Lewis Andrew

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Lewis's POV:

My name is Lewis Andrew if you didn't know that you need to get with the times, my father is a famous actor and i'm one of the most known guy in the world. I have silky golden-brown hair with rare grey and green eyes, I workout regularly so I am very fit. I have a girlfriend named Camila who I have been dating for 3 years now and I may or may not have cheated before but it was only like seven times and she has never found out about it. I'm going to break up with her soon because of the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Her name is Annabeth Chase she has blonde gorgeous hair that is in princess curls, she has the most beautiful eyes they shine with intelligence and they are a mysterious grey colour. I think when her and I start dating I will stay loyal to her...

Or somewhat loyal, I can't be tied down to one girl. I mean i'm way to irresistible and they all love me. I'm sure Annabeth won't mind to share and to be sure I won' tell her.

Today at school around the end of the day I went straight towards Camila, "Hey baby", I say to her. She smile at me "Hey babe", she says back giving me a kiss and I kiss her back passionately soon it becomes a fierce make out session. I pull away and smile, "Camila", I start to say as I kiss her one more time, god i'll miss her, "I want to break up", I say still smiling ear to ear.

Camila pales, "What...", I smile and look at her, "Yeah, i'm just not feeling it", she glares at me, "You aren't feeling it!?! We were together for 3 years and a half! We have known each other since we were four years old! And now you're just not feeling you jerk!", With that she slaps me so I kiss her to make her feel better but she pushes me off and slaps me again. She took that pretty well.

I walk over to Annabeth's locker I tap on her back, she turns around to face me. So I grab her waist and pull her towards me smashing her lips onto me she punches me in the gut, and it hurt but I held on gripping her tight and kissing her harder. I know she enjoyed it very much but then she grabs my arm and judo flipped me. "Ow! Annie what was that for!", she grabs me by the collar pulling me to face her, "First of all, Never. Call. Me. Annie. And second I have boyfriend you jerk! Thirdly, don't you have a girlfriend!", I smile getting away from her grip.

"No I don't have a girlfriend I just broke up with her for you. So we can be together.", she glares at me continuing on with the 'I have a boyfriend' excuse. He's not real and everyone knows it I mean sure people have black messy hair but sea green eyes that change depending on his mood, now thats fake. Plus no one has ever met the guy so I know Annabeth makes it up until I ask her out.

"Whatever Annie, but lets cut to the chase lets go on a date and will you be my girlfriend", I say still flashing my killer smile. She glares at me, "It all goes into one ear out the other doesn't it. I already told you I have a boyfriend and if you don't believe me he is coming to pick me up after school, you are welcome to come. I get it she wants to be somewhere private with me so we can 'talk' about what we are. "Sure", I say back to her still smiling.


Once school ends I go to the parking lot with Annabeth, after waiting there for five minutes I turn to Annanbeh and say "So where's this 'boyfriend' of yours", she barley even looks at me while saying "Seaweed Brain will be here he's always late.", Seaweed Brian?

Just then a bright blue sports car pulls into the school parking lot and a guy with black hair and sea green eyes appears. Annabeths eyes light up, no that can't be him can it. Just the Annabeth gets up and walks towards the guy and gives him a big hug saying "Seaweed Brain!", the 'Seaweed Brain' answers back, "Wise Girl!".

I slowly walk up towards them being very cautious. Annabeth and Percy both stop to look at me, I slowly say, "Annie who is this guy?"< Annabeth glares at me. "Lewis this is Percy Jackson my boyfriend", I stare at him he definitely works out and he is good looking, but surely not as good looking as me right? "And Percy this is Lewis Andrew.", At first Percy was smiling like we were friends but the second he heard my name he started to glare at me. "The guy thats been bothering you and kissed you?", he asked Annabeth and she nodded in return.

I saw Percy's eyes change from a friendly sea green eye colour to a dark gloomy green as though storms were fighting in his eyes. I was actually a bit scared for my life as Percy began to approach me. I tried to fight back Percy was clearly taking karate or something because the second he went on attack I couldn't even land a hit. I curled up on the side with my face covered in my blood. They left I never saw Annabeth again.

I had asked Camila for a second chance and she gave after many time of me asking and doing romantic gestures she it to me. At that time I knew I would stay loyal to her because after all this I realized that she was amazing. She helped me get better after my run in with Percabeth. Other than that i actually ship them. Camila and I eventually got married and we had three kids together and i'm happier than ever.


I think that was good! Sorry I haven't updated in a few days but I hope this was enough to make up for it. Please comment and vote. Peace Out.

1054 words

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