Aries:They're probably the most entertaining. With their charisma, they're the biggest people pleasers ever. There is never a dull moment with them.
Taurus:They're super sweet & will protect you no questions asked.
Gemini:They're quick witted & intelligent, which you can pick up.
Cancer:They always ask how you're doing & will try to cheer you up when you're down.
Leo:Their confidence is contagious! Treat them right, & they'll teach you to love yourself. They won't let anyone bring you down. No questions asked, they'll defend you until the end.
Virgo:They're always mindful of others & know their limits.
Libra:Excellent listeners & they'll tell you when you're wrong. They always offer excellent wisdom & advice. They may be harsh about it, but they're just making sure nothing gets past you.
Scorpio:They'll *probably* rip the head off of anyone who hurts you. (As long as they're not close with them as well.)
Sagittarius:They always dream big. They'll fill your head with positive imagines & "what ifs." They offer the sweetest dreams.
Capricorn:They always think logically & won't let your head get clouded with foolish thoughts.
Aquarius:They're great listeners. Although their thinking & advice might seem a little off & eccentric.
Pisces:They're actually hilarious once you get close to them. They're extremely real & will leave your sides splitting.
Zodiac Signs etc.
RandomIts going to be about everything pertaining to Zodiac signs and astrology etc. :) Hope you guys enjoy. © COPYRIGHT 2015 by @rainbow_kisses1 .....All Rights Reserved