New day, New you

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I had bandaged my hand up with one of those fluffy white towels from the bathroom. I decide to get some rest, the last thought to go through my head before I fell asleep was: Desmin will be pissed. Now, why would I think about him just before I go to sleep…
I woke up to a massive crashing sound than my body squashed against the bed. My breath was caught in my throat, I opened my eyes. I saw that it was Desmin pinning me down again. “What, the hell happen to your hand?” he yells while shaking, my injured hand. “I did some remolding,” I said as I casually pointed toward the mirror. He smiled and said “I guess, I’m lucky that the only thing you broke” As he finished that my stomach growled. “Haven’t you eaten?” he sounded quite surprised about that.
He get off me, and he helped me up. We went to the kitchen, where he left me on one side of the island. He went to the other side and put on an apron and that chef hat. "You cook?" blurted one of those smiles that rarely sees. "Yes, I was human at one stage" he reminded I guess that was true, you have a human first to become a vampire. "How long ago was that?" I tried. He just shook his turned went to the cardboard.
It was one of those walks in cardboard, so when he returned with egg, some milk, salt, soy sauce, other spices that I didn't know the name of, bread and not to leave out the best bit of bacon. I love meat when it does not have bits of humans in it. At first, it looks like he had no idea what he was doing. Then the bacon hit the pan, and the smell wafted over to me, and my stomach growled again. I heard him chuckle, I shake my head then I notice that he didn't walk normally he kind of floated around the kitchen. I looked back on all the time he forces me to spend time with him. It seemed to never be a normal walk, around like a normal with other supernatural he walks like his royal or has some power over them. Then when he walked around me, when I hadn't pissed him it seemed to float, or like a grumpy toddler not getting his way. I wonder what that means is a royal or something I should worry about it.
As I was lost in that through the bubble, he had severed me and was just standing with his elbow on the bench with his head resting in his hands. Waiting for me to respond to the food that was placed in front. When I had burst the bubble that clouded my mind I stare at him dumbfounded again there was a chuckle then he looked down in front of me. I followed his eyes, I was surprised to find that the food was there it was simple scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with butter, and grilled tomato that never notice was there, I grabbed the fork, and I got to stop zoning out on like that.
"Where you go?" he asked, "What do you mean?" I returned with a mouthful of the egg he was right, I was starving. "It just that, I noticed that you seem to go somewhere not physically but mentally," he said He had grabbed a piece of bacon, and I just shrugged my shoulders I have no idea what he was saying. I mean, I guess if I do space out sometimes, but I didn't think I did that much in front of him. I looked around, and I got the same feeling that I got when entered the house that this it needs a women's touch. So he plans to keep me here until what? I ate the rest of my breakfast in silence I didn't feel like talking to my captor anymore.
I grabbed the plate; and walked out of the kitchen. I walked down the hallway I didn't have to look back to know that Desmin was following me. In what I assumed was one of many lounge rooms like the bath it has the theme of the room is gold. The couch was a soft golden color the carpet was black the pillows match the carpet. The wall was a deep gold with a plain black frame with no picture on them, there was a curtain matching the room color matching the rest of the room.
I took this all in sat I went to the couch and sat down in the middle to make sure Desmin couldn't sit down next to me. I put my plate on the carpet and laid it out on the couch. "Comfortable are we?" he said standing at the door. Leaning on the frame looks a little too good for my liking, what was he trying to play at now?
I looked at the plate again, and another thought popped into my head had he had something to eat the whole time that I have been with him he hasn't have had any blood. I know I'm no vampire, but there have been two times when he has given me his blood. I could feel that I was frowning, he sighed
"What wrong now?" he asked
"I'm not sure I want to be around a vampire who hasn't had blood?" I said
"Ohh you're worried about that."
"Yes, that"
"Well, that is not something you have to worry about that. I got my blood supply from the blood bank."
He pulled me up and sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. He pulled me closer and whispered. "No, my dear you have to worry about passing the test."
"Test, what test?" I said out loud I don't know why he was whispering we were the only ones in this room I assume the house.
"Well, it's clear, that you need to be trained…"
"Trained, I can look after myself."
"My dear you do have raw talent, but you need to learn how to control it. So I came up with the test if you can pass it we can go on our missions again."
I looked at him dumb stuck, he won't let me on a mission until I pass the stupid test. I moved to get away get from him, this was unfair how am supposed to pass the test.
He smiled; I stood up with my arm crossed. "Show Me," I said without looking at him, something wrong with me today I get distracted by him. This new and strange feeling, I get when I look into his eyes makes me want to hold him. I should be mad at him, he has kidnapped me yet again. Now, he is planning to keep me here until I pass his test. However, there was that feeling, that something I got to watch.
We walked down, the hallway this time I was following Desmin. I wasn't looking where I was going, I was trying to avoid looking at him still unsure what tests he got planned for me. He dragged me to a door. When he opened I saw the place looked like it had no roof, the was a massive brick wall, an enormous set of monkey bars that went around the room last of all a practice dummy that looks like a comical version of a vampire. That brought a smile to my face I let him drag me into the room.
"So what the test then, boss man?" I said
As a joke, he didn't like it his face frowned and pinched the top of his nose then rubbed his eyes. "Don't call me that?" he said
"What do you want to call your majesty?"
I was having fun now, and it was pissing him off, I went to the monkey and started to hang off them I flipped upside down still waiting for his answer to either question.
"Just call me Desmin not boss man your majesty okay? And for the test, you have to complete the course in less than ten seconds and stab the vampire within that time frame."
Easy enough, I started to move my blood around to my legs and arms. Desmin jumped up on the bar I was hanging off, he nudged my hand on the bar I start to feel my finger pain. I was starting to move my blood there to make them stronger then Desmin stepped on my right hand, which made it drop. My natural reaction of mine was to grab what was paining me, so my left hand grabbed my right hand before I could do anything I was falling. I quickly move to my legs, I was caught I looked to my right and saw that it was Desmin. I think, he was waiting for me to look him in the eyes, so I sighed and did.
"Without using your powers," he said
"What "
That's impossible, I frowned he smiled and stroked my cheek
"You have to learn not to rely on them because if you do one day you need it won't have it" he finished then put me down. He moved so I can climb the wall, I looked back at him his insane I can't use the power I have.
Then how the hell am I to do this course?
I frowned this is going to a hard, he watches me calculating my first move and what was the obstacle I would tackle first. I sigh the only way to get this over is to get it started. I jump to give myself a head start on climbing the then I was knocked back down smashed to the wall that was behind me what the hell just happen.
I was left blinking and breathless, a few seconds later I was back to normal but still not sure what happened. I looked over to Desmin; he stood there leaning against the wall smiling
"Did I forget to mention that I will be trying to stop you?"
Oh come now it's impossible, I sigh and try again. I didn't get that far up the wall before he attacked I defended but fell off the wall. I landed on my back with Desmin landing on top of my pinning me down.
"This is going to be fun," he said
"Well that's one way to put it," I said
As I headed butted him and started up the wall again, I got about a quart of the wall before he attacked again. This time I didn't let go, but he rips off the hand I had on the wall. This time, when I fell, I pushed him away. We both landed on our feet I went to kick him, he blocked it then grabbed my ankle and flipped me over. I landed face-first on the ground a split second after I landed, Desmin was on top of me pushing my head to keep me in place. I try to push back, but he just laid himself on top of me. I started to feel my temper rise, was he trying to make me mad? With that thought, I managed to control my temper.
However, I began to feel the burning sensation when the light entered my body before or when I was pissed at him. Now that I think about it, I wasn't mad at him just what he was saying. The thing bout him brings home these girls. Now, why would bother me?
Brodie had once told me if I was pissed off at a boy for being with another girl for any reason I was this thing called jealousy. It didn't make sense, he's a vampire I can't be jealous of a vampire they are vile. The only thing worst to me is my family, both my family and Debra made me feel that vampires are terrible and vile creatures. And right now I had one, laying on top of me, I felt different, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I pushed myself off the ground; I turned around to face the person. I saw that it was one of those creatures, I no longer saw my boss. What I now saw, was one of the hideous beasts my family and Debra were telling me about. It had pointy ears, and red blood eyes its fangs were showing it reached toward me with its claws and I hit them away. I jumped up, grabbed onto the monkey bar, and held on, while the creature's disgusting claws slid from my ankles up to my side hamstring. When the claws reached my waist, they wrapped around then the creature pulled itself, so we were both hanging off the monkey bars. I kept kicking it, but it was not working.
My hands began to ache because of the extra weight of the beast I feel them about to slip, so I swung my leg up to the bar in front of me, and then I let go. All    I was doing this, the beast had moved so now that his legs were around my waist. The creature moved one's claw down my arms then grabbed both my wrist and held them together where it moved, so it was facing me the putrid thing smiled at me. It said, "Well this was stupid idea dear, in just one bite I could drain all your blood."
Then the creature nuzzled the right side of my neck, I quickly moved my shoulder up to my ear to block him in the process of doing all that I head-butted it.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was my boss. I froze the creature that I hated wasn't the one. I think might be jealous of all girls that Desmin has been with.
Now, why was I having these feelings for a vampire?
I have been told, that might have these feeling one day by Brodie. However, he never told me that it would be so confusing. I will have to call him, I should also see if there is any paperwork or outing I'm supposed to go on for Madame Red. I thought as Desmin stroked my face, his eyes had turned red I must have hurt him. He fought to control himself, he warped his arms around my shoulders and let his legs go.
Then he kicked my hamstrings, which sent my legs up, as we both were falling, we change our orientation, so we were horizontal. Then we both were fighting to stay on the bottom, I was trying to do that to protect him. He is my boss after all, and I think he must be a national treasure or something along those lines. I mean the guy fought against his people to help the humans, so they got to like him, or so I hope. So I guess there will be people out there mad if he got hurt badly. I know why he was trying to be there.
I guess it goes with his odd behavior, always trying to protect me tho is the one that should be protected. Another thing Brodie, once told me is that if someone is protective of you mean, they like you unless they're money then they like the money.
What an odd to thought tho that Desmin might want me, there was that kiss that happens when we were at the party, the way he always going on about protecting me and wanting to have me around him.
I thought as we fell through the air, when we landed, I was on the bottom. I got a little winded, but other than that I was fine. I was more concerned with Desmin, his face was displaying pain, but I knew he wasn’t I took the impact of the fall. It didn’t make any sense,
“Are you in pain?” I asked.
After I had got my breath back, he looked confused then said
“Ohh Rita, I’m not in pain.”
“Then why did you look like you were?”
He was now smiling, he stroked my cheek and spoke
“Because I thought you were injured. I did kick you pretty hard.”
He did? I didn’t feel it I couldn’t feel it. He rolled me off and waited for me to get up, but I choose to stay down. So he said
“What happened just before it was strange?”
“What was strange?”
“Well you were fighting with conviction, and in your eyes, I saw hate and rage.”
That was because I nearly reverted to my old self. Back when I had Debra fighting to control me every second of every day. It was all I knew was to fight back then that's why I need Brody his my anchor point, so I don’t back into that side. Just because I no longer have the beast inside of me doesn’t mean that I won’t personally become one if I’m not too careful.
Brody is the only one that crams me downs and pulls me back, well maybe not the only one anymore. Why had head-butted Desmin trigger me to come back to my senses?
Was it because he was now a part of me, that thought sent a shiver down my spine. Having a vampire part of me even if it was to help heal the wounds I stupidly got was still bad. It was about the time I realized still hadn’t gotten up when Desmin asked
“Why don’t we leave the test here for today?”
He was staring at me had he been that the whole time? I looked at him, he was right not I’ll tell him that. I have a lot I need to do, first off I need to find my phone, I have more than one reason, to call Brody. I think I might be freaking out, Desmin put his hand down towards me as if to help me up. I quickly knock him away I did want to think what would be if I did hold his hand as I get up and look at him and he looks a little disappointed with me. We left the room walking side by side. 

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