Holy cow it's been forever

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Blaze: So I just randomly came across this book and I remembered it and I wanted to write a part.

Marth: Blaze, it's been forever!

Blaze: Yeah, it has.

Marth: You're acting weird.

Blaze: I'm not as emotional as I was back then.

Marth: Oh....

Blaze: Guys! If you were super heroes, who would you be?

Ike: I'd be Batman.

Blaze: Yasss!!

Pit: I'd be Hawkman.

Marth: I have no idea who I'd be. I'm a hero prince, how can I be a cape-wearing superhero?

Blaze: Marth, you wear a cape.

Marth: Oh yeah.

Link: I'd be Link. There's no hero like me.

Toon: If Link gets to be Link, then I'm me.

Blaze: Really? I'm done. I'm done.

Link: XD

Spark: You'd think that Link would be Hawkeye.

Blaze: Oh, that's true! It fits!

Link: What!? But what about Toon?

Toon: Ha ha. *angelic face*

Elle: You'd be his little brother.

Toon: But I'm a hero! I have my own game! Come on!

Blaze: Don't worry, Toon. Hawkeye's little brother has a really well trained German Shepard.

Toon: Really?

Blaze: Really.

Toon: Yay! Come on, Fang! *shoots arrow at Ike's head*

Ike: *straight face* I'm Batman. *swishes cape and disappears*

Pit: *flies*

Link: *covering ears* I'm Link, I'm Link, I'm Link...

Marth: Hey, I still don't know who I am!

Blaze: I just can't figure it out for you, really. None of them fit.

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