Nancy Bobofit

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Nancy's POV:

I was working at my jog at Starbucks as a cashier and when someone walks in I'm astonished. He has black messy hair and beautiful sea green eyes, he looks familiar. Just the I here my phone ding, it's probably my boyfriend Mark.

Anyway when that guy and I make eye contact I wink at him and he comes over to me. "Hey", I say slyly, "Hey" he says back, "Can I have two Vanilla Latte's please", is he buying me a drink? "Sure that will $6.90 please", he pays the money then walks away! He goes to sit with some stupid blonde! It's almost the end of my shift so I tell the manager and I storm up to the black haired guy.

I say sweetly "Hi, babe whos this?", the boy looks at me weirdly and says, "I don't know you" he turns back to the blonde and starts a conversation in a different language.

I taped his back he turns around looking annoyed? No it must be awestruck, anyways I say, "I don't think you know who I am, I'm Nancy Bobofit. My father is the CEO of Bobofit Industries, I'm rich." Instead of looking like a love sick puppy the boy with the black hair said "Now I know why you look so familiar, Nancy remember me Percy Jackson.", wait scrawny Percy Jackson who was best friends with Grover.

"Look", I say "I didn't mean to be mean to you I mean I didn't think that you would become so good looking. Now we can agree that Grover was a dumb ugly guy and start to go out!"

He looks at me weirdly and then says, "Grover is my best friend actually tomorrow me and MY girlfriend are going to visit him and his girlfriend!"

Grover has a girlfriend!?! That's a first, never would expect the loser duo would get girlfriends and get buff.

I look at Percy who is clearly annoyed and say "Percy I promise you that I've changed and that I will give you so much more love than that blonde!" Now the blonde gets up from her chair and walks up to me, "Will you please go AWAY!" She punches me hard in the face she then gets on top of me and punches me anywhere she can it hurts like hell.

Annabeth then turns to Percy and kisses him full on the lips while I just stare I hate Annabeth. I get up turn to her and I jump on her attacking her pulling her hair screaming "Stupid blonde you don't deserve him!" or "I hate you, just die!" Percy tries to rip me off her and the manager is trying too. Eventually I get pulled off by the manager he yells at me saying that we don't attack the costumers and that I was a disappointment and a disgrace to my name.

Long story short I was fired and Percy didn't become my boyfriend.

Percabeth so the worst.


Well I finally updated this story I know this was short but at least you got a chapter I will update this again today or tomorrow and I promise it will be longer give me any ideas please if you want the story to continue.


Peace out

551 words

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