The Party

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True to his word, Desmin and Evergreen took me home to my flat. It's wired to have two strangers in my flat going through my stuff. I kept looking towards the door, judging the distance I would have to run to pass through the two vampires. If I moved, an inch off the bed that Desmin placed me softly on making sure that my shoulder was healing properly. I'm sure I wouldn't get far, I don't like having been nice to vampires.

In a way, it makes me sick, Desmin had gone to one of my cardboards and started to go through my clothes. I'm not sure how to feel about this, I mean I have two vampires in my house one slouching about on my couch.

Which happens to be Evergreen my target to kill tonight but didn't happen?

No, my apparent boss has taken me home and is now rifling through my clothes looking for something subtle to wear to go to this party. That I wasn't invited to as Desmin was muttering things like.

"Not the right colour, not the right shape won't suit her." he just said over that and over again discarding my clothes on the floor.

I watch them drift down to the floor; it reminded me of the last few seconds of someone's life just after they just realized that they had been killed. How the lifeless fall the towards the ground, all their hopes and dreams fade to nothing, the realization that the whole life has been led up to this final breath. Tho, it sounds weird, I love to see their eyes glass over like souls are leaving their bodies for the last time said goodbye to this world for the last night. Once the eyes glass over, you can see practically can see the soul leave the body. The skin seems to go a shade lighter, and if you watch it, you can see the path it takes it drains from the face down the arms through the fingertips and down the leg, and through the toes. That where the soul leaves the body through your toes,

I didn't even realize that there was a knock at my door. In fact, there was a pound in on it; I get out of the trance. I rush to the door I lean on the door when I opened the door I saw three amigos. Kelvin, Samuel, and Brody, I panicked and felt my face fall. I didn't need them knowing that I fucked up.

That I had two vampires in my flats, one going through my clothes and the others lounging about on my couch. I quickly turned my head back. I have to keep my family safe I bite my lip step out and shut the door. "What are you three bozo doing here?" I asked using my coy voice. I pressed myself against the door.

I pretended that I had chewy in my mouth. I chew my tongue. "You looked pretty good for someone who has been shot not only 2 hours ago," Kelvin said Samuel made sure I was pushed up against the door. I felt the thud as my head and foot hit the door, Samuel kept me in place while Kelvin moved the strap of my black singlet. I had put it on while Desmin was chucking my clothes on the floor; Brody moved the strap of my black bra. That should have been soaked in blood from the bullet hole.

That now was all but gone, (damn it the vampire's blood work) great now vampire got something over me or in me. I shiver at the last part; I had vampire's blood to be more precise Desmin's. I frown, but quickly caught myself I can't let them know that Evergreen or Desmin was in my flat. They would go ballistic if they knew,

"Are you sure are that you shot her Samuel?" Brody asked,

"Here let me," Samuel said as he pulled the straps down to my elbow, then he ran his hand along my shoulder where the bullet hole should be but wasn't,

"How is that possible? I saw the bullet go through your shoulder and hit that stupid vampire" he yelled at the shoulder I laughed

"Maybe you're mistaken"

"Ohh I mistakenly saw you are clutching your shoulder as that vampire picked you up and placed you in the car" with that little rant, my door had opened, and I had fallen back into someone, and I saw that it was Desmin who just moved place me behind him.

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