Games part 3

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Toon: As the Waffle King goes through documents, he finds a document that he had long forgotten about.

Blaze: *jerks awake* I WAS LISTENING!!

Toon: He calls for his royal guards. LIIIINK!!!! MAAAARTH!!!!!

Link: *sighs* What do you want?

Marth: You call- *trips*

Blaze: *giggles*

Toon: I have a document that says Blaze is betrothed.

Marth&Blaze: WHAT!?

Toon: Yes, Marth rescued her, but she is to be wedded to the son of the Taco King of Pie Place.

Blaze: What? Who dat?

Toon: Pit.

All except Toon: WHAT!?

Pit: I'm betrothed to Blaze??

Blaze: I dun wanna play anymore... ;-;

Marth: Me neither!

Pit: Awkward...

Blaze: *falls to knees* Please, I'll do anything...

Toon: *hint of pride* Rise, young Blaze. All is not lost.

Blaze: Me? Young? Look who's talking! *snaps in Z formation*

Toon: Calm down. You shall not die.

Blaze: *huff* I'm not that dramatic. OW!! What gives Link? That hurt!

Link: *smirks*

Toon: Are you ready to listen?

Blaze: No. *looks away*

Toon: You will not get married.

Blaze: What!? YAASS!! *dances*

Pit: *eats a Taco*

Blaze: Yes you're the so-called Taco Prince. -_-

Pit: *noms Taco*

Toon: Let's all go get tacos.

Marth: How about blue tacos?

Blaze: Yaay I'm so happy my powers are back!! Bye I've got to go make friends and be happy with the dragon!!

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