Jessica Williams

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Jessica's POV:

Hi I'm Jessica Williams the queen bee of Goode high. I'm really hot and all the guys want me all but Percy well I'm sure he loves me it's just hard for him to show it.

Anyway I have blonde hair (dyed) and green emerald eyes (contacts).  Today I will ask Percy Jackson out he will surely say yes.

As I dress for school i put on my best revealing clothes. I go into my car and tell my driver where to go. Oh did a mention my daddy's rich he works as an author. I get whatever I want I bought a mall once. Back to the problem at hand when I got to school I met up with my min- my friends and told I was going to ask Percy out.

Then Amanda my "best friend" said "He's totes going to say yes if he says no he's crazy" I answer by saying "well duh tell me something I don't know"

"Umm well" she tries to answer "I don't mean literally" I scream at her face ugh she's so dumb. I walk away from them.

I see Percy talking to his friends which are losers he's going to have to stop talking to them when we start dating. Percy is so hot he has gorgeous sea green eyes and amazhang (sorry I had to) black hair that you just want to put your fingers through, he has an amazing swimmer body did I mention that he swims he's the team captain.

Anyway I walk over to Percy and I go straight for the lips we kiss for about 3 seconds because I caught him off guard and then he pushed me off a blonde girl he was talking to I think it was the new girl Annabelle or something she can up to me and SLAPPED ME!

"Percy" I cried "this crazy blonde hurt me!" But Percy came up to me and said "That crazy blonde is my girlfriend Annabeth" by then I was so mad I went straight to Annabitch and slapped her in the face.

"That is for stealing my boyfriend you piece of shit!" I screamed she stared at me intensely it was scary looking at her fierce grey eyes but I had to look tough I'm not giving up on Percy Jackson he's to hot to give up that easily so I stared back. Eventually I went up to Percy and told him " I'm so much better than her I'm prettier and richer and I love you she's just using you."

Percy stared at me for a long time I thought he was going to kiss me but he walked up to Annabelle and KISSED HER!

"Annabeth has been here for me for such a long time she loves me more than anyone else in the world and I love her so I would like it if you got out of my face now" he said I was so mad I punched Annabeth right in the nose.

Percy got so mad he started scream and yelling at me Annabeth was calming him down but he was so mad he almost hit me. Eventually he calmed down and he and Annabeth went into his car to skip school.

I was so mad I can't beli- oh cute guy he's mine got to go bye.


Ok that was good if I do say so myself feel free to comment and give me any ideas that was fun I'm probably not going to upload any more chapters today I might idk
Peace out

601 words

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