Mia Falls

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I decided to work in my brother's Mile High Club as a chef trainee. My first night there I found out why they needed to wear certain types of footwear in the kitchen the hard way. A waiter caught me as I was falling and carried me out of the kitchen. He sat me down and informed me there are good reasons for type of apparel they require in the kitchen especially the footwear. He went and found me coverlets to put on my shoes and asked me if I was okay to go back to work? I just nodded my head and thanked him after checking his name tag. Paul was very kind and helpful without being condescending to me. The head chef however no so much. He told me if I wanted to work in his kitchen I will wear what is required of me or go home.
I knew I was going to save Mia Grey from being seriously injured, I just hadn't figured it would be my first day back to work and her first day as a trainee kitchen staff. We hadn't ever met or really saw each other until now. At least I don't lose my sight or hearing like mom and Anastasia do. Dad and I can heal people, but it drains all our energy from us and we don't want to do it anymore. We are trying to get away from the psychic business. We hired other psychics to work at the place on the waterfront. Well maybe not hired, but rented it out like a hairdresser would to hairdressers. They pay us a certain amount for their spots each month and anything they make beyond the rent is theirs. They make a lot of money. The better they are the more they get. As the owners of the place we have a disclaimer posted before you go through for your readings. We can't be held liable for others readings or predictions. Mia has been working hard in the kitchen and the head chef is giving her a very hard time. I think he does that to everyone though. I finally get a break for lunch. We get to try out their new dishes and review them. Some make me think they use us to torture our taste buds.
I finally got my act together and my food is starting to taste very nice if I say so. Today I was given a task of cooking the meals for staff lunches and come up with something simple but elegant. Four courses later the employees are asking for seconds and the chef is adding my courses to the lunch and dinner menus. Paul Ascher was the guy who got shot by the crazy ex employee, I hadn't realized who he was until the head chef told me after he asked me out. He told me everyone knows I am the owners sister and as such might draw unwanted attraction from staff members. I don't think that is the case with Paul, but if it is I will know soon enough.
Chef Artemis Smith
Mia is very naïve when it comes to what people she can trust and not trust. Her brother gave me strict instructions to not go easy on her in the training and so far I haven't and her skills are amazing. I just don't want her to get special treatment. She is creating new dishes, but I can't promote her yet. I have noticed a few of the staff trying to befriend her, but they want more from her than friendship. They want her wealthy contacts as well. Not on my watch. I think Paul is not that type and has finally asked her out. I told him he better be good to her or else. He said he would treat her nice. Her family decided a surprise visit for lunch to taste her lunch menu would be great idea. She was so nervous about them coming to eat her food she nearly burnt it. Paul calmed her down and then she recalled that she told them she was going out with him, so they are all here to check him out as well.
They send Mia's boyfriend over to wait on us. Apparently he is their best waiter so far. I have to say he is keeping his cool and he is an exceptional waiter. All of us are here to check him out. Anastasia and Christian know him and his family at this point. He is in college as well. Mia wants to become a chef and we have heard good things, but I still want her to attend college and she finally appeased me and is going to college. Not sure I like the courses she is taking though.
I like Mia's boyfriend, he is very nice to her and he isn't after anything like the rest of the guys. They want an introduction to her wealthy family and that is all. Well except being seen with Mia couldn't hurt. She caught on very quickly and has started choking her friends.better. She has found out just what people can be like if they think they can use you they will. If they can't they aren't there for you when you really need them. She has been in her brothers shadows for so long and her so called friends just wanted to meet her brothers so they might marry a man with money and looks. Elliott and Christian lucked out finding Anastasia and Kate. Well Mia found them both and brought them both home to dinner. We first thought Anastasia was a bit strange, but we found out she and her family were really psychics. It takes getting used to all of it especially the blind and deaf parts of it all. Robert is an accountant and Carla and Anastasia own property on the waterfront that they rent out. Austin is attending college and so are Carla and Anastasia. They all keep a very low profile.

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