Julia Calms

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Julia's Pov:

My name is Julia Calms and I have sleek black hair and hazel brown eyes, I love to read whenever I can and I am in love with a girl name Annabeth Chase, she's the most perfect person on this planet. She has blonde curly princess hair, grey intelligent eyes and is very athletic. I have the honour of being her closest friend, I have known and been friends with Annabeth longer than anyone in this whole school has, for two whole years. My best friend Riley is the only person who knows about my love for Annabeth, and she is going to help me win her over.

Riley has light brown hair and silvery blue eyes, i've known her for almost my whole life. My only friends in school are Annabeth and Riley, and i'm not lonely because they are true friends. Well I mean Riley is Annabeth will be my girlfriend soon.

Anyway today some of the populars invited everyone in our grade to their house for a party and I am going to ask Annabeth out there in front of everybody, that way when she says yes everyone will know she's off limits. "Annabeth! Riley!", I yell over to them, "Do you guys want to go to Alice's party?", Riley quickly answers, "I mean sure why not, i'm in what about yo Annabeth?", Annabeth thinks about it for a while. Eventually she answers, "I'm not big on parties so I don't think I wanna go", I look at her if she doesn't go then I won't be able to ask her out. "Please go for us", I say giving her my puppy eyes.

Annabeth looks at me rolls her eyes, sighs then says "Fine but only if I can bring a friend", I smile her friend probably won't get in the way of me asking her out so I answer her excitedly, "Ok! Awesome!", Annabeth gives me a smile. Riley then says, "I can pick you guys up and we can go together", I say yes to her offer but Annabeth declines saying, "My friend will most likely drive me there, so i'm fine, but meet you guys at the front at the house say around 8:30?", Riley and I nod and we all go our separate ways excited for the party tonight.


It's 8:15 and i'm just finishing getting ready i'm just wearing casual clothes jeans and a nice top. Riley should be here in about five minutes then we go to the party to meet up with the love of my life, Annabeth. I wonder who Annabeths friend is, just then Riley rings my doorbell, I go downstairs and get in her car.

Once we get their its 8:25, Annabeth still isn't here so Riley and i wait on the porch. Riley asks me, "So your asking Annabeth tonight?" I nod my head i'm so nervous. "I know she'll say yes, you're a great person?", I smile at her just then a sea green cuvertable pulled out in front of the house. I rolled my eyes it was probably some rich jerk, but just then Annabeth and some dude who had black messy hair, sea green eyes and a lean muscular body came out of the car.

Annabeth said they we're friends, so they're just friends, Riley just went off with her boyfriend Chad of two years so I was alone. Annabeth smiles at me and walks over holding the hand of the obviously player. I quickly ask Annabeth, "Who is this guy", she smiles at me.

"This is Percy Jackson my boyfriend of a year and has been my best friend since I was twelve", I started there looking in shock.

I broke down in tears, "Annabeth we're are supposed to be together not you and him, I love you and I have since I first met you", Annabeth looks at me sadly and says, "Julia I think you're amazing and your the best friend O could ever have but I don't see you in that way. Julia I have Percy and I love him, I have for years and he will do anything for me and I would do anything for him. I know you will find someone who will love you for you one day but for now I don't like you back but we still be friends".

Percy looks like a player, but they do seem kinda cute together like they are meant for each other. Annabeth still wants to be friends, which is surprising since I just confessed my love for her.

Annabeth comes forward and gives me a hug, I hug her back while Percy gives me a sympathetic smile. "Thank you Annabeth, and you're right I will find someone else". She smiles at me and we continue to have fun at the party.

Once I got into university I bumped into a girl and who would have thought a couple years later me and that girl got engaged. Annabeth was right I had to wait for the right person to find me. Percabeth is one of my favourite shops and I still see Annabeth and Percy every once and a while.


Sorry I haven't updated in a few days but here's an update I try to update again today if not i'll do my best to update tomorrow. Peace out.

900 words

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