Mrs. Lee

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Mrs. Lee POV: 

My name is Jasmine Lee I am an university teacher. I have brown wavy hair that reaches the middle of my back. I have green misty eyes and i'm 50 years old. I'm not one to usually pick favourites but I mean my favourite has to be the smartest girl in the class Annabeth Chase. She is a genius, and i'm not one to usually use that specific word on someone.

Annabeth always hands her work in on time she does it properly, she does her homework, she is on time in class, she doesn't talk back and she most definitely never breaks a rule. So imagine my surprise when she does so today.

"Ok class, plea-", i'm interrupted by hearing a phone ring in the class very loudly. "Who's phone might that be", I say looking straight at John the boy in my class who is always breaking my rules, "Sorry it's mine", I hear Annabeth call. I sigh, "Annabeth, this is unlike you why is you're ringer on?", she smiles an awkward smile towards me, "Sorry, whenever my boyfriend calls the ringer always rings, I have it like that incase of emergency".

"Put it on speaker", she smiles and obliges doing what I said, "Yes Seaweed Brain? Also my WHOLE class can hear you speak", she says putting and emphasizing on the word whole.

"OH. Well um let's just say Mrs. O'Leary's cousins are chasing me there about 10 of them!", Mrs. O'Leary's cousins? "On my way Percy!" Annabeth yells through the phone running out of the classroom, slamming the door behind her.

I stand there wondering why Annabeth is being so strange today.


On Monday Annabeth came into my classroom as though everything was normal and sat down at her desk. "Annabeth why did you run out of the classroom on Friday?", she looks at me and I can see her pale. "Well um Mrs. O'Leary is Percy's dog, Percy is my boyfriend by the way, and we have a inside joke that every dog is her cousin and some dogs were attacking Percy and I went to go help him. He was seriously injured by the time I got there but he is ok now.", oh that why, "Next time just tell us the whole reason before running off like that, i'm afraid i'm going to have to punish you", Annabeth nods.

"By the way Mrs. Lee i'm going to be away in about 9 months", why is she telling me this now? "Ok".


It's been 9 months and about a week ago Annabeth just stopped showing up at school, it was really weird.

Today just as I was about tart my class a man walked into the class, "Excuse me who are you?", the man looks at me and I see he has sea green eyes and pitch black hair. "I'm Percy Jackson". Percy Jackson? "Annabeth's boyfriend?", he chuckled slightly, "She didn't tell you did she? We got married 3 months ago, and i'm here to pick up her school stuff she won't be coming back for the rest of the term she gave birth to our baby girl yesterday", Wait. What.

"Gave Birth!?! Married!?! She is way to young for that. "Annabeth, married and has a child at 21 and I thought she was responsible", Percy glares at me, "Don't you dare question my wife's life choices she is smarter than everyone in this school!", with that he left slamming the door behind him. That how I met Percabeth and lost my faith in the young adults of today.


I hope that was ok I kind of rushed it because I feel bad when I don't update, Hope you liked it. Peace Out.


612 words

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