Stuff That Happened Weeks/Months Later

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3rd Person POV

"So you must be Nick and Rene, the twins reported for kidnapping and attempted murder?" The officer looked up from the file he was reading.

The siblings glanced at each other, Rene looking more embarrased. Not surprising considering what happened to her and Wesley.

Nick, on the other hand, was more angry than embarrased. Cyrus, his worst rival, was on a video call and watching the whole thing.

A laptop was on the right side of the officer. Cyrus was on a live call and smirked at Nick as Nick growled.

It angered him more when Cyrus did the middle finger and chuckled. But all Nick could do was tolerate it. He didn't want to be filed for another attempted murder.

"We'd put you in prison but you're just a little over 18." The officer said. "So we decided to just talk it over with your parents."

Nick saw Rene shift uncomfortably in her seat when the officer said that. "Our parents?" She asked.

"Yes. So I'd like to know your parents' full names and their numbers so we can contact them." The officer replied.

The twins both looked bothered but Nick decided to speak for both of them. "Uh sir, there's a small problem...

"We haven't actually spoken to them in years-"

"What? What a ridiculous excuse! Tell me your parents' names and numbers now!" The officer slammed his hand on the table.

"Sorry sir, but we honestly haven't seen or talked to them in 7 years." Nick said as Rene looked down with a sad face.

"Ugh fine." The officer muttered. "We'll trace your parents and find a way to contact them. In the meantime, Im putting both of you under house arrest."

Nick nodded as he put a hand on his sister's shoulder to comfort her. He glanced at Cyrus who mouthed, "b****" but he could care less.

Another officer came into the room and told Nick and Rene to follow him. The siblings stood up and did as they were told.

Cyrus, as he ended the call, was unsatisfied. "Really wished they just threw those 2 into an asylum." He mumbled to himself.



"Hey guys! Its me, Z4CK and Im here on vacation with my friends!" I moved my phone to record myself with Y/N, who was smiling at the camera.

Just as Y/N waved, Cruise suddenly appeared and tried to get the whole attention on him. "Hey, did you forget to put me in?" He fake pouted.

I chuckled as I adjusted the camera so both me and Cruise were seen. "And my boyfriend is with me, like always!" I said.

While Cruise and I were recording, I heard a growl from behind. "Can you idiots stop acting like a clingy couple for at least 10 minutes?"

I laughed as I faced my phone at Cyrus, who was busy playing on his new tablet that Y/N bought him.

"And the one and only CyrusGaming, who has been pulled out of his natural habitat to join his girlfriend on a vacation." I chuckled.

Cyrus just scoffed. "Get that f***ing phone out of my face before I throw it in the water." He replied without even looking up from his game.

"Hey Cyrus, look at what I found!" Y/N ran up to her boyfriend with a bucket of water, spilling a bit of it as she ran.

"Get that s*** away from my tablet!" Cyrus hissed as he moved his device away to avoid water from spilling on it.

"I think its moving." Y/N said as Cyrus looked at what was in her bucket. "Wait a sec- THAT'S A F***ING CRAB!" He yelled as Y/N moved it closer.

Cyrus stood up on his chair, still trying to defend his tablet. "Aww, are you afraid of a little crab?" Cruise mocked.

"No, its just- Y/N get that thing away from my tablet." Cyrus then kicked the bucket out of Y/N's hands, making the crab fall on the ground.

I recorded the crab as it went back to the water and Cruise laughed at Cyrus. "Oh, so you think its funny, huh?" The brown haired gamer growled.

A chuckle came from Y/N as Cyrus turned to her. "Yea its kinda funny." Y/N smiled. Cyrus looked pissed but he let Y/N hug him.

"Its ok though if you're afraid of crabs-" "IM NOT AFRAID OF CRABS!" Cyrus shouted. Cruise and I only started laughing more.

I ended the recording as I angled my phone to take a selfie with everyone. "C'mon guys, lets show this to everyone back at home." I said as they posed for the picture.

Except Cyrus who just smiled because Y/N was still hugging him tight.


Your POV

I walked with Cyrus as we were on our way to his house to meet his parents. I was excited but Cyrus was far from happy.

When we got to his house, a woman with brown hair and lapiz blue eyes was waiting for us.

"Ah Cyrus! Great to see you again!" The woman ran to Cyrus and hugged him while Cyrus just tried to push her off.

"Yeah, yeah, good to see you too I guess." He said sarcastically. The woman then released him and looked at me.

"And you must be Y/N, my son's girlfriend!" She told me as shook hands. "Im Cyrus' mother. Nice to meet you!"

She was like the complete opposite of Cyrus. I wonder why. "Please, come in. Wesley and Willow are already waiting." She said as she led us inside.

"And maybe I can show you some of Cyrus' baby pictures later." She whispered to me as I chuckled.

"Mom, I heard that! I thought you burnt those 2 years ago." Cyrus growled. "I would never burn the cutest pictures of my son." His mom smiled.

Cyrus muttered some curses as we went inside to meet his father, who was waiting with Wesley.

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