Sally Jackson

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Percy and Annabeth are 20 and come to talk to Sally about a surprise

Sally's POV:

Annabeth's coming today!

She says herself and Percy have a good surprise but she sounded a bit strange over the phone. While I'm making dinner I hear the doorbell ring I yell to Estelle "Get the door honey please!" I hear the door open and Percy and Annabeth walk into the house. "Annabeth! Honey it's been so long since I saw you I've missed you!" I said enthusiastically.

I turn to Percy, "Hi Percy" I say plainly. Percy looks at me and says "What am I a piece of trash or something I swear you love Annabeth more than you own son!", I laugh. Percy then says "Mom, Annabeth and I have a very big surprise for you!" 

"Annabeth please tell me the surprise!" I say turning to her. She looks at me like she was calculating what to do, she eventually says "Percy and I thought about it for a while and we will tell you during dinner it's very important to us", I wonder what's on Annabeth mind.

I quickly go to the kitchen and dishes out the dinner "Paul!" I yell after my husband as he walks into the dining room. Annabeth and Percy walk in behind him. As we sit down at the table I ask Annabeth what she wanted to tell me. "Well... Sally I want to tell you that... Percy has something to tell you!!!", Percy looks at her "WOW, nice to see that you have my back!" Percy turns back to me. As I carefully look at this situation.

Percy starts talking again "Well Mom and Paul, there are umm... times in life where just have to accept it and don't worry to much on understanding it like how blue cookies are blue. And sometimes you have to see that I'm not a kid anymore and that I am umm what's the word... a BIG BOY!!!", at this I burst out laughing I can never take him seriously, Percy chuckles a little bit. Then Annabeth motions at him to continue. 

"So umm, Mom, the main reason we came here is to tell you that Annabeth is pregnant!", I stare at them both looking at Paul and he looks just as surprised as me. "Are you telling me that I'm going to become a grandma" I say in a small raspy voice, Percy and Annabeth look at each other "Y-Yeah" Annabeth stutters out. "OH MY GODS!!! PERCABABBIES!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! DO YOU KNOW IF THE BABIES A GIRL OR BOY! I NEED TO GO SHOPPING AFTER DINNER!!!" I yell at them.

Annabeth looked relived while Percy looked scared, I smile at them "Lets finish eating now", I say, and for the rest of the evening we ate, laughed, we went shopping and watched finding Nemo (Mainly because of Percy's pleas).


Well that is a good start from the two months I haven't updated the next chapters will be longer I promise sorry for the delay

Peace out:)

~airmar803                                                                                                                                                                              506 Words                                                                   

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