Theodore Carrick & Robert Christian Grey

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Holds his new born boys finally while he waits for Anastasia to come out of her medically induced coma. Our boys are out of the NICU and are thriving. They have gained the weight on that they lost after being born. They gained three ounces each. They look identical but I noticed a birthmark that Theodore has on his left arm and Robert has on his right arm. Carla has assured us that Anastasia will be okay and Austin, Robert and her saw this happening and she will come out of it.
I have been healing Anastasia Along with dad while we are alone with Anastasia. We already healed the boys. Anastasia would want us to save her babies first. They look like Christian completely it is amazing. They have our birthmarks though. It looks like a bird. Mom and dad hope they don't get our gifts. They aren't always something we can deal with easily. Mostly we hope for the good things. Anastasia is supposed to awaken soon, but she has been having nightmares and she never tells us what they are about. Mom thinks she saw this coming but kept it to herself, because just because you see things doesn't mean you can prevent the end result. The shooting was supposed to end the way it did. A number of reasons were to assure Paul and Mia ended up together.
I hear babies crying and I start feeling my tummy and it is gone. Christian is talking to me and I blink my eyes open and he leans down and kisses me and welcomes me back. I hear him ask someone to get the doctor. I hear someone else as well. Not sure who it is but she seems a bit too friendly with Christian for my taste. He finally tells her to find a different nurse to take her place. He leans down and tells me she just got assigned to my care this morning and he finally got sick of her attention on him and not taking care of my needs. The dr finally arrives with a new nurse following behind him. Christian tells him he no longer wants Nurse Davis to be assigned as my care giver. He explained exactly why and after hearing that she was paying more attention to him than to me or our boys. She would find every way possible to get his attention and had not taken proper care of me.
I ask for a different nurse than nurse Davis and they bring in an order lady to care for Anastasia. Nurse Louis starts looking over the charts and sees that nurse Davis hasn't done any of her assigned tasks and starts taking care of everything right a2ay. She barely notices anyone else in the room. She helps Anastasia get a shower and gets her in solutions in order and changes her bedding and starts having orderlies coming and going doing her bidding and soon Anastasia has her babies in her arms and the bassinets all organized. We learn that since Anastasia is in good shape she can go home with the babies, but has to take it easy until he gets better.
Nurse Louis
These young nurses don't take their jobs seriously around handsome billionaires. Nurse Davis has assured her place in the geriatric ward. She pulls this down there and she will be fired immediately. She should have been fired this time. Luckily she wasn't here long enough to do damage to her career, but I assured her that she better not pull this stunt again or I would make sure she is known as a gold digging nurse. Patients and their family don't need those around. I guess she figured mrs Grey being in a coma and all that she could hit on her husband in hopes of being the next mrs Grey. If she had read the chart she would see mrs Grey wasn't dying. I learned after I got the from my shift that nurse Davis pulled a lot of strings to bc mrs Grey's nurse. It didn't last a day, her husband figured out she was just there to flirt with him and got her out of there very quickly. Smart man, guess that is why he is a self made billionaire. His looks and money was her real reason for wanting to be the nurse. Her boss in geriatric is not going to go soft on her. He takes caring for his patients very seriously.
Christian called me about the flirting nurse and I called nurse Louis and had her check things out and she did and took ver Anastasia's are immediately and let me know what was going on and that luckily she had only been Anastasia's nursed for four hours. She got Anastasia up to date on all of the things ordered right away. She sent nurse Davis to geriatric unit and the best nurse on staff. He will assure she get the message. The hospital isn't to meet rich husband's or wives.
I was holding my hand babies and talking to them a lot. Robert is so proud of them as well. Finally Anastasia is a2ay so they take the boys to see her and we follow them to her room.
Our grandchildren have been visited quite often by us and the Grey family. Plus they have security watching over them and Anastasia. The paparazzi has tried to gain access to them and Anastasia. I am glad they were informed they would be arrested if they didn't leave immediately.
The babies finally are in the room with Anastasia and she wants to finally hold them. Christian has leaned how to change and feed them since she was in a coma. At first he was afraid he would do something wrong, but he got over it quickly. Now he is a pro at it. Carrick and Elliott teased him about it. I look at Elliott and tell him he will do it soon enough. He looked frightened by that and asked me if I knew something he didn't know?
Kate and I talked about when we were going to have babies. We decided to wait until she gets her degree. I still think I didn't have a vote at all in this matter. Mom said she wasn't aware of Kate being pregnant because they aren't close like that. I think she is closer to Anastasia than Kate. Kate really doesn't like Anastasia at all. I don't think Anastasia cares at all whether she does or doesn't like her especially after Nina.

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