The Mile High Club

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We arrive and are welcomed to the club and they put us in one of their best tables. We can see out the windows, mom and Anastasia are having their visions and dad and I help get them to the tables. Anastasia has her cane and mom is talking to her about what it looks like and that the owner is single and they met his sister about a month ago. Dad is proud of all of his family. He helps mom and Anastasia to our table. I get there and help Anastasia sit down and dad helps mom. Finally their visions clear up.
Isn't it beautiful Anastasia, she looks around and says it is very beautiful. We are served our appetizers and then the meals. It is wonderful. Anastasia turns 19 in three months. Her college is her priority and she keeps having visions, but, I suspect it is something very private because she turns red a few times.
I am attempting to eat between the visions and they are embarrassing and I can't discuss them. I am enjoying private moments with an unknown man, but I can't see his face and barely make out his body. Finally it stops and we can finish our meals. Now mom is having a vision and her hearing us is not happening, but she has a big smile on her face as she tries her desert.
I arrive at the restaurant and head straight back to Christian's private tables. Mom and dad are waiting for us there. Soon Kate and Elliott arrive. They have definitely became a couple after she let him know that if he dates others then she has the same freedom to date others as well. It kept arguing it is different for a man and she said well then go looking for different and I will too. She said to her that means both of them can go out with whomever they wish to. And he said fine, do as you please and so shall I. Every time he called her for a date she failed to pick up her phone. She was in Barbados with her family but failed to tell him. I decided he was being an ass to her and didn't tell him where she was. He saw photos of her on my phone with a man hugging her in them. Of course I decided not to ease his mind and tell him that the man was her brother. So here they are having dinner together as friends only according to the both of them. I notice Anastasia and Carla sitting with what looks like their family members. I wave and they wave back, I think Carla told her to wave because she has her cane with her.
Three security guards are here with me after the fiasco earlier today. I have them sit at the table beside us where the other security arrives. Mia was waving her hand at first I thought she was waving at us, but she was waving at a table with four people who look like a family. I look and see a very beautiful young lady sitting at the table as I look at her she turns bright red. But she isn't looking at me, at that moment I see the cane with the red tip and she wasn't looking at me, because she is blind. I finally sit down and order my food. Of course Kate is here and she knows all about what happened at GEH today.
Got a girl in a cake today did you? Did she sing happy birthday to you?
Really? I bet that was fun even more so since it isn't your birthday yet. Tell us more.
I am not going to entertain you with all the crazy people who found there way into my lobby. He turns to Kate and says tell me more.
Well his regular receptionist called out ill and her cousin was brought in as a temporary receptionist. She helped plan this along with their other cousin. Not sure of their names though. But while they were thinking of how to scan the cake to see what was in it music started playing and the cake popped up with his receptionist in a barely there bikini. During this time Christian moved to the safe area in the lobby. While everyone was watching things the one called Leila put a gun to his head, then they put a gun to Taylor and Sawyers head. They pretty much couldn't get out of the situation. Barney had created an alarm system that created a wall around Christian after he hit the panic button they are set up to activate the silent alarms for the other security to come save them. It all worked out and the three are behind bars at this point.
I hope you give them a bonus for everything they did and next time don't allow cakes like that delivered from now on. Were all three related to each other?
Yes they were cousins. Mia who were you waving at?
Oh I met them before we went on the boat the night you broke up with Sherry. The two women are psychics and the predicted you would dump Sherry. They also predicted a few other things and it seems they could end up being right about things. They are the Lamberts they have a place on the boardwalk.
How much did they get from you for the predictions? I bet it was a pretty penny.
I gave them twenty dollars, but she gave fifteen back because she only gave me five dollars worth of her visions.
Really, that was nice of her. What would twenty get you?
I don't think they can tolerate twenty dollars worth. During their visions of the future one goes blind and the other loses her hearing. I have never known psychics so I don't know how it works and don't know if it is normal for that to happen or not. It looks like they have left already.

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