Zoe Jackson-Caleo and Percabeth

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Zoe's POV:

Ok, there may be a few things I am hiding from my parents, one of those things being i'm dating one of their close friends son.

I'm Zoe Jackson I have grey eyes like my mother Annabeth Jackson and Black hair from my father, Percy Jackson. I have most of my fathers physical traits, minus the eyes, and my mothers intelligence. I have my fathers water powers as well.

The guy i'm dating is named Henry Valdez, he is the son of one of my parents close friends Leo and Calypso Valdez. He has Carmel brown curly hair not to long but not to short, which I love playing with, and dark eyes. He has a pretty strong build which is surprising considering his father was more elf like when he was around his age. 

Henry is actually 2 years older than me, 17, while i'm 15. 

That is one of the reasons why we haven't told our parents about us yet, they'll think our age difference is to large, which is weird considering the Zhangs age difference is about as large as ours.  Henry and I have been together for about 3 months and it's been hard keeping our relationship a secret. Considering that if my dad found out he would go ballistic, he's a tad bit over protective. So is my older brother Ethan who happens to be Henry's best friend, I know what a situation I put myself in but I love Henry, and he told me he loves me back. I know it sound stupid how could a 15 year old know what love feels like.

Anyway we are planning on telling everyone when our families go for dinner at my house tomorrow. "Babe, are you listening" Henry said waving his hand in front of my face. "Sorry, what were you saying?" I mumble back. "Well I was just asking of how you want to tell them about us" Henry answered. I shrugged "It doesn't matter to me as long as we tell them so we don't have to sneak in each others rooms to be together" I say waving my hand around my room. Yes, he snuck into my room after midnight. 

"Don't worry soon everyone will know your mine" he said giving me a small kiss on the lips. "And everyone will know your mine", I say back giving him a smile. He nods "Just a few more days", I nod, i'm so nervous, I mean how will my dad react, how will his parents react, how will Eth-, "I wonder if Ethan will hate me after we tell them", Henry mumbled out interrupting my thoughts. "Theres no way he would ever hate you, and if does come down to that if we just b-break u-up he should forgive you. I don't want you to lose your best friend" I rush out.

"Don't say that." Henry says angrily, "I would never leave you even if it means Ethan will hate me, so promise me you won't leave me" I blush he gets a bit protective as well, "I promise Hen".

"Thank you Zo" he smiles to me. I softly cup his face "I love you" I say, he grins "I love you too Zo" I lean in and we kiss passionately. Once we break away I say "Come on we should sleep" he nods and was about to leave but I pulled him back "Stay with me" I say softly.

"You can leave later at like 6:00 am but stay for now" I use my best pouting face, "You know I can't say no to that face" he sighs and lays down next to me. He wraps his arm around me, but not before putting an alarm for 6:00. We soon fall asleep with me leaning in his chest and his arms around me tightly making me feel warm and safe.



I jump awake hearing the load voice and I see Ethan standing at the door Henry jumped out of the bed shirtless, he must have gotten hot.

"Ethan dude we were going to tell you!" Henry tried to explain, "TELL ME WHAT THAT YOUR PLAYING MY SISTER!" Ethan yelled. Oh yeah, I may have forgotten to say that before we got together he kinda played girls, got it from his dad thinking he was 'all that'. 

"Ethan, relax!" I try to calm him down. "Really Zoe my best friend!" he yells angrily. "This isn't how you were supposed to find out!" I yell to him. "Oh really! How long has this thing been going on?!?" Ethan yells. "3 months" Henry mumbled.

"You have got to be kidding me" Ethan starts swearing in greek. He then launches himself at Henry. "What the hades!" Henry yells out as Ethan starts to punch him over and over "You were supposed to be my best friend! How could you!" I could now see blood "Ethan stop! Dad! Mom!" I yell out for someone to come.

Whats with all the noise" my dad asked with my mom close behind him. "Woah! Ethan get off of the guy" My dad yelled pulling him off. My mom ran over to Henry, "Henry?" my mom asked.

"Help him!" I yell as I go to beside him and give him a kiss on the lips, "Are you ok Hen?" I ask him softly ignoring my parents questions. "Never better" he grins. "Zoe Jackson! Why did you just kiss him" my dad yells out. "Because they've been dating for 3 months" Ethan spat out.

"3 months", my mother mumbles, "You know what that means Perce you and Leo owe me and Calypso $50 each", wait what. "Huh?" Henry, Ethan and I ask. "Well we made a bet about you and Henry and I win" my mom says. "Henry you hurt my little girl and I will kill you" my dad glares at him, "Also put on a shirt after you get cleaned up, i'll call your parents to come now" Henry grins at my dad "I would never hurt Zo Mr. Jackson, I love her", my dad smiles and gives Henry a hug. "You're a good kid Henry", and then my dad and mom walk out.

"Just because mom and are fine with this, doesn't mean I am" he spat to me, "And you Henry you were like a brother to me but now, you're dead to me" Henry frowns I go to give him a hug "If he's dead to you then so am I" I say glaring at him. "Of course take his side, i'll be here when he breaks your heart" he says softly. 

"Then you'll be waiting a long time" I give Henry a soft long kiss.


Ok that's it @1pupcrazy asked for a child of Cleo dating a child of Percabeth. Not sure if I like the ending might do a part two tell me if you want one. Hope you like it. Peace out.


1150 words

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