Chapter 4 - Mixed Up Thoughts

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You continued to wander the halls to find the dorms of others. You were probably lost but you didn't really care. All the while, you thought of Cyrus.

Finally, you found another dorm. You didn't know whose dorm it was but you knocked anyway. The door was opened by the pink-haired cheerleader.

"Omg hi!" Cydnee smiled as she hugged you. "Hi." You reply as she let go of you. "What are ya doing here?" Cydnee asked.

You shrugged. "Just checking the dorms of others." You responded. Cydnee nodded. "Wanna come in?" She said. "Sure." You told her.

You went in and Cydnee closed the door behind her. "Who stays with you?" You asked. "Zane and Blake." Cydnee replied.

"You're 3 in a dorm?" You questioned. "Yep. Zane didn't want to stay with Cyrus so this was the next option." Cydnee said.

"Yo Cydnee, who's at the-" You see Zane walk in from the kitchen. "Oh hey Y/N. How's it hanging?" He asked.

"Im fine I guess." You told him. "Just checking the dorms and ended up here." Zane nodded.

"Where's Blake?" You ask Cydnee and Zane. "Football practice." They both answered.

"Oh ok. But why do you have 3 people in this dorm?" You questioned. "Its better than staying in a dorm with Cyrus." Zane muttered.

"Why?" You asked. Zane growled. "Cuz Cyrus is a jerk." He said. "A jerk who thinks he's cool and basically hates everyone."

"Zane, cut it out." Cydnee sighed. "Im sure he's not that bad. Right Y/N?" She looked at you. Not knowing how to respond, you shrug.

"Pfft, she's only been staying with Cyrus for a day. Obviously she doesn't understand yet." Zane said as he made his way to the bedroom.

Cydnee rolled her eyes. "He's just mad at Cyrus." She told you. "Isn't everyone mad at Cyrus?" You asked.

"Ehh, yea?" She said. "Anyways, if you need to go, you can go." You nodded and went to the door. "What about Zane?" You asked.

"Probably some mood swing. I'll handle it." Cydnee smiled at you. "You just handle yourself with Cyrus." She said as you started to leave.

"K. Bye!" You said. Cydnee waved at you before closing the door. After that, you continued walking to find the other dorms.

You kept in mind Zane's "mood swing" or his rant about Cyrus. Was Cyrus really that much of a jerk? Was he enough to make everyone hate him?

You try to push those thoughts aside. But you couldn't. Why couldn't you get him out of your head? Why are you repeatedly thinking about him?

Because you're worried. Worried if he'll ruin your life despite your brother trying to protect you from him.

But you felt like this wasn't the reason. You felt like there was something more to this. You just didn't know what.

But then you realized what your thoughts meant. You found Cyrus interesting. But why though? You sigh as you decided to answer that in the future.

You saw another dorm after a while of walking. As usual, you knocked at the door. You were surprised to see Cruise answer it.

"Y/N??" He asked. "What are you doing here? Do you need anything?" You mumbled a 'nope' as you try to walk away.

But Cruise grabbed you. "Are you ok? Did he do something?" He asked as he protectively hugged you.

"Im fine. I was just looking at the dorms and I found yours." You replied. "Oh ok." Cruise said as he stopped hugging you.

"You can be very overprotective sometimes." You said to your brother. "Pfft, Im not that protective." Cruise chuckled. "Anyways, wanna hang with me and Z4?"

"Oh, he's your roommate?" You asked. "Yea, but he's on a call with his mom at the moment." Cruise replied. "But you can hang out with me!"

"Meh, ok. I pretty much have nothing to do." You told him as he let you in. "So how's it going?" He asked.

"Fine so far." You answered. "I just came from Cydnee's dorm." "Thats great! Good to know that you're making friends." Cruise patted your head.

You both continue talking until Z4 walks in. "Hi Y/N." He said. "Here to hang out with Cruise?" You nodded.

"Yea. Have nothing else to do so-" You told him. "K. And things are going well with Cyrus?" Z4 asked. "Kinda." You reply.

"Thats good." Z4 said, looking away. Cruise was smiling at Z4. You didn't know why. "Y/N, why don't you go back to your dorm?" Cruise told you.

"Why?" You asked. "Because I want to talk with Z4 privately. You just continue enjoying this time before class tomorrow." Cruise responded while smirking at Z4.

"K." You said as you stood up and made your way to the door. "Cya tomorrow Y/N! Love you!" Cruise told you. You smile and wave at him before leaving.


I think messed up. Does she think Im weird? Does she know already? Is she suspicious? Is she...

I stop thinking when I notice Cruise smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "Don't act like you don't know." Cruise said as he walked over to me.

"I know you like my sister." He whispered to me. I blush. "Pfft what? No." I scoffed. Cruise was still smiling.

"You're denying it." He said. "I-" I had no idea what to say. Cruise is right. I like Y/N ever since I first saw her.

As if reading my mind, Cruise said, "I knew it." I was stuttering but I gave up. "Ugh, you're right. Maybe I do kinda like her." I told Cruise.

"Its fine, bro. Nothing to be shy about." He replied. "Do you think she likes me back?" I asked. Cruise shrugged.

"Y/N is a mystery. She's never felt love for anyone besides me. So I guess you'll find out someday." He said.

"Or never." I mumbled as I walk to the bedroom. But my thoughts were all about Y/N and wondering if she would ever love me back.

Regular POV

You walked back to your dorm and see Cyrus waiting for you. "Idiot, where were you?" He asked.

"I told you I was going out to explore." You replied. "Whatever." Cyrus said as he went to the bedroom. You sighed as you decided to do the same.

But then you realized...

Was Cyrus waiting for you?

And why would he ever do that??

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