Amy Lochlyn

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Ok so this may be a chapter called Amy Lochlyn  but it's going to be in Annabeth's POV

Annabeth's POV:

A new camper showed up today and it was my job to show her around her name was Amy and she is a child of Aphrodite.  She had dark silky black hair with brown and blonde highlights and had the bluest most pure eyes. I was showing her the important parts of the camp like the Big House and her cabin when we ran into Percy. "Wise Girl wanna see how many cookies I can stuff in my mouth?" I couldn't help but laugh, "No Seaweed Brain I do not".  Amy tapped on my shoulder and asked me "Who's the hottie?" I turned and did my best not to glare at her, after all she didn't know that Percy and I are together. "Amy this is Percy my boyfriend, and Percy this Amy a daughter of Aphrodite".  Percy smiled at her kindly "Hey, nice to meet you" Amy had a sinister smile on her face, "Nice to meet you too".

I quickly told Percy that we had to get on with the run down of the camp and that i'll see him later. I went on to tell Amy about the other cabins gods like mine for Athena is the goddess of wisdom, Apollo god of music, archery, medicine and more, and Hecate the goddess of magic. After that we got called for dinner and I let Amy go with her cabin mates.

I didn't see Percy during dinner and I was curious of where he was, after I finished eating I still haven't seen Percy but I got side tracked cause Chiron needed me to do something for the camp. After I finished I went Leo and asked him where my Seaweed Brain was and he told me that he saw him go down to the lake.

As I was on my way to the lake I started to have a really bad feeling like something was going to happen. Once i was at the lake I saw a figure of someone but as I got closer I realized it was two people, it was Percy and Amy kissing. I could feel the tears start to appear but instead of saying something I sprinted away from them before they could realize I was there. I went into my cabin and locked myself away from civilization but of course that didn't last long. Soon Percy walked in and he said "I know you saw me kissing Amy today" I glared at him and started yelling "So what do want now you jerk! Are you going to explain or are you still going to be an asshole and tell me that you cheated".

"Annabeth I don't want to hurt you anymore, so i'm telling you right now that I don't love you anymore that stopped the second I saw Amy and I want to break up now" I didn't have any words so I slapped Percy dragged him outside but then I saw Amy there waiting for him so I slapped Amy and yelled at them both " Fine you jerks can stay together!".

I went back into my cabin and stayed there the whole day and soon the whole camp new what happened and they hated Amy for it and were trying to tell me that this isn't like Percy and they weren't wrong.

After laying in my bed all day I decided to look deeper into the fact that Percy cheated because we all know his fatal flaw is loyalty. Percy's too loyal to not break up with me before doing anything with Amy and he doesn't seem guilty at all which is weird. I quickly but on my hat turns invisible and walked out of my cabin.

I was looking for Amy everywhere and I found her outside of the Hecate cabin she was talking to a son of Hecate. "Here's 20 drachma's for what you did to make Percy mine i'll bring you the rest tomorrow" Amy said to him as she walked away.

I knew it Percy didn't do anything he's under some Hecate magic. I took my hat off the went after Amy. I tackled her to the ground as I yelled at her "What did you do to my Seaweed Brain!" she looked shocked as she smirked and said "Nothing he just saw what a complete waste it was being with someone as ugly and worthless as you". By now the whole camp was watching us.

"I heard you talking to the camper about what you did! Give me the way to get him back to normal" I yelled at her, "There no way i would do that" she said back. I couldn't help it so I punched her. Percy came running over and ripped me off her.

"Annabeth don't touch my girlfriend!" he yelled at me. "Percy please you can fight it! Your still my Seaweed Brain and I love you" I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips but he pushed me off. "Stop it Annabeth" he said quietly.

Amy got up and went beside him, Percy looked down at her and smiled but then he looked at me.

"This is wrong" he said as he walked away from Amy, "I don't love you Amy, I love Annabeth, my Wise Girl" at his chest you could see a pink glow appear and almost like shatter. I smiled "Are you back to normal Percy?" I ask. He smiles and nods.

Percy comes over to me and gives me a hug, I look up and give him a kiss. Percy angrily goes towards Amy but before he could do anything Aphrodite appears and Amy looks up grateful her mother was there but Aphrodite turned to her angrily. "You dare mess with Percabeth child? You are banished from this camp as well as that Hecate boy. LEAVE!" she yelled as she left just as quickly as she had came.

Percy said "You heard her Amy leave" Amy got up in tears and ran out of the camp.

Percy and I spent the rest of the day together happily knowing we were always stronger together.


@fruitypebbles559 asked for something like this a while ago I hope you like it if you are reading

Sorry i took so long but I think it's pretty good i'm still taking requests and please follow me and comment. Peace Out.

1089 words

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