much needed info

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It has been weeks since Desmin has put the test up, and I’m still nowhere close to finishing it. Hell, he doesn’t let me anywhere near the monkey bars. He seemed terrified of me going on them. Today I had gotten up early, so I do some practice before Desmin got up or I through because when I walked past his office door, I had heard
“No, I can’t take any mission, Rita isn't ready. She probably going to do something stupid and put herself in danger” I pressed myself closer to the door so I could hear what he was saying more clearly. “No, that no why I choose her, she is not the distraction so I can sneak around. So I can complete the mission, besides the only one who would get distracted by her would be me. Then we wouldn’t complete any mission because I would be watching her back and not my own and that would lead us to failure.”
What!! He believes that I would make him fail because I would distract him how is that my problem?
“I have my reasons for choosing, and it doesn’t matter why now is my partner and I won’t go on a mission until she is ready. Until I call you don’t call me, goodbye.”
I heard the sound of something getting smashed, I better make myself scared. So I ran to the room where the test was, by the time Desmin found me I was upside down on the monkey bar. I looked at him, he just stood there looking at me.
I didn’t know what to do so I looked away from him and started to do crunches. I didn’t want to talk to him, I might distract him from something important. We went through the test, again and again, and I fail every time. It always ends with Desmin on top of me, today was the same I ended in defeat. This is getting ridiculous, no matter what I try he stops me no matter what I do he always manages to get me on the ground smiling. I was beginning to think this was pointless there was no way that I could beat Desmin his been doing this for at least a hundred years.
I was beginning to feel so useless, I couldn’t pass a stupid fucking test. I starting to think that he enjoys this more than he should. I shirred, I got up then walked out I need to get out of this room and his sight. I run out, however this time instead of letting me go he caught my wrist and pulled me back to him.
“Where are you going? You always run off and after this and keep yourself locked away from me for the rest of the day. Then you go do the test and do the same thing the next day. Why do you push yourself so hard?”
“Because you don’t believe me, I’m nothing more than a burned to you, and what proves it is that I can’t pass this stupid fucking test that you put up.”
“Ohh Rita, we can do training if you think that will help you. Don’t worry we have all the time in the world.”
“You may have, vampire. however, let's just assume I have the same life span as a human if that my time is short.”
I pushed him, away and walked off. I have to distract myself from this line of thought I should do some paperwork that will keep my mind busy. I rushed over to the room, which I had made into a makeshift office. I slammed the door and started to throw around boxes of paperwork, I mean it doesn't do anything just makes a mess. After I threw pretty much, every box that I had moved in theirs. I shirred and pick up all the paperwork and put them in its rightful place. It took me about three hours in total before I before sat down to read what paperwork this is all crap. However, it did what it was supposed to do it got rid of the horrible feeling of being so useless.
Five hours later, I stumbled out of the room, starving and feeling weak. I collapse on one of Desmin’s couches, I let the darkness take me to a place that only my mind could take me. Back to that place where I met Brian, I saw the girl that followed him around. I think he said that she was his slave or something; also that she gave her life to him to protect someone she loves.
“So, your name is Deena or is that the name that your master gave,” I asked
She just stood there at first, dumbfounded that there was someone else there. I walked over to her and touched her shoulder. She backed away, from it I guess Brain has been abusing her. “It's okay, Deena I’m not going to hurt you,” I said
I pressed my hand to her cheek, “It’s okay, Brain not here and I will free you from this prison you have set yourself in.”
She now was crying tears were flowing over my hand. I pulled her in closer to me and tried to soothe her the best I could. This is not natural for me to try to cram someone down. When she did, finally stop crying. I continued to hold them until she pushed me away when I asked
“What going on?”
“I don’t know, ever since Brain saw you he been different, his mind is always somewhere he never focuses on anything. I think that he plans to trick you to become me.”
I just rolled my eyes,
“It’s okay, I’m not that easily tricked beside I have too much on my plate to worry,” I said
She laughed well a least not crying anymore. “That's what I thought when he started to come after me but in the end, it was the only way to save him,” she said
“Save who?”
With that, my eyes widen, she made her life miserable for Desmin.
“Why would you do something like that for?”
“You see we were in love and I couldn’t bear the idea of losing him.”
“In love, Desmin doesn’t seem the type to fall in love” I laughed.
“He is, and I can say has with you, it hard for me to watch that he moved on, but in doing so he has put you and himself in danger.”
“What do you mean in danger?”
“Well you might be better off you seem to have some power behind you, be able to kick a demon out of your body to go on years of fighting with it then to have a bunch of angels take you on and make them an efficient fighting team. It's just amazing that you have been through so much, and yet you seem to find yourself in even more danger than you imagine.”
“So everyone keeps telling me I don’t understand why I’m in danger?”
“You managed to piss off three demons and have two completely obsessed with either destroying you or making you theirs not many people can say that, and now you have been given the power of a gatekeeper.”
What was she going on about???
Then just like before red smoke came up through the cracks of the stones and Brain appeared before us his arms across his chest. He looked mad but smiled when he saw me
“Ohh, so this is where you got to Deena,” he said
he walked over closer to us, I don’t know why but I pulled her closer to me. I have this overprotective urge around her, especially around Brain. I narrowed my eyes as he reached out to her well that's what I thought until he reached over to me and smiled. He softly touched my cheek and moved his hand down to my chin. Then he kissed me I tried to move away but having Deena on top of me, made that impossible.
When he finished he was grinning like a banshee, then he said
“Hey there love what you doing here?” he said
He pulled Deena off me, I stand up and go to walk off. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, I put my hand on his chest. He took it as a sign that I wanted him or something like that, but that wasn’t what I had planned. I smiled at him this is going to be fun for me but hurt him. I swung my head forward and hit him, he fell immediately. I walked over his crumpled body he moaned, as I walked over to where he had to move Deena.
“What did you say before Brain?” I asked
“A gatekeeper,”
I will have to research that when I wake up. A Gatekeeper of what? Just a Gatekeeper hmm I pressed my lips together, it was then I started to feel dizzy. I started to sway from side to side Brain rushed over to me. I started to see darkness again…
I awoke to find that, I had been moved to my bed. With Desmin, sitting on the corner of the bed with his head hands.
“What are you doing?” I said
He turned to face me, smiled, and said
“I think the best way for us to continue this is if you and I do some training “
I nodded I reached over to him.
“How about we start this tomorrow?” I said
I yawned to show that I was sleepy, he nodded glumly and got up
“You also said Brain’s name when you're asleep, is everything okay.”
I nodded, he walked over to the door and said
“Well, then good night.”
“Goodnight Desmin,” I said
As he left, I heard the door close I ran to find my phone. Open the app for the internet, did a quick search for Gatekeeper, click through some pages, and found that it all led to the Gatekeeper of Hell.
She can’t seriously mean that the Gatekeeper of Hell can she?
What the hell?
She also mentioned something about the angels?
I called Brody,
“Are you, Angel?”
“What do you mean an Angel you know that I’m not that, now what got you saying that”
“Just a dream I had”
“Tell me about it” he sounded quite firm
“Well I saw Deena, and she told me, that I’m a Gatekeeper. Also that I had managed to make some angels in an efficient fighting team. Considering where I first saw you in the white place, where was that, and who are you?”
“Well first off, you have nothing to worry about I am an angel and so are my brothers however what we said when we first met was true that we are here to stop your family. You’re an assassin you kill vampires and other monsters that go bump in the middle of the night. And Madam Red, who has helped so many people, you had enhanced people's life who thought that they had no chance at survival.”
“That sounds good when you say it but why doesn’t it when I say it?”
“That because you don’t believe it when you say it, but when I say I believe because it is true you are a strong person.”
“But I’m not strong, enough to stop my family, I’m not strong to protect you guys all the time. I can’t even pass the test that Desmin put so he's not letting me go on missions. So what good am I? I should have just let Debra stay and gone in the orb with the family.”
“ Rita I can’t say anything that I haven’t before, but it all comes down to the fact you made the choice that you wanted to stay, you fought Debra, you have saved us on many occasions that I lost count. You will pass this test that you’re going on about, and you don’t have to be strong we can be strong for you when you are not that's what family is for and maybe one day we will be the one protecting you instead of the way it is.”
I shirred his right, I have to stop overthinking things, and I will get through this. I had better change the topic. Hmm, well I can ask what Deena meant by that I’m a Gatekeeper.
”What a Gatekeeper?”
“A what?”
“A Gatekeeper”
“Did Deena also tell that?”
“She kind of said that I was a Gatekeeper.”
“Well that might explain what happens at the party, but that is something I have looked into my dear.”
With that he hung up, I guess I should get some sleep, after all, I believe Desmin wants me to start training with him tomorrow let's see how that goes…

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