Olivia Jones

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Olivia's POV:

I was standing in the hallway with my 3 friends Mike, Sofia, and Alan. Sofia was speaking to me but I was lost in thought you see I'm in love with Percy Jackson, he's so hot and even though we've never spoken I know we are meant to be.

"Olivia are you listening to me" my best friend Sofia practically screams at me.

"Sorry I was thinking about something" I answer. "Im not stupid I know your thinking about Percy, you should give up he says he has a girlfriend and I believe him." She explains. I just walk away in fury, she doesn't believe he loves me. Percy has said he has a girlfriend but I'm sure he's talking about me. He said she is a blonde, I'm am a blonde, he's also said she is very smart and has amazing grey eyes. Im smart I get straight A's, but I don't have grey eyes I have blue but close enough, right? (How can she be so stupid)

Anyway, I walk into English class, I sit beside Alan who is Sofias twin brother and he tries to start a conversation with me but I'm to busy staring at Percy to listen, he stops trying eventually.

I love the way his nose scrunch's up when he tries to read, he has Dyslexia and he can't read very well so he hates English. When the bell rings it's time for the next period I get all the courage I have and walk up to Percy, I say:

"English sucks doesn't it, Mr. Blowfish is so boring"

"First of all English doesn't suck, Second it's Mr. Blofis, and Finally he's my stepfather"

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know and your right all subjects are amazing"

"Just get out of my face"

I run out of the class room that could not have gone worse.

~~~~~time skip thanks to Kronos~~~~~

The next day I walk up to Percy and said "I'm really sorry for the other day I should have thought that you may have liked that subject" it was a really lame apology but it seemed to work. Percy replied with an it ok and walked away.

Later on at lunch Percy walked up to me and sat beside me PERCY JACKSON IS BESIDE ME I REPEAT PERCY FRICKEN JACKSON IS BESIDE ME!!! I kept my cool and we started to talk Alan seemed annoyed but Mike was happy Sophia was away that day.

Percy invited me to come meet his friends from camp I thought it made sense since he was my future boyfriend I should get to know his friends. We spoke some more found out that he has this weird obsession with blue cookies. I grew to love him even more, Alan kept on bothering me trying to talk to me though.

~~~~time skip Kronos is eating blue cookies~~~~

I walked up to the parking lot with Percy he said his friends are always a few minutes late. After a few minutes a bunch of really expensive cars pulled up Tesla's and Lamborghini's and other sorts. Then really handsome and beautiful teens came out.

"Olivia these are my friends Nico, Will, Jason, Piper, Leo" he got interrupted that Leo guy screamed "My name is Leo Mcshizzle Bad Boy Supreme!" "Anyway" Percy starts " My other friends are Frank, Hazel, Thalia, and finally my girlfriend Annabeth" then he turned to the other's "guys this is my mor- my school friend Olivia" At first I was sad then I got really Mad. Percy was MY future boyfriend and there he was kissing some stupid blonde (this is just the character's personality I don't think blondes are dumb) I went up to them and ripped the apart then I kissed Percy it was amazing but it only lasted a second, he ripped me off.

"What the heck Olivia I thought you were different I love Annabeth"

Then that Annabelle came up and slapped me, then they walked away hand in hand.

I started to walk home in defect but then I see Alan with a single rose in his hand. That is how I started going out with my husband, it's all thanks to Percabeth.


Im pretty proud of what I've done today please tell me any ideas for future updates and that's all I guess
Peace out

730 words

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