Going home

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I wake up, to find myself tie in my family bed. I hear yelling, but I don’t who it is tho
“She one of the Reds,”
“Look what she has done with the ten years she been without her family,” I think that was Desmin I struggle against then binds. I looked around and saw my family they were just chuck on the bed. I closed my eyes and concreted on my heartbeat making it go faster. I felt all muscles get bigger then I heard the rope snap, I looked at the camera and said
“Debra, why don’t we play a little game?” with that she was in the room
“What game?” she asked
“Well, why don’t we fight for freedom? But first I need to see who I am fighting” on the other side of the room appeared an exact copy of me. Great just what I need this is going too hard. She pressed herself against the wall, accessing what my first move will be.
I felt the wind pick it starting the vortex was opening, so I had better get this started. I yelled “Well it, looks like you don’t want my body, I guess I’ll just…” was all I have to say because she attacked me by jumping at me.
We fell off the bed that I had been standing on her landing on top of me pinning me down on the hard polished floor. When she had put placed her hand on my shoulders, I placed my right hand on the bottom of her throat when she landed on it choked her she rolled off me. Coughing, when she came back she hit me in the shoulder, I felt her slice it with my shoulder with her claws.
“You're playing dirty are we?” I said keep calm you need to try her out that the plane. You can handle, what she can dish out, it was just then I noticed that Jake and my brother were gone. Also, my sister was on her way to the orb not long now. She reached around my shoulder and grabbed my hair and yanked it back. Then she pulled forward and pressed her lip on her right ear whispered
“It such ashamed that I had to hurt this body of yours and kicked your soul out I would’ve loved to see your face and expression when for all the plains. I have for that body of your, I’ll guess I will just have free you then to destroy you.”
She licked the right side of my face,
What the hell is going on here?
Then she smashed my head against then her keen, okay that going to leave a mark. I could feel my anger starting to come into play, this was bad. That is not a plain calm down, Jesus I can’t even stay passive for one fight.
How am I going to fight with a partner?
I thought as she smashed my face against her keenness, and we both heard a snap. This time she hit my nose on her keen this time that seemed to be that snap. My vision had gone, red, black, and white as my vision came back. The first thing I saw was her floating over me a stupid demon.
I felt stroke my face she, was talking but I couldn’t hear the was a ringing in my ear. She stroked my face then I heard “You look good with blood with on maybe I should leave the blood on like a permeate look on you” she smiled. I looked back at my family and saw that they were gone, I sighed and pushed her back. I get off the bed and do a roundhouse kick at her head. I grabbed her shoulder as she fell back I turned her around and head-butt her she collapsed, and she grabbed her head where I hit her.
I quickly wrapped my hand in the sheet of the bed and held on tight. As the wind picked up and attacked my sides trying to get me in the orb. I hold on tight, I felt pain in my arm where she cut my arm before. I yell out in pain this is bad.
I rolled over and saw the vortex, was disappearing I felt a smile form on my face. I started to breathe easily it was over for now. I looked to my right, and my parent’s door opens I slowly get up. I grabbed an upright shoulder and shamble out the door. I walked out the door, I saw that the hall was covered in blood it looked like my family was on a rampage.
I looked around and saw that the blood, was flung on the wall and the roof. Then I hear yelling and shouting, I quickly shambled towards it then I was terrified. When I came to the room the Desmin was on the floor flat not breathing not that I shouldn’t worry about him, he is a vampire. I looked around and saw witches had been thrown against the wall barely breathing. I could feel, the pain in my right shoulder, I tremble and say the only name I could think of.
I looked at what happened here, I felt my Keens I can’t do this. “Desmin,” I mumbled shit my first day with my new boss, and I have him killed great. I heard movement, in front and to the right. I dragged myself up and go noise then all I was white. I covered my eyes with my elbow and cleared my throat. Also, said, “Give back to my brothers.”
“What, Rita you survived?” I think Brian replied
“You don’t sound too disappointed, now where are you taking my brothers?” I yelled I remove my arm and all I could make out were five dark figures.
“Give back my brothers, and I will let you go back to your home, hell or wherever you two freak is from in peace if not I will send you back in pieces,” I said I tried to walk in it was windy like the vortex was in this room it pushed against me.
“Fine then, Deena let them go I’ll get them soon see you later my love” brain said.
“I’m not your love” I yelled at them as one of the dark figures pushed the three to the ground then the bright light was gone. Then I crawled to my brothers and said
“Go fix Desmin,” I said as I untied Kelvin, he nodded and undid Brodie, and that left me with Samuel. Both Brodie and Samuel rush over to me.
“Oh god, Rita what the hell happened,” Brodie said hugging me I did an intake of breath as he squeezed me. I looked down with my head resting on Brodie. I saw that my singlet was drenched in what I amused was my blood. My top strap seemed to be held together by a few strains it looks this top is going to hell
Then I felt like a bubble of laughter come up I felt a little gitty. Then Desmin walked in of course the first thing he does he rips me from Brodie
“Well, you look like one of the younglings that took out an entire village.”
“Village huh, how old are you?”’ I asked
“Don’t you think that a bit personal?” he returned
“Ohh, so we do have boundaries now” he just smiled which lasted about a second when he noticed. My shoulder, he grabbed it I winced in pain, his eyes narrowed.
“What happen to you?”
“Well, I was in a fight what do you think would happen?” I said
“But your shoulder again.”
“Not only, that I think that bitch has broken my nose” I pinched my nose and snapped it back to the place. There was an explosion of blood from my nose.
After that, Desmin takes me to his house again. We spent the whole car trip auguring about him saying that I need training also more of his blood. I won the one battle about the blood but not the one training. He lifted me out of the car, and I tried to push him, I said
“You know, I’m not injured on my legs just my shoulder and nose.”
“Yes but the point is that you're injured, and you should concentrate on healing not wasting your energy on walking.”
“Is it because I refuse your blood again?”
“Yes, you want to heal this the natural way, so this is how you how it how it going to be” I narrowed my eyes that not going to be good if he laid me down on one of his crouches. This is going too bad, what is with him at the party his all over me and now he won’t let me go home. I looked at him frowning,
What is the real reason he wants me as his partner?
What is this training about?
“Rita, what are you thinking about?” he said as he moved to another couch that was directly in front of me.
“Why??” I simply said
“Why what Rita?” he replied
“Why did you choose me as a partner?” he shied and said
“I already told you that”
I looked at him, I moved to sit up the then I was pushed back down
“What you said was a lie, and shouldn’t I elevate the wound to stop the bleeding.”
I tried to sit up this time instead of just pushing myself down. He jumped on me and pinned me down. With one hand, he had the hand above my head while the injured shoulder trapped between me and the back of that couch he ripped the strains that were holding my singlet.
“That's not just a cut, she almost sliced your arm off and you don’t want my blood what the hell are you thinking.”
“That I shouldn’t have any vampire blood in me in the first place, I don’t know what I am and if having your blood, will do to me, right now it seems to slow down my transformation. That something I can’t have, I need to know that when transform it happen then not delayed.”
God I’m ranting at my new boss, what will he think about me now and most important
Why do I care about what he thought?
He's just a stupid vampire all he thinks about is me. He just smiled and looks down at me. He stroked my right cheek
“Darling, please, let me give you my blood it will heal quickly” I shake my head he sighed
“I’m sorry about this then, but then again I’m not” I poked his finger in his neck until his blood was spilling out all over me. I tried to turn my face to hide it away from the blood, but he turned it back to my face. I could see that there was a pain in his eyes than with his other hand pried my mouth open and position himself, so his blood pours directly into my mouth I tried to move, but that was bad moved it just hurt me.
We heard the door open he didn’t move he just made sure that I was getting his blood in my system.
Why is this important to him that I have his blood in me?
Would matter if I got some other vampire’s blood?
They were the thorough running through my mind as his blood made its way down my throat. We heard a grasp
“Well that explains the mystery of her bullet hole,” Samuel said shit that it was my brother that I’ve enough of this I somehow pushed him off me but he wasn’t letting go of me that easily. He pulled me to the ground with I made a humph sound as I landed on top of him. Shit, I know that he is a vampire, but I didn’t expect to feel like I’m landing on a bit of solid cement but that's what it felt like. I rolled off him gasping for air. He let me go this time, lucky for me I tend to throw against brick walls and cement on what seems to be a daily basis. So I can recover from being winded quickly I stood up and try to spit out as much of his blood as I could, but it made no difference. I could feel the pain in my shoulder fade away.
I need a shower to get the mixture of his and my blood that was caked on me.
“That is possibly very bad for her Desmin…” was all I heard before I left and slammed the door if they were going to talk to me I’m not here. I’m not going to stick around I just need either and nice long hot shower or bath, then some food I guess would be good for me I doubt this vampire has anything eatable around here well other than more blood.
After what I assumed was an hour or two and 56thattemptd at opening the random door I finally found a bathroom it looked eerily similar to my bathroom at home. I even found the towels in the same place I put them. The soap, shampoo, and conditioner were the brands I use. I choose not to use that one because it rather creeps me out.
After what seemed like another hour, I ran into Desmin's servant. I tapped him on the should and scared him,
“Excuse me but can you help me? I’m hopeless and can’t find the room where I stayed when I was here I left something behind and I must get it back.”
“Does the master know that you’re here?”
“Yes, it's not like you can break onto this place it's like a fortress” I joked, but he looked considered maybe not the right thing to say. What'stwrongsg here?
“Why do you have all the security anyway?” I asked, I tried to make it sound random, but it sounded forced.
“Well, my master like his privacy, ever since he lost her but it's good to see that he's opening his home to someone else may be your just what he needs.”
Her again?
What does he need?
What can a vampire need other than blood?
Moreover, most importantly who is the girl everyone seems to talk about?
I was frowning by the time he returned me to the room I got out of before I see that. Desmin has made sure that I can’t get away this time well easily.
I looked around the room nothing has changed other than the fact that Desmin has put bars on the window I got out last time. Look like I’m going to do some research on my new boss. I turned around because I realize that the servant hadn’t made a sound. I saw that the servant was gone and Desmin was standing there smiling.
“You know that now you have a substantial amount of my blood in your system I could find you in my sleep.”
“Hey, I’m not happy that you force more blood in me” I snapped I pointed my finger at him he just came over to me and grabbed my finger, and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me. “Ahh doesn’t this feel right just standing here being held by me,” he said
“No, for so many reasons first you’re my boss, and I’m covered in a mixture of my own and your blood which I want to wash off because I don’t like the feeling of blood on me, now you hugging and the way you were kissing me at the party and the fact you slept with me. Kidnapped me, when I had a target on which you seem to friend and forced to go to a party that almost and probably would have to kill me.”
I know I was ranting but it was good I felt the light start to burn in my chest.
What the hell?
Why can’t I yell at it clear to me that he wants to be more on than my boss?
He seemed to want to be a lover, yet I know even tho I felt sorry for them when my family was attacking them. However, I never could see that I would be in love with a vampire. Desmin has marked me away from another vampire clearly and made everyone knows that I’m his. With that whole make, they think we were fooling around, but that was an ac or was that something he acutely wanted.
I looked up at him, with my little rant. I could see I had hurt him, I felt a white-hot stabbing pain in the back of my neck. I felt the heat move up to join the pain, I moved my hand up to the pain and rubbed it.
All of a sudden, I hear this strange sound, and then Desmin fell, then he was rolling from side to side. I looked at him, and now this is confusing I was yelling at him, and for a reason, it hurt me, and now he's laughing at me, I was getting mad again, this is not good.
I moved away from him I couldn’t keep this up I swear this vampire is bipolar. I just have to get this blood off it was starting to dry and crack. You can’t believe how hard it is to get dry blood out of your hair. It was nearly impossible, I go to the bathroom and tried to lock the only to find that there wasn’t one. Dame it, I took my top off it not that I can’t wear this again. It was covered in my and guess Desmin’s blood test right strap was ripped, I wrapped it around one of the golden antiques, and other the decoration was a completely useless doorknob. I did the same with the other door, I know that if Desmin or any other vampire that was attracted to the smell of blood out of here. I hope that Desmin or any other gets the idea that I don’t want anyone in here with me.
I heard a knock, “What are you going to change into after the shower?” Desmin asked simply shit he was right
“I guess you put that top on again,” something in his voice had changed
“I mean it wouldn’t be that bad, but the amount of your blood mixing with mine will make it hard to behave.”
What does that mean to behave??
I quickly grabbed the towel left it folded in half and wrapped it around my chest. It was lucky for me that I choose one of my strapless bars today, so no straps the showing out. I opened the doors chuck the top of him, he laughed “What do you want me to do with this?”
“Chuck it, burn it, keep it, I don’t care what you do with that, but I do need a shirt or top please” I don’t know why I added please he is the whole reason I need a new top. I stood there with my arms cross tapping my left forearm with my right fingers. I was waiting for him to leave this room, “lucky for you I have girls come to visit me so I have some clothes that might fit you” he said
He walked across to cardboard opened it and pull out some tops. They were business tops, there was a red one, a green one, a light blue one, an orange one and a purple one. I went over to him and grabbed the orange one, I said
“So you kidnapped another girl, did you drink their blood or gave them yours” I narrowed my eye and turned, and started to walk back to the bathroom. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him wrapping his other arm around me making sure that I couldn’t get away from him. I moved my hand on his chest so I could push him away but he seemed to know that plain and made sure that I couldn’t by securing his other arm around me
“I may have had a little sip of their blood but I never gave my blood to them, or I have I ever kidnapped anyone.”
I was about to say that the last bit was a lie he had kidnapped me, but he managed to get his thumb on my lips and continued
“You, my dears are a different,t and on both accounts, I’m not kidnapping you. I’m keeping you safe, from something you that you are not aware you are going through.”
I had started to frown, he smiled that.
“Has anyone ever told you, that you are cute when you're mad?”
“Maybe, but most of the people who say tend to die by my hand as you should know that you should be careful with what you say.”
I felt his grip on me soften with that I left, I went back to the bathroom and had my showers finally some relaxation. To get the blood off my skin felt amazing, the heat of the shower took some of the pain away. When I had finished, I felt almost human again. I stepped out and put on the orange top that I had been given before and my slacks back on. I walked back out of the bathroom and found a piece of paper folded in half with my name written on top of it in elegant handwriting it says:
To my dear Rita
Right now, I know that you don’t understand, why I choose you to be my partner? All I can ask is for you to be, please give me time, you will know soon enough, trust me. Also, since it has come to my and well everyone else’s attention that you are Madam Red as well as Rita it is no longer safe for you to be alone, or others will try to kill you because you’re the last of Red’s family there a lot of people who do anything even kill you for your job. Therefore, for your safety, you are to remain to be kept under my protection as you probably can see I have made some new arrangements to keep you here in your room. The door will be locked until I wake from my slumber only opened when
Ricardo so he can give you need. Please don’t be mad but this is for the best
you’re truly
What I’m locked in here, I ran into the door and pushed against it just like he said it was locked. Don’t be mad, I’ll show him mad, I went up to the mirror and punch it. The punch made a satisfying hole in it but also my hand was bloody.
That was stupid, and there my reason silks at work. I mean really, what did accomplish here? All I got now were broken glass shards and bloody knuckles, a fat lot if that did me. 

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