Chapter 18 - Game Night Out

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Eeeee I saw some kid who looked like Cyrus in my badminton training aaaa

Timeskip to 30 minutes before 5pm

Cyrus and I were both getting ready to go to the arcade. It wasn't exactly going to be a date: just a chill hangout kind of thing.

I decided to wear my normal clothes but fix my hair differently. I tied it a bit loosely than normal.

After I felt fine with how I look, I went out of the dorm. Cyrus was already waiting for me. Like me, he didn't wear anything special.

"Y/N, you ready to go?" He asked. I nodded as Cyrus took my hand and we walked out of the campus together.

It wasn't a long walk to the arcade, for us at least. When we reached it, Cyrus opened the door for me. I look around the place as Cyrus stands beside me.

"So, what do ya want do first?" He said. "All the games look cool. I don't know where to start." I told him. "I know the best games here, follow me." Cyrus replied as he led me to the 'best games'.

Cyrus seemed to have been here many times since he knew the place very well. He also seemed to be a master at all the games we played together.

He taught me the best tricks and strategies in the games we played and I nearly beat his highscore on Space Invaders.

I was having the best night of my life. I've never had fun like this. I didn't even notice the hours and time slip by.

When it got a little late, I felt like we needed to get going. But at the same time, I didn't want the night to end.

"Its getting late, Y/N. Should we go?" Cyrus asked me after I played Pacman. "Aw, just one more game?" I whined.

"Heh, you seem to be having as much fun as me. I've been going here since I was 10 and I've honestly never had a night like this." He chuckled.

"But I guess one more game wouldn't hurt." Cyrus smiled as he gestured me to follow him. I did and saw that he led me to a DDR-style game.

"Do you know how to play this?" I asked. "I used to play it with my ex-girlfriend and we had the second highest score. My skills are a bit rusty but I can manage." Cyrus answered.

I wondered who got a score higher than Cyrus but I shrug it off and smiled as we both got into position and got the game started.

We were playing the game like pros. I didn't know that I was even good at this game. And whenever I glance at Cyrus, he was doing it like he's been playing it for a long time.

We beat every highscore, even Cyrus' past score, until we were nearing the top score. People watched in awe and cheered as we continued to hit the right arrows.

We were getting closer until we finally exceeded the current highscore for the game. People cheered us on until we finally stopped.

"WE DID IT Y/N!! WE HAVE THE NEW HIGHSCORE!!" Cyrus said as he excitedly started shaking me by my shoulders.

When he noticed I was getting dizzy, he stopped and hugged me instead. We pushed past the crowd, left the arcade, and went to eat in a nearby diner.

We ordered pizza and we were both talking about the fun night we just had. After we ate, Cyrus smiled at me before seemingly remembering something.

"Oh I almost forgot. I have a gift for you." He said as he pulled out the light blue box wrapped with a sky blue ribbon from before.

"So thats why you were hiding it from me." I said as Cyrus nodded and handed me the box. "Open it, Y/N." He told me.

I unwrapped the ribbon and open the box. I gasp as I see a necklace with small gold and gems on it. "Cyrus, this is- its beautiful." I smile at the gamer as I wear the necklace.

"Yeah, I ordered it and asked Cydnee and Zane to get it for me." Cyrus said. "Thank you." I replied, the smile not leaving my face.

After we left the diner, we were making our way back to our dorms. We held hands the whole time. No one bumped into us since we were out in a late hour.

When we reached our dorm, I yawned and felt tired but I was in no rush to sleep. Cyrus and I got changed and we both made our way to the bedroom.

"Thank you again for tonight." I tell Cyrus. "I've never had as much fun as that in my life."

"Don't mention it, Y/N." He replied as he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back until we both pull away.

"Maybe we can do it again some other night." Cyrus said as he patted my head. "But for now, good night."

I yawned and went over to my bed. "Good night." I said as I fell asleep while remembering the night I just had.


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. It was still 11pm so I groaned and checked who was trying to call me. It was Nick.

"Hello?" I answered his call. "Uh Z4, just a quick question. Is Y/N a girl with blonde hair, red glasses, and a blue hoodie?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah, why?" "Um, I think I saw her with Cyrus on a date-" "WHAT?!" I cover my mouth and look to see if I woke up Cruise. I didn't.

"What do you mean she was on a date with Cyrus?" I asked quietly. "I saw them killing it on the DDR game in the arcade, beating the highscore." Nick replied.

I froze. "Are you sure she had blonde hair?" "Positive. I saw her and Cyrus enter the arcade, win a few games, and leave after a few hours."

I thought for a while. "Nick, tell your sister to do what we planned as soon as possible." I demanded.

"...K." Nick replied as he hung up. I growled and put my phone down. I look over to see Cruise still sound asleep before going back to bed.

Cyrus, just you wait, you will pay.

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