Chapter 19 - Weekend Chill

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Your POV

I stretched and yawn as I woke up to hear birds chirping and see the sun's rays enter the bedroom from the window.

I checked the time and realized it was almost 9am. I immediately got up and fixed myself. Cyrus was in his side of the bedroom, playing on his computer.

After noticing that I was awake, he said, "Good morning, Y/N. Slept well?" I nodded. "Mhm." I replied. "Good." Cyrus then went back to whatever game he was playing.

I let him be and head to the kitchen. I saw that Cyrus made waffles while I was asleep so I ate what he left for me.

After that, I just chill and read a book in the living room since I didn't have much plans for the weekend.

An hour passed before Cyrus came out from the bedroom. He sat beside me and pulled me into a cuddle, making me blush.

"Your hair is so soft." I heard Cyrus say as he stroked my hair and buried his face in it. "Smells good too."

"I- stop." I said jokingly, trying to move him away. But then a sudden thought came to my head.

"Cyrus, how do you look like without your hair covering your eyes?" I asked. Cyrus stayed silent for a bit. "Pfft, Im much cooler with my bangs like this." He answered.

"Yeah, but I wanna see how you look like without them covering your face." I told him. "No." Cyrus replied. "Please-" "No, final answer."

"Aww, cmon." I urged playfully. "Please- for me?" Cyrus shook his head. But I didn't stop bugging him and saying "please" about 12 times.

Until he finally sighed and gave in. "Ugh fine, but only this one time and never again." He said. I nodded in response.

Cyrus moved his bangs to one side and let me see how his eyes looked like. They weren't black like Wesley's eyes. Instead, they were as blue as lapiz.

"There, you saw already." Cyrus said as he let his hair fall into place. "Happy now?" "Why don't you like letting others see your eyes?" I asked.

"Cuz then people will think I look weird and they won't take me seriously anymore." He responded.

"I don't think its weird. It makes you look cooler if you ask me." I said. "Thanks I guess. I got them from my mom." Cyrus replied.

"Why do you sound like you hate her?" "Cuz I do." "Why?" "I don't know, I just hate how she tries to butt into my privacy."

"What about you? I've never heard you talk about your parents." Cyrus questioned. "...I don't like them very well-" "You hate them too?" "Well, more like the other way around but-"

"Wait what?" Cyrus suddenly sounded serious. "Your parents hate you?" "I- yeah, kinda-" I stuttered. "Look, I don't like talking about them."

"But you know you can tell me right?" Cyrus said as he made me face him. I nodded. "Yeah, I know, but... its something you might not be interested in." I told me.

"Oh, Im interested. I've been interested for so long now." Cyrus replied. "You can tell me all about it, if you're fine with it of course."

I stayed quiet. "Are you sure-" "Yes, go on. Im listening." Cyrus continued to urge. "Alright-

"When I was born, my parents didn't like me as much Cruise. They treated Cruise like he was their favorite child while they treated me like I was a mistake.

"They tried to separate us as much as possible because they thought I might ruin Cruise's supposed-to-be-perfect life.

"But whenever he had the chance, Cruise would go up to me and treat me like his sister. Our parents let him, but when he was gone, they would...hurt me.

"My life's been like that ever since I was born: my older brother getting all the fame while I stay in the shadows and get abused by my parents." I finished explaining.

"...Wow...I just want to f***ing kill your parents right now." Cyrus replied. "Its nothing to worry about. Im fine-"

"No you're not. You've been trying to hide all these thing from everyone. Why?" Cyrus questioned.

"Because in my past experiences, no one would understand and they would just mock me." I answered. "Thats why I never had any friends except for Cruise."

"But you have me now." Cyrus held me close to him. "And I'll protect you from those b**** parents of yours." I smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem." Cyrus continued stroking my hair until we heard a knock on our door. "I'll get it." I said as I stood up and walked towards the door.

When I opened it, no one was there. I look around in confusion before shrugging. But before I could close the door, I felt something hit my head.

All I remember was Cyrus calling my name before blacking out.

Cyrus POV

After Y/N told her story, she answered the door. I don't think anyone was there since Y/N shrugged and was about to close the door.

But suddenly, something or someone hit her. "Y/N?!" I cried as I stood up and watch her collapse on the ground. I ran to her to see if she was ok.

But someone pushed me back. I saw that there was also someone who was carrying Y/N. After signalling the person who pushed me, the 2 kidnappers made their escape.

"NO!! Y/N!" I shouted as I bolted after them. As I was catching up, I grabbed one of the kidnappers by the arm.

But they kicked me and struggled too much, causing me to let go. Fortunately, we made enough noise to catch the attention of the people in the nearby dorms.

Cruise walked out of his dorm. "Cyrus, whats going on?" He asked as he looked at the direction of the running kidnappers. "WAS THAT Y/N?!"

"Yes and if we don't hurry, your sister will be gone." I said as the kidnappers soon disappeared from our sight. "Ugh, too late. They're gone."

"What happened anyway?" Cruise asked me worriedly. "Some people knocked on our door, hit Y/N, and took her away." I explained.

Z4 soon walked out of the dorm. "Whoa, what happened?" He asked. "Someone kidnapped Y/N." Cruise and I said together. Z4 froze.

"Wait what?! Why did they do it now?"

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