 

I opened my arms like I was asking for a hug, and after a moment of hesitation, they fell into my arms, wrapping them tightly around my neck as they shook in my arms. 

"What if she wins? What if we can't afford this house anymore after she sues us? What if I get taken to jail? What if she takes you? What if she hurts you?" Eclipse said, tears forming in their eyes as they continued to shake. 

"It'll be ok. I promised" I was promising something I couldn't control. But I still did it, rubbing circles in their back in a comforting manner. 

We stayed like this for a long time before they finally let go, saying something about having to iron their clothes now and how I should start getting ready. 

I gave it another hour before I went back to my room, changing into the suit Eclipse had forced me to get for this. I then pushed down my insecurities and went to my bathroom, uncovering the mirror and grabbing a comb. 

I spent the next ten minutes attempting to tame my hair, flattening it down with water. It didn't end up as nice as I wish it would be, but it was as nice as I would be able to get it. 

I left my room, nearly falling as Percy ran by me, an apologetic smile as he fixed his tie, running down the stairs. 

I followed him, going down the stairs where Eclipse was waiting, Solar next to them. Solar and Percy were coming for support, but it would be me and Eclipse doing everything. 

The drive there was silent, nobody putting on any music as Percy drove, being the only one with a British drivers license. The rest of us were too busy with other things (streaming for me, the trial for Eclipse and Solar's new job for him). 

I don't recall what happened in the trial. 

I remember going up front and speaking, almost crying as I told them everything. I remember Eclipse speaking too, and our lawyer. I remember my grandma glaring at me. I also remember being surprised when something I had never heard about was suddenly brought up. 

I had always thought the death of my parents was an accident. But when a beat-up man came in and admitted that my grandmother had paid him to kill them, it was as if my heart stopped. 

She had killed them. They were dead because of her. 

I think this was a main reason that the final ruling didn't take too long to come too. I was trying my hardest to listen as they announced it, but the most I heard was the most important words. 

"Bethany Davidson is found to be guilty"

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