Rider Pope-Theyna

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Rider's POV:

Let me set this straight I am in love with Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano. Reyna, she is beautiful with piercing dark eyes , glossy black hair in a single braid. I'm one of her closest friends she only ever opens up slightly around me but thats way more than how she acts with anyone else.

Reyna is very smart, she takes her studies in high school very seriously, gets the best grades in the class. I've loved Reyna from the day she stepped into this school. I was the first person she talked to and I was honoured. Reyna can seem kind of rude when you don't know her or have never talked to her, but once you learn more about you learn that she is very nice and you can probably trust her with anything.

"Hey ReyRey!" I call out to Reyna walking up to my locker, which is right beside hers. "Rider how many more times do I have to tell you not to call me that!" she says as she playfully smacks the back of my head. "I'm not sure how does the rest of your life sound ReyRey!" I say chuckling. She glares at me and again smacks my head. "Your so annoying Rider!" she mumbles thinking I didn't hear her. "Maybe I am but thats why you love me!" I say proudly. "Sure whatever makes you happy Rider" she huffs out. 

I just know she loves me too.

"Got to get to class ReyRey see you in second period!" I call out to her. "See you then, and Rider again with the nickname!" she says grinning. I know she loves that nickname.


It's second period, which is english, I walk in and see Reyna with her plain resting face. I sit beside her she barely acknowledges me. "Hey ReyRey" I say, "Rider again stop with the nickname" she spat at me. I let out a sigh, she's always like this when more people are around.  She tries to act tough, as though to scare them away and it works pretty well considering I'm her only friend. 

I mean if she just acted the way she does around me even a little bit she would have so many friends and I mean all the guys in school already think she's beautiful. Plus she's only like %1 her real self around me. 

Anyway english was the same way it was usually with me doodling on my paper while Reyna was making a bunch of notes from the class. Eventually the bell rang and I practically jumped out of my seat almost tripping. "Rider will you please stop being so incompetent" Reyna says coldly to me. i grin "You already know the answer", she tried to keep her straight face but I could see the small grin on her face as she walked away. "When school ends meet me in the parking lot I want you to meet someone", she says before getting lost in the crowed. 

I stood there wondering who she would want me to meet, maybe her older sister? She's only brought her up once, I don't know maybe. I think though I will ask her out after I meet this mystery person. 


Finally after me wondering about who Reyna wants me to meet after what felt like an eternity, school ended. I went over to the parking lot of the school jumping with joy over this person I will meet. I must be important to Reyna if she wants me to meet someone from her life, right?

Anyways Reyna appeared behind me, "She'll be here soon, don't be afraid if she gives off a scary impression, she really caring once you get to know her, she's just kind of protective" Reyna gives me a small smile. "Is she your sister or..." I say trailing off, "You'll see" Reyna answers. 

Just then a sliver car pulls in front of the school and a girl with short, spiky black hair and electric blue eyes came out of the car. She walked towards us as Reyna was smiling brightly, brighter than I have ever seen her smile.

"Hey Thals" Reyna grins at her, "Hey Rey" the girl Thalia says as she leans forward and kisses Reyna passionately. I was shocked by the fact that she didn't get mad at the nickname and that they kissed. Once they pulled apart Reyna smiles at me "Rider this is Thalia Grace my girlfriend" I swear right the and there my heart shattered, girlfriend. I knew then that she doesn't love me, not even the fact that she had a girlfriend she had told me once that she was bi, but the fact that Thalia only being here for what five minutes makes Reyna smile so easliy by just being there. 

While with me I have to try so hard to do what she does so easily.

"Oh really, thats cool, you guys are cute together" I say fake smiling, as long as Reyna's happy I'm happy. "You have a great friend Rey" I hear Thalia whisper in Reynas ear. "I know better than all those friends that Percy and Annabeth try to make that become obsessed" I here her whisper back.

"I-I ha-have t-to go" I stutter out as I run off.

A few years later I got invited to there wedding because I was still close to Reyna, but I never got a wife or a family. I got the type of love I needed from Reyna so I stayed heart broken letting her live her happy life.


Ok @hagridkid11 asked for some Theyna I hope you liked it! Please comment to tell me! I will continue taking requests and the next one will be up soon. Peace out.


951 words

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