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I am worried that my plans to propose to Kate are going to get screwed up yet again. I am looking for the damn box with the ring in it and can't seem to find it anywhere. Christian calls just as I need to leave for the restaurant where they have set everything up for the perfect date to ask her to marry me. I am surprised that Christian hasn't bought an engagement ring for Anastasia as much as they are together. He wants her by his side even if she is just studying her college courses. I think I feel the same way about Kate. The Lamberts some how scare me with all that psychic stuff but it has saved me a few times. I finally answer Christian's call and he says Anastasia said to look in your jeans, the ones with the rips and the ring is in them. I run to the laundry room and there it is. I tell him to thank her and hang up.
Are you sure you don't mind if we just go and get married and not have the big wedding most women want?
We have talked about why we can't have all of that, the paparazzi will not hesitate to print photos of me and then it will start all over again for Austin. I can't allow that to happen again.
I think you are keeping a vision from me again.
Yes I am and it is for your own good, but things will turn out for the best you will see.
Grrr you know how I feel about your psychic abilities they just give you a huge advantage over us mere humans.
But you love me anyway lol. Let's get going before it's too late as I try to figure out where he is at. He takes my hand and puts my cane in my hand and I smile as I grab my purse from it's usual place. I have to move it tonight to my dominate hand so I can have my gun ready for our surprise guest. My carry and conceal license was tricky to get. Imagining that day in my mind as a vision blinded me as I was filling out the forms mom, dad and Austin assisted me filling it out. I just signed it in front of the person at the desk.
Christian and Anastasia are nearby for moral support, but they can't be seen by us. Kate looks gorgeous and Christian made sure we have the best servers tonight and they know tonight is important and they have went above and beyond for us. Kate is amazed at the way they decorated it in her favorite colors and flowers. The candlelight is just right and soft lighting we can adjust as we wish. The view of Seattle is perfect. Her favorite music is being played throughout the restaurant just for tonight.
I sit and we order our food and a cart is brought in with various containers of liquid and deserts. From my view they look heart shaped. I know it's not Valentine's Day. Everything is beautiful including Elliott he is very nervous and he has his best suit on. Well the one I love him in, he looks like a high end fashion model. We don't get through our dinner when we hear a gun shot. The bodyguards are in front of immediately telling us to stay put.
I never thought I would be asking Kate to marry me hiding behind bodyguards, but I pull out the ring and ask her to marry me. Live or die will you please marry me?
Well yes, but we aren't going to die so you will be marrying you know that right?
I have had this ring for six months, let's get married as soon as possible.
We can set a date later right I need a kiss. We start making out while hiding under the table. This is a proposal no one will forget. Started out typical and romantic and ended up under the table. Not that we haven't both been under a table before lol
A shot of led for Holly Lightly.
I am suddenly aware of a skirmish nearby and Anastasia tells me to call security now. She is sitting calmly and I see her gun, she had kept her hands very close to that stupid looking bag of hers. It is a brocade fabric and an antique. After tonight I am not saying a thing. She has taken aim at Miss Lightly and told her to drop the gun.
Miss Lightly somehow blames me and Christian for her poor choices and found her way up to the restaurant and got past the security by using her old uniform and new employees that weren't aware she didn't work here. Once she spotted us she charged at us with murder in her eyes. She has made it to our table and has fired a shot at me as I get off a round the hits her in the chest. Her bullet misses me and hits a server in the arm. I put my gun down so the police can take it into evidence. Christian had security assure no one leaves until the cops get all the witnesses names. Poor Elliott and Kate. This was supposed to be romantic and I watch as the cops arrive and the EMT's are getting the wounded Miss Lightly and Paul Ascher the new server, poor guy it was his first day too.
Elliott and Kate emerge from the private dining room looking very happy and hair out of place.
Paul Ascher
I was hired because Holly told me about a new position here and several others opening up. She forgot to tell me she had been fired at all. So I was not aware she wasn't an employee when she came up in the elevators with me earlier. I didn't see her again until she started charging at the VIP table I was serving. I saw the gun the young blind woman pulled out before I realized that Holly had a gun pointed at our way she took a shot and at same time the young woman shot and had I not moved she would have killed me. As it is my arm will need surgery the bodyguard grabs something to place a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. He sits me down and the EMT's are on their way for me and Holly. Now I am glad no one knows I know Holly right now, but I am going to be hon3st with them especially after I hear the conversations about Holly getting fired and she wasn't supposed to be on the property.
I tell the EMT's to take him to Seattle Grace hospital and let them know Christian Grey wants the best care for him. I look at Anastasia and ask her about whether she saw this coming or not.
Yes I saw it coming and no you can't prevent things from happening you just need to know how to survive the events. I have had my gun since I was allowed by law to have it. Holly survived, but they will be taking her the ventilator soon due to lack of brain activity. She had a rare blood type and they had no way to transfuse her.

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