Reunion for old and new friend

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After I had slid the bolt to lock him out, I pressed the secret button on the doorframe to reinforce the door. Hey been the only one not possessed in a house full of possessing people. I need a safe room, which was this one. I took some time for the burn sensation that Desmin had left me with.
Why was I getting this now?
This is disbursing not something that I have to deal with but not now, I can’t see to this now. I had too much to do now, I shirred put out the fire, and went back through. I turned to the corner or call or pulled the head torch on my head. I closed my eyes I constrained on my making my arm stronger. I guess that might sound wired to someone who wasn’t me. It was like I had to force my blood there for some reason in making me a little stronger. I called it my little transformation because of it well the muscles show, and my nails go black and grow a little longer and sharper. I haven’t fully transformed so I could tell what I look at because I don’t know.
Away the reason I did this was to make digging the tunnel easier that I clearly can’t belong with Desmin at the moment. As I went through the tunnel, I was thinking about how I got out of here without being stuck in the orb. Also what to do with Desmin now?
He was acting very strange around me; he gave me his blood when I took a bullet for him. Then that make-out session,
What does he want with me?
Also, why do I get the feeling that is going to change my life?
I had to stop with this train of thought and get off. This is not good that I had a plan to find out what I am, then figure out what I was supposed to do here. I felt my anger build up not like it did before I was fourteen but I guess it was what happens when you have a demon trapped inside of you. However, the anger was getting kind of close to that. Instead of using the ax pick, I punch the next blockage that I came up against.
I don’t know how it started but all of a sudden, my anger disappeared. I looked down the tunnel and saw a little light flicker at first I thought it was my brothers who were coming. Then the light started to grow to a shape and volume, it looked like the light was looking for something or one. Just as the thought hit my mind of looking for something it seemed that I found it. I grew even bigger for a split second and then started to head towards me. Then I felt panicked, I turned back to run the way I came. I looked over my right shoulder and saw that light was coming closer.
Shit, why was this happening to me?
I heard, talking “I hope she can help herself” it was Brody's voice behind the light ohh crap I have to get past this strange stalking light I shirred. I had better get this over with then, I turned around, and I guess I opened my arms and let the light do what wanted to do with me. I soon as it hit me it seemed to want inside of me. It hit my chest and winded me then it appears to notice that my mouth was open. For lack of a better word crawled up my chest, I felt the heat of it as it moved up to cover my shoulder I had a shiver down my spine as the warmth inched my neck. I felt my head get ripped back so now it was flat in vertical the light seemed to sliver up to my mouth where it tore my mouth open. Where it poured itself into me, then I felt my body feel warm spread inside of me.
Well, I guess, that doesn’t make much sent let me try to explain another it felt like there was a fire burning inside of me, it started in my heart and spread throughout my body like it was hitched a ride with my blood supply, and now the heat is pumped through my body. As it hit the joint in my knees, my leg buckled under me. My arms folded up when it hit those, I wanted to scream, but I didn’t allow it.
I’ll be screaming a lot more tonight, that for sure. This seemed to go on forever, I closed my eyes which seemed to dull burning for a little bit. I didn’t see the darkness that was I expecting what I saw was a brilliant red. I don’t know how long; I lay there but when I opened my eyes. The first thing, I noticed was that I was no longer on the ground. As I looked down to see how I was doing this, I notice that my clothes had changed to a toga.
I knew it was toga because I was very interested in ancient Rome at school well the mythical part of it. For those who don’t know what a toga is it's a white bed sheet thrown over the shoulder, tied around the middle holding it together. As I looked down, I saw the one I was wearing was tied with a rope that seemed too made out of gold. On my right hip, there was a little golden hoop there. I looked down on the floor and saw that my feet weren’t touching the ground. Great, now I’m floating what else is going to happen?
I sighed just as I saw my brother's great this is going to be fun. All of the boys just stood there staring at me blankly.
“Rita, can you get down from there.”
“Ahh, no, I don’t think I can I don’t even know why I’m up here in the first place.”
“Well, that going to make this interesting” Kelvin said he laughed. I looked around and saw that they all were laughing on the ground.
“Has this happened before?” One choked out. That earned a frown, and that sent them off laughing again I was getting mad again but this time. It was different again it was hot, and I yelled, “Look right, now I don’t have time” I sighed, now that I think about it. I should only have 30 minutes or less considering all the shit has happened. The boys got up and started walking,
“Ahh guys, I guess I can’t walk I’m kind of stuck here” both Samuel and Kelvin both grabbed my hands and dragged me. To and out of the fireplace where I floated out, I was floating about a foot off the ground. Then then I notice freebie was opening the secret door. I wasn’t the only one Samuel grabbed my waist, so it doesn’t look like was floating just being held up by Samuel. Then I saw my boss, Desmin he looked at me, and I saw he was pissed. He calmly came over to me something in his eyes told me not to say anything so I didn’t.
He took Samuel’s hand off and replaced them with his own. “You didn’t tell me, about the secret passage is there anymore?” he said, okay then brushing past the fact that I’m floating here or in a toga. “It seems to me that we are going to need some more robes,” he said Desmin had moved, so we were standing one on the side of the room.
“Is this paid back for before?” he asked me he had turned me to face him
“Is it me or are you getting lighter?” he sounded amused to me. He moved his hand on my face. I turned away too many things are happening,
I take baby steps, I have to just breathe and get through tonight. He gently turned me to face him, he smiled slightly as my eyes hit his. He was still mad about the fact about my brother.
“Did you know? That this place full secret tunnel?” he asked was he trying to change the topic, I tried to pull away from his grip. However, with him being a vampire, he was a lot stronger than me well in the form, and I don’t know what will happen if I change right now. I looked back to Freebo
“Hey, buddy can you get three more robes and maybe a bigger one for me, please,” I asked I turned to face my brothers, Desmin wasn’t happy with that he brought my face to his face he smiled and then gently tilted my head, so it rested on his shoulder. I pressed myself away from him, which was the wrong choice I ended up floating Freebo had gone.
“What the hell is going on?” I yelled Desmin chuckled and said
“We are going to talk to you about it sometime, but this just proves that you are not the right choice for me” he grabbed my hand, and it was I notice that he was wearing a robe
“What's with the robes?” I asked Desmin just to touch his nose. Freebo returned with the robe Desmin chucked one the on me, and he dragged me out to the main lounge room. I noticed that everyone else was wearing robes.
“Why does have a robe on?” I asked again
“Well to keep your identity safe, because I don’t want you to be with your family,” he said, everyone started to move into a circle, so Desmin moved us to the front. He laughed and then one of the witches placed the orb in the middle of the circle and started to say the enchantments. At first, the glass orb seemed to melt then
Jake seems to climb out of the orb he smiled, happy to be free from the orb he looked at all the people.
Was looking at him looking for me, or just seeing who was out there?
He scratched his head clueless I can’t help, but shake my head. He said, “Where is my fiancée?” He seemed to be searching
“Dead for we all know,” Desmin said I looked down he squished my hand.
Was it to reassure me?
Or was he reassuring me?
“Ohh, that is a lie Desmin” someone confidently said everyone started to see who had said that, for some reason, I looked up. When I did I saw the person from my dream before, oh crap this is not good. I moved even closer or more than put myself behind Desmin. He seemed to be floating like he owned the place he smiled when he saw me watching him.
“She's right in this room but she won’t be marrying you.”
“What, why not her parent promised that she would?” Now he seemed to be lying down but his hand was down toward me. Then I felt moved towards him. Desmin tries to keep me with him, but the pull was too strong for him. “See, I told you Jake she here?” he took off my hood and relieved me.
“There you are my pretty, you think that I would let you go that easy?’’ I rolled my eyes,
“Where is your slave?” I asked he just smiled and said
“She's around, but you shouldn’t worry about her.”
“Who should I worry about then huh? You don’t make me laugh.”
“Ohh you seemed confident, why you aren’t scared of me?”
“Because you think you’re that main player in this game, but you are not or any idea of what going on here.”
Why did I say that or what made me say that?
I have no idea what the game is or who the players are. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
“You believe that my dear Rita you're wrong on that, but you don’t know what going on do you, my love?” I narrowed my eyes as he kissed my forehead
. “Now let's see, who come out next” he had made it, so I was sitting in mid-air with his arms on my shoulder. I looked down at Desmin he had taken off his hood and looked pissed.
“Ohh are you mad at me Desmin oh how cute?” the boy next to me said as I tried to move out of his grip. However, I still hadn’t figured out how to move while floating, he just laughed and pulled me closer to him.
The room got dark, if I remember right my sister, no it was my brother that came out. Then my sister crawled out, my father jumped up out, and then my mother floated out then the orb. They turned to face the person that was next to me. What I felt was Debra was out, shit she was beginning to hover around me. I wave my hands, to keep her away from me.
“Brian, what are you doing here? ” I heard I looked around I couldn’t see anyone the boy looked to his right and sighed. I pushed his arm away from me. I continue floating
“Can you fix this?” I asked with that the person, smiled wrapped both his arm around me, and kissed me. He said
“Of course, I can but why would I this way I get you next to me.”
How would Debra get out of this? I thought to myself, and I hear
“ I never would get myself in this situation, but since you are and that is my body, I will help you” I head, the boy narrows his eyes.
“All you have to do is let me back in” I narrowed my eye
“You have to kill me first,” I said it seemed like everyone was paying attention because I heard some intake of breath. Okay, that was a little snarky even of me I close my eyes and let take a deep breath. It looks like baby steps aren't going to cut it tonight. I opened my eyes, I looked towards my family. Hmm, there bowing to the person next to me, who was staring at me in shock.
I believe Debra called him Brian, well it's good to know his name. I closed my eyes and felt for power if this does down to a fight I need to know whose side I want to be on. I could feel Desmin at first probably because of his blood in my system, then my family was still at the same levels they were when they went into the orb so could easily overpower my brother, sister, and Jake. Dad might be a problem mom will be defiant, the witches are powerful but are weakened by the fact that they are given their power to the forces field.
The vampires’ powers differ, Desmin seemed to be the one they follow, and now with me testing his power, I can tell that he could be very badass if he wanted to be. He has some power in him that is hidden so he will be the one I would have to worry about, my brother's power is something I'm not worried I can already take them. Then the wolves are fast and strong but are not in complete control so will probably attack the vampires before anyone else and that would be weakened hell my family is probably planning to do that already.
Just as I was about to open my eyes this new power came into play, it was a familiar power, yet I’ve never felt anything like this the slave popped into my head. It must be her; she is the only one I haven’t accounted for. I open my eyes to find the source of the power, as soon as my eyes landed on her, she nodded and took a step. After that, I felt I was free to move, so I jump down off what Brain was using to hold me up.
Jake imminently came over to hug me. I believe I heard a slight hiss like it was an uncontrolled response and the person was trying to hide it. I turned my head and glanced at Desmin who looked down avoiding my eyes, really, his hissing now.
He's making it real obverse to what he's planning, it's cute that he can’t control himself tho. I shake Jake off me not instated in him never was he should know that. No one said a word as I passed all of them. I stood next to Deena I believe that was what Brian called her when I had seen her in those chains. She placed her head on my shoulder she sighed and whispered in my ear
“What are you doing?”
“Placing my bets,” I return
“Interesting phrase” she finished I felt this connection with her, I don’t know why but it was there. “Soo, is there a plan?” someone asked
“Ahh yes, this is to celebrate that world didn’t have to put up with this for ten years” it was Desmin so maybe he wasn’t just in charge of the vampires but everyone. He was also making his way toward me. When he was in front, he continued
“So, there will be no fighting here, at the end of the night the Reds will be returned to the orb” he placed his hand out towards me. Just before I go to take I hear the girl sigh, was Desmin the Vampire she traded her life for. I might as well let her have fun tonight, if my guess was right this might give her some newfound hope. I grabbed her hand and put it in his hand. Without realizing that it wasn’t me, he pulled her to him. I whispered for the music to start, and thank modern technology or my staff song started to play. I grabbed Boride's hand, and we were spinning around the room. As the song tempo got faster more and more people, (or creatures as my family would say), started to dance.
This was the first time, I had to say no to people who want to dance with me. Desmin didn’t take long to rip me away from my brother, then he wouldn’t let anyone come close to me. When I tried dancing, I pushed the girl on him once more.
Then found my brothers sat down next to them, avoiding my true family at all cost. At one point, I thought it would be wise to rest my head on Kelvin's lap and fall asleep. 

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