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Time for self-advertising! I have decided to write another book (because I'm an idiot). I don't really have a story line, but it's Ranboo centric, and while there is dsmp stuff, there are also people from the empires smp (ldshadowlady, smallishbeans, Scott Smajor, solidaritygaming, etc.). So yeah, it would be cool if you check that out.  Anyway, have a chapter :)

Also a very short chapter, sorry. I'm planning the ending out so I'm just writing random stuff until I figure everything out

Eclipse wasn't lying when they said they were coming to the UK. Everything was working out for the house they wanted, so they were here to talk with the people who were selling it. They were also bringing their stuff so they didn't have to go back and get it later, meaning they were coming here with two boxes. One for their clothes, and one for other stuff. We had called the other day, and when they had revealed that they were only bringing boxes, I had asked if they were being serious about only bringing that much stuff. 

"I'm ready to leave my old life. I don't need reminders of things that have happened in the past. I just want to move into the future" They had said, packing up my remaining stuff as well. I hadn't left many things there, so they had managed to fit it all in one of their boxes. 

"That sounds depressing. You wanna talk about it" I had whispered quietly, Tubbo sleeping on the couch near me. Eclipse had always been there for me, and I wanted to be there for them. But they had just smiled, reassured me that they were fine and then said goodbye, telling me they wanted to spend more time with their boyfriend before they left. 

Percy was moving with us to the UK, but was staying behind with Solar to help move everything over there. When I had first heard that he was coming with us, I had almost gone against it, until I had seen the way he looked at Eclipse. It wasn't fake love or just a silly crush. It was true love between them. I don't think I have ever seen Eclipse happier than when they were with him. So I didn't go against it. I still didn't fully trust him, but I also didn't want to deal with a sad Eclipse as they complained about a long distance relationship. I already dealt with normal Eclipse pretty much everyday, and they were already enough. 

Finally the date of their flight came, and I found myself sitting in a practically empty airport, waiting for their 3 am flight to arrive. Tubbo was next to me, excited to finally meet the famous Eclipse, but he was just as tired as me. We had spent the past day trying to figure out a sleeping plan for the small house thing we were staying in. I was still on the couch, except now I was going to have Eclipse sleeping on the floor next to me on a thin mattress. I had a feeling that they would kick me off the couch after less than an hour of sleeping on the mattress, so most of my day was preparing to sleep on the floor. 

I was nearly falling asleep as I sat there, waiting for the flight, and the only thing that was stopping me from passing out was the coffee in my hand and the bright screen of my phone. Tubbo leaned on me, his eyes drooping as he aimlessly scrolled through his phone, laughing sometimes at something he sees on his twitter home page. 

I was just about to give up sitting in the airport and move to the car, where I would easily be able to fall asleep if needed when there was a loud yell that made me look up. Descending down the escalator like how I had a month or so ago was a somewhat tired looking Eclipse, their blond hair unkempt as they smiled at us, holding two boxes precariously as they ran down the steps.

I stood from my seat, and Tubbo followed, confused by what I was doing until he saw who I was heading towards. 

"Is that Eclipse?" He asked me as we stood, waiting for them to get off the escalator. 

"Yep" I said, and turned to him, seeing his confused look "Expected someone different?"

"No. I expected someone taller"

"You realise Eclipse is still taller than you though, right?" 


Before I could say anything more, Eclipse came running towards up, and dropped the boxes down before pulling me into a hug. I was hoping there was nothing fragile in those boxes, but Eclipse didn't seem to care and I'm pretty sure none of my stuff was fragile, so I think we're fine. So instead of asking, I wrapped my arms around them, squeezing them gently. 

We stayed like that for a minute before they pulled back, their hand jumping up and smacking me in the face so hard that I was forced to face the side, before grabbing my hands and starting to ask me a million questions. 

"Are you hurt? Did they hurt you? Do I need to fight anyone? Have you been eating? Have you been drinking water? Have you been exercising? Why haven't you been texting or answering my calls? Did someone kidnap you? Do we need to go home? Do I need to kill someone? Have you-"

"Eclipse I'm fine" I say, interrupting their worried ramble "And you're scaring Tubbo"

Still holding my hands, they turn towards Tubbo, straightening up to their full height. 

"I though that he would be taller"

"Funny. He said the same thing about you" I pull my hands away from them as they gasp dramatically, before changing their attitude completely and grabbing one of Tubbo's hands, shaking it twice with a smile. 

"I'm Eclipse. I've heard a lot about you from Ranboo"

"Oh what did he say?" Tubbo asked, pulling his hand away from Eclipse and reaching down to grab one of the boxes. 

"I can do that, you don't need to help" Eclipse says, slightly pushing Tubbo out of the way to grab their boxes "You're already letting me stay with you for a bit. That's good enough for me"

"I'm just trying to be nice"

"And I'm saying that you're nice enough. Go spoil Ranboo instead" 

"Fine" Tubbo dramatically crosses his arms and turns to me "Want to go get ice cream?" 

"Can we go home and sleep first?"


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